Count of Wizards

Chapter 286: Limit conflict objects

If Connor remembers correctly, in the year Connor Ferguson, the original owner of this body, just came to Ruen to study, the Hoffenheim Kingdom supported by the East Hoy Company organized a massive 500,000 people. Soldiers, wanted to conquer the Lance tribe. The war was fought for half a year. Although the Lance tribe has the support of major countries on the Byzantine continent, it has always been In order to avoid being conquered by the entire tribe, all men over the age of twelve and under 70 have gone to the battlefield.

In the end, although the Lance tribe successfully prevented their tribe from becoming a vassal of the East Hoy Company under the joint mediation of the Fast Empire and the Persis Kingdom, they only paid ten thousand gold pounds in compensation. It also paid a tragic price. Not only did the entire tribe completely open the market to the goods of the Fast Empire and the Persis Kingdom, the tribe, which originally had millions of young men, was paralyzed by the age of ninety after the war ended. The old man in the bed, down to the baby who was just born and waiting to be fed, plus the whole tribe of men can be worth breaking the million mark!

It has only been a few years since the last war ended? It can be three years. In such a short period of time, the Lance tribe has completely recovered the losses it lost in the last war. Even the huge wounds caused by the war have not been healed yet! Connor felt that the upper class of the Lance tribe, how many times had their heads caught by the door before they dared to initiate a war?

Based on this reasoning, Connor did not believe that the border area North Lecce under the jurisdiction of the East Hoy Company, which was reported by the Ruen Kommersant newspaper, was caused by the Lance tribe!

If Northern Lecce is really beaten, there are only two possibilities. The first is that the gang of war madmen of East Hoy Company directed and played a bitter trick to make the anti-war people in the empire shut up and seek With the full support of the empire, they completely eliminated the Lance tribe, which was regarded as a thorn in their eyes, and led to the conquest of the Central Hoy Continent!

The East Hoy Company has attacked the Middle Hoy Continent for so many years, and the plan of the East Hoy Company is no longer a big secret. The upper layers of the entire Kaman Empire are very clear. Their plan is to kill the chickens and show them to the monkeys. , Use the extinct Lance tribe to show off their powerful force, so as to deter the Hoy tribes who are hesitant in the Hoy continent, so that they can obey the will of the East Hoy Company and become the Hoy Tribe supported by the East Hoy Company. Part of the Hoffenheim Kingdom of the Iraqi puppet regime.

It is precisely because the East Hoy Company’s plan is so well-known to passers-by that the Lance tribe, the mud that can’t support the wall, has the support of so many countries and forces that want to stop the East Hoy Company. Otherwise, who would choose millions of golden pounds, millions of golden pounds to smash against a stupid, greedy, and profit-seeking Hoi tribe like the Lance tribe?

At first, for the Lance tribe, the gateway to the Middle Hoy region, the East Hoy Company was also to appease and solicit purchases. The leader of the Lance tribe at the time was to get the one million promised by the Persis Kingdom. Persis silver dollar, blatantly killed the messenger sent by East Hoy Company and completely angered East Hoy Company, and this was reduced to the poor chicken that East Hoy Company wanted to kill!

Now think about the time when Desilio came back to the empire. Although it looks like a bitter trick, Connor is a little hesitant about the idea of ​​a bitter trick. After all, what happened in Northern Lecce, and Desili Ao’s arrival and time have been linked together. The taste of bitterness is a bit too obvious. Although East Hoy’s behavior in the past was also very overbearing, it has not yet treated everyone like this as a fool to let him fool!

But if it is not a bitter trick, then the North Lecce situation is very worthy of fun. It is absolutely impossible for the Lance tribe itself to take the initiative to attack the East Hoy Company. If the North Lecce is really like the Ruen Kommersant reported. The attack is likely to be other Hoy tribes in the Middle Hoy area, or the foreign legions of the Persis Kingdom and the Fast Empire named after the mercenaries hired by the Lance tribe, or both United did it by the name of the Lance tribe!

Looking at the six characters of "Luen Kommersant" in the newspaper in his hand, Connor couldn't help thinking. Connor never thought he was the smartest person. Only he could think of so many things. Although the ruling class of the Kaman Empire has many dudes, there is no shortage of elites with unique vision and foresight. What he can think of Connor, those elites will definitely be able to think of!

The reason why the Luen Kommersant has become an authoritative media in the Ruen area is that it has a great influence in Ruen and even the west coast of the empire centered on Ruen. It has a lot to do with the power it represents. Behind the Luen Kommersant is the joint control of many large chambers of commerce in Ruen, which represents a group of merchants on the west coast of the empire. It can be said that every article published by the Ruen Kommersant can be said to convey to the merchant group on the west coast of the Empire sound.

Although he did not read the reports of the Luen Evening News which represents the small citizen group and the Empire Daily News which represents the Empire zf, Connor is very clear about the power that these authoritative media represent in the face of such important news. Behind-the-scenes negotiations are bound to take place. Now that the Luen Kommersant has reported it, it shows that these forces have reached a consensus on their viewpoints and positions!

From the analysis of more than a dozen reports on the Luen Kommersant in hand, these only mention the Lance tribe, and there is no foreign army of the Fast Empire and the Kingdom of Persis, and the Chinese The words of other Hoi tribes in the Hoi continent. What does this mean? Is it something Connor can think of, what the elites in the power represented by these authoritative media have not thought of?

Not at all! The rhetoric of these media proves that the various forces within the empire have reached an agreement, and the conflict that broke out in the northern Lecce state of the Hoy continent is limited to the East Hoy Company and the Lance tribe! And to move a mere Lance tribe, East Hoy Company itself is completely enough, without the empire's support!

Although he had already affirmed this idea in his mind, Connor walked out of the apartment to be on the safe side. Thanks to the newsboy’s great gratitude, he signed all the newspapers today. As expected, he couldn’t help but imperial daily and Lu. The authoritative media reports such as the En Kommersant and the Ruen Evening News, that is, other newspapers are like the Ruen Kommersant, only talking about the Lance tribe, and nothing else!

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