Count of Wizards

Chapter 284: No. 7 test product

After entering the opera house, Varga, like the young men and women in love who came to the opera house for a date, bought tickets and sat in the auditorium waiting for the opera house's performance today.

Varga came very early. After she took her seat, she waited for a full half an hour before the performance in the opera house officially kicked off. What they are going to perform today is the classic created by the great Raul of the Kaman Empire. Opera "La Traviata"

"Friends! Tonight belongs to us, give us unlimited joy tonight, let us lift up the glass of happiness"


"So this is Alfred? Amon, you will never find such a love in the world when you travel the world."


I have to say that the actors of the Erkao Opera House performed very well. The acting skills and emotions are very online. With the development of the plot, the audience in the auditorium will soon be immersed in the La Traviata and the actor Al In the miserable love story of Mang, Varga, who had been sitting quietly at this time, got up and left the auditorium, and quietly walked into the basement of the opera house.

"You're late!" Unlike the dark basement that people think, the basement below the opera house is spacious and bright with bright lights. At this time, the big boss behind the opera house, Mr. Emery, is dressed neatly. Appeared in the basement, his eyes like a falcon were staring at Varga as he walked into the basement.

"Why are you looking for me?" Varga ignored Emery's dissatisfaction, and said lightly:

"What do you say I'm looking for you for?" Mr. Emery asked angrily when he heard Varga's question:

"Emery is kind, and I am willing to give you a suggestion. When speaking, first think about your identity!" Varga's eyes swept coldly on Emery's body and said calmly:

Feeling the cold chill in Varga's eyes, the anger on Mr. Emery's face also completely dissipated. After a moment of silence, he said in a deep voice, "Sorry!"

After hearing Emery's apology, Varga didn't take it easy and said in a calm tone: "What do you want to ask, let's talk about it!"

"What happened to the person who followed me that day? Why did you and I discuss it together and let me leave?" Although Mr. Emery's tone was much calmer than before, the inter-verbal questioning asked him. The meaning is still very obvious.

Although he asked Emery what he was doing, in fact Varga seemed very clear about what question Emery wanted to ask himself. After Emery finished asking, Varga said without any hesitation, "That person is still alive. As for The reason why I took the first shot is because your poor acting skills have made that person realize that you have spotted his stalking and have deliberately transferred him out of the city. If I don't do it again, that person will run away."

"As for why I let you leave, the reason is very simple. The strength of that person, you and I can defeat him, but you can't kill him, let alone capture him alive. In that case, don't expose you. The organization treats you. How much resources this dark child has invested, you should know better than me as a party!

Mr. Emery was obviously not satisfied with the explanation given by Varga, but perhaps he had accepted the advice Varga had just given him. He stared at Varga and said word by word: "About this matter, I will Report the truth to Victor Butler!"

"It's up to you!" Facing Emery's threat, Varga looked as usual and said noncommittal:

"The No. 3 fleet of the Valencia Chamber of Commerce will start sailing to Hoy in a week. How long will it take for your side to develop the No. 7 test product?" After finishing this topic, Emery seemed to have thought of something. Turning the front of the conversation, he continued to ask:

Hearing the words "Test No. 7", Varga's eyes became solemn. After a little thought, she shook her head and said: "About Test No. 7, Mr. Gulsi personally studied it. I Although she assisted her in doing some work, she never let me get in touch with the real core research. I thought of a lot of ways and couldn't get to the core content. However, according to my calculation, she should have completed the core research a week ago. Research work on the No. 7 test article!",

At the end of hearing, Emery's eyes sharpened instantly. To make sure that he had not misunderstood, he confirmed to Varga: "Are you sure that Dr. Gulsi had completed the study of the No. 7 test item a week ago? "

"I'm not 100% sure, but I found this in her laboratory!" Varga took a vial from his space ring and handed it to Emery very solemnly.

"What is this?" After taking the vial from Varga, Mr. Emery raised his eyebrows and asked curiously:

"This is the semi-finished residue of the No. 7 test product I secretly collected in the laboratory half a month ago. These residues have gone through the third process. In theory, after the third process is completed, the No. 7 test product There will be no technical difficulties in the research and The rest is just some ordinary finishing work. Even if Mr. Gursi completes this work alone, it only takes three days at the fastest and one week at the slowest. Inside, it will be done too!" Varga explained:

Hearing Varga said that the small bottle in his hand now contained the semi-finished residue of the seventh test article, Emery's eyes looked at the small bottle suddenly became very solemn.

Observing the look in Emery’s eyes, Varga seemed to know that Emery would be so jealous. She sneered and said, “Don’t worry, this bottle of mine is specially made, and there is a special seal on it for those residues, which will never leak Yes, all you have to do is to convey my words and this thing to Victor butler level without any changes!"

Although I got a safe answer from Varga, the fear in Emery's eyes looking at the thing in his hand did not decrease much. Obviously Emery knew exactly how terrifying the contents of the bottle were.

"I will bring things and words!" Emery said in a deep voice:

"Very good!" Seeing that Emery had nothing else to look for himself, Varga nodded in satisfaction, walked out of the basement, and returned to the auditorium again silently.

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