Count of Wizards

Chapter 282: Who else can I believe if I don't believe you?

Although Connor's acting skills as a "strength acting school" are very online, and the expression on his face is not unusual, how can his suspicious temperament be hidden from the person next to his pillow? Seeing Connor like this, Varga immediately realized what Connor was thinking about. Varga glared at Connor with a pretty face, and Yushou was not idle, just pinched **** his waist. On top of the soft meat!

The soft flesh around his waist was attacked in this way, and Connor was immediately pulled back from his thoughts to reality, and he made a scream as a gesture;


Hearing Connor’s screams, Varga was satisfied to let go of the jade hand twisting the soft flesh of Connor’s waist, staring into Connor’s eyes and said earnestly: “The meditation idea I am practicing now is taught by the secret society. I made an oath without the permission of the secret society. I can’t disclose and teach the details of my meditation ideas to others, so I’m sorry Connor, I can’t tell you too much about meditation ideas, I The only thing I can tell you is that the high-level meditation thoughts I have cultivated have a very incredible effect, especially in the life system, you and me just now, so I perceive that there is an abnormality in your Shenhai."

Although Varga’s tone was very serious, the lower he said, the smaller his voice. When it comes to the last paragraph, his voice has become very small due to shyness. If Connor is an ordinary person, it will even become smaller. You may not hear what Varga is saying at the end.

Listening to Varga’s explanation, Connor also realized something in his heart, and his doubts about Varga basically dissipated. Connor, who also practiced the advanced meditation idea "The Secret of the Abyss" taught by Reyes, naturally knew the secret very well. How amazing are the high-level meditation ideas taught by the society, and it is obviously not surprising that such a pharmacy genius as Varga can get the high-level meditation ideas taught by the secret society!

The doubts in his heart were resolved, and Connor had a wry smile on his face, hesitatingly said: "Varga, don't think about it, if I don't even believe you, who can I believe? It's just my current one. This thing is so tricky that I can't help but be more cautious!"

"A few days ago, I fought with people, and the other party released a gray-white mist. This mist has a great limit on my mental power. I thought that the other party would sneak attack on me with these gray-white mist, so I didn't act rashly. , Released the defensive enchantment. In the gray mist, I wanted to cope with all the changes, but it is very strange that the person who fought with me did not sneak attack on me in the gray mist, but under the cover of the gray mist. Retreat!"

"At the beginning I was puzzled by the person's actions, but until today I didn't feel the anomaly in my deep sea. My divine sea was infected with some unknown virus, and a small gray dot appeared in the divine sea, Val Plus, you know that I am a spiritual wizard, and the high-level meditations that I have cultivated have self-healing ability, but whether I want to run meditations to heal themselves, or take the healing potions you gave me before, or other methods , There is no way to cure this virus. Not only that, my treatment method seems to not only not solve the virus, but also provides nourishment for the virus. The virus has now expanded in my Shenhai!"

Since Varga asked about it, Kang An had no reservations. Except for the initial cause, after he had used it to fight with others, he basically told Varga about the rest of the situation. After Connor is looking at Varga with some hope, according to Varga, the high-level meditation thoughts she cultivated can be so magical. In the process, you can perceive that there is a problem with Connor’s Divine Sea, so is it true? Can this unknown virus in the Connor Sea of ​​Gods be solved? If Varga can really do this, then there is no need for Connor to go to his mentor Reyes!

I think that compared to the mentor Reyes he is afraid of, he is still a docile and lovely pillow man, so Connor can feel more at ease!

In Connor’s hopeful gaze, Varga was lost in thought, and her delicate and lovely eyebrows were also frowned, which was very pitiful. She raised her head and asked Connor seriously after thinking about it for ten minutes. Na, can you open up Shenhai and let me observe the virus?"

Facing Varga's request, although Shenhai is the most core place of a wizard, Connor made a decision quickly after hesitating a little. He nodded affirmatively at Varga.

Connor knows very well that he went to find Reyes, and Reyes will probably let him open Shenhai and let him observe the gray and white ones, since he wants to open Shenhai so that people can observe the virus in his Shenhai. , Varga is obviously more reassuring than Reyes. After all, Varga is only an intermediate wizard apprentice. It’s really unfortunate to be in the situation, as a spiritual power far beyond the same level of wizards. Wizard, Connor also has the confidence to keep his Shenhai safe.

Seeing that Connor agreed to open up his sea of ​​Gods for his own observation of the virus so quickly, Varga was very pleased to feel Connor’s trust in her, and Sakura’s lips took the initiative to imprint Connor’s big mouth. Varga observed the virus infected in the sea of ​​God, UU Reading Connor did not hesitate, he just started to act.

Under Connor’s guidance, Varga’s mental power slowly penetrated into Connor’s body, and under Connor’s opening, he entered Connor’s divine sea. Varga’s beautiful eyes closed, and the mental power was carefully felt. Looking at the small grayish white spot in Connor's Divine Sea.

After observing for more than a minute, Varga's mental power also left Connor's body under Connor's guidance.

"How? Are there any eyebrows?" Connor asked urgently when he saw Varga's beautiful eyes reopened. All his hopes to solve this virus in his sea of ​​God now rest on Varga's body. If there is no other way, he really can only bite the bullet and go to Reyes!

Varga, whose beautiful eyes opened, smiled at Connor, and Yushou gently patted his sizable pair of yts, and said to Connor somewhat fortunately: "It's the same thing as I guessed. But fortunately in the early stage, it only takes a period of conditioning and it can be completely resolved without leaving any hidden dangers!"

When Varga said this, Connor's heart was overjoyed. Listening to Varga's words, it seems that she knows what the virus is infected in Shenhai, and knows how to treat the virus. If it is, it would be really great!

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