Count of Wizards

Chapter 275: Intimidation

This is ten thousand gold pounds! With a stroke of Mr. Harvey's pen, he doesn't have to pay it back!

Regarding the contract before him, Connor must admit that it was with his concentration and the city, facing such temptation, but also swaying, if not sitting on a magic stone mine of inestimable value, Connor I wonder if I will sign my name on this contract at this moment.

Looking at the corner of his mouth with a grin, Connor let out a sigh of relief in his mouth with a confident Mr. Harvey, and put the contract cancellation letter worth tens of thousands of pounds on the side table, a little regretful and sincere. Mr. Harvey said: "I am dissatisfied with the meeting gifts of my uncle and elders. Connor Ferguson received a lot, but 10,000 gold pounds as a meeting gift really opened my eyes and gained my knowledge. The gift is too big and hot! Please tell me what Uncle wants Connor to do!"

Seeing that Connor had the guts to refuse him, he did not accept the "meeting gift" he gave him but put it on the table, Mr. Harvey could not help but put away the smile from the corner of his mouth, and a trace of his eyes also appeared in his eyes. Faint anger, but after hearing Connor's words, the anger in Mr. Harvey's eyes turned into a touch of admiration.

"You have money in your arms without losing your sense, Connor, you are very good!" Mr. Harvey, admiring his palm:

"Uncle praised, the gift of clarifying the true uncle really made me panic!" Connor said with a wry smile:

In a courteous sentence, Mr. Harvey said with a deep voice: "Connor, you are also from the Earl Ferguson family. It should be clear to a family like ours that it is not uncommon for a family like ours to fight for power. I am the head of the Sanchez family. But I am also the father of Olsen and George. I heard that Olsen framed George last time. George wanted to get revenge on Olsen. You dissuaded him. I hope you can still dissuade George from doing so. Olsen’s killing, he will be the only heir to the Sanchez family, but as a father I don’t want to see my two sons killing each other!"

After listening quietly to Mr. Harvey’s words, although Connor was calm on the surface, his heart was upset. Mr. Harvey found himself saying something like this to himself. Obviously he should have noticed something. Otherwise he would never be like this! Could it be that Mr. Harvey discovered the secret investigation of George and his mother Mrs. Christine?

Mr. Harvey told him this. In fact, seriously speaking, Connor is not surprised. After all, there is only an intersection between him and Mr. Harvey. In addition, his loan from Sanchez Bank is barely half of the money. One, but obviously Mr. Harvey, a big figure in the Loen business community, will never specifically look for him because of a mortgage of about 10,000 gold pounds, so it is obvious that Mr. Harvey must have something to do with George!

Mr. Harvey has already said so obviously, it is obviously out of place to play stupid, but Connor is not sure whether Mr. Harvey has noticed that George already knows that he has tested Olson’s talent for wizards, so he considers it. After a bit of language, Connor deliberately was a little vague, and said equivocally: "Uncle misunderstood. Although he has some complaints about Olsen George, he has not dared to make any trouble. He can only drink and drink with me. Just grumble!"

Connor’s explanation obviously did not satisfy Mr. Harvey. He took a deep look at Connor, and then said: “If you don’t mind, I want to know what George talked about with you the last time George went to your apartment. !"

Although Mr. Harvey’s words were very polite, his tone was undoubtedly an order. However, when he heard Mr. Harvey’s questioning, Connor was overjoyed and relieved a lot. Since Mr. Harvey asked himself the last time George Come to your apartment and talk to yourself, then it is obvious that Mr. Harvey realized what George knew, but he was not sure that George knew that he went to his forbidden Olsen’s manor to measure Olsen’s talent. Things.

What I realize and what I am not sure about, there is more room for operation in the middle.

Although he knew that Mr. Harvey would not believe the prevarication in his mouth, Connor still planned to continue to play sloppy. He rolled his eyes and said, "It’s okay to tell your uncle, it’s actually George’s question of whether he’s going well. The inherited family is a little worried, you also know that there are too many people staring at his current position, and he is under a lot of pressure. Come out."

"Stop!" Mr. Harvey stretched out his hand in Connor's expectation and interrupted Connor's speech, but his next words completely surprised Connor. Mr. Harvey pointed with his cane. Looking in a direction outside the window, he said in a deep voice, "Connor, let’s make a deal. If you choose not to talk, or the answer you tell me, it won’t satisfy me. On such a quiet and peaceful night, that place There will be a fire that everyone will regret"

Looking in the direction pointed by Harvey’s fingers, UU reading combined with the words in his mouth, Na’s eyes suddenly became extremely cold, and Connor clearly recognized it without thinking. , The direction Mr. Harvey is pointing is his apartment! And there is no doubt that Mr. Harvey’s words now are a threat of nakedness.

Seeing the change in Connor’s eyes, Mr. Harvey turned his expressionless voice and said: “But if you tell me that I’m satisfied, not only will your apartment be fine, you can also bring it and save a million pounds. You’re a smart person, Connor. You have to understand the pros and cons of all this. Your Ferguson family won’t have so much income after a year of ten thousand gold pounds, and now they are just between your thoughts, Kang You have three minutes to think about it!"

As soon as Mr. Harvey’s voice fell, Connor felt that there were at least four people around him staring at him secretly. Three of them were great knights from the aura, while the rest of the man’s aura was very strong. It was unfathomable. With Connor’s current strength, under his gaze, a coolness appeared on his back. These four people did not disguise Connor’s prying eyes. Obviously they were warning Kang. Na, don't do anything freaking out!

Feeling these four peepings, even though Connor was extremely angry because of being threatened, the prying eyes of these four people also forced Connor to calm himself down!

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