Count of Wizards

Chapter 268: Break when break

Before George had finished speaking, Connor waved his hand to interrupt him, turned his head and said to Sophia with a curious look of everyone around him; "Our Ferguson family and Ranieri family are family friends, Desily Uncle Aoshi returned to the Empire from the mainland of Hoy. As a descendant of the Ferguson family, I should come to congratulate! ’

Connor’s explanation was quite satisfactory. However, Sophia didn’t care about Connor’s explanation. She was surprised at George, who was sitting next to Connor, who was full of anger and staring at her. She never expected George to react like this. She couldn’t stand Connor’s attitude toward her so coldly and elusively, so she wanted to taunt Connor and let Connor know what he could do with the heir of a lonely earl’s family. of? She has already relied on George, such a big benefactor who wants money, richness, and power!

Seeing the big gold master on her pump like this, Sophia immediately closed her mouth obediently, and she leaned against George in favor, but something she never expected happened. She used to be against George in the past. The act of acting like a spoiled weapon was ineffective at this time. George pushed her away, and then coldly said in a low voice: "Get out! Don't bother me!"

George himself was very irritable at this time. The second guess Connor gave him has been proved to be correct. His father, Mr. Harvey, actually went to his "brother" Orr. Sen tested the wizarding talent, and Olsen hated him deeply. If Olsen really became a wizard, wouldn't George really want to die without a burial place?

After realizing this danger, George immediately felt like a man on his back, and immediately wanted to have a good discussion with Connor. If it weren’t for the fact that he had a leg with Sophia, he had already planned to let Sophia go. Now Sophia dare to go. Taking the initiative to provoke Connor, really recklessly!

Sophia was astonished at George's anger. She had already been so complacent. Why did George treat her like this? Sophia's green tea B eye circles immediately turned red, covering her mouth and ran away...

"It doesn't need to be like this..." After changing a hidden corner with George in the hall, Connor, who saw everything in his eyes, took a glass of wine and took a sip and preached to George indifferently:

"Let Connor laughed at what happened just now..." George smiled apologetically at Connor.

Smiling and punching George in the chest, Connor said with a smile: "You kid are still so polite to me!"

Seeing that Connor looked as usual and was not angry because he accidentally revealed to Sophia on the bed that he had loaned him to the Sanchez Bank, George also secretly relieved.

"Let's talk, what did you find?" Connor asked in a low voice after turning around.

Although Connor didn't say anything to tell him, George knew exactly what Connor was asking. He swept around vigilantly, and after confirming that there were no other people around, he whispered to Connor; Fortunately, Connor, you reminded me that after telling my mother the two speculations you told me, my mother and I split up and started investigating. Just the day before yesterday, I hadn't noticed anything. My mother just told me secretly. She learned from the secretary next to the old man that my father did not go to Lecce that day, but went to Frye!"

When George said the last three words "Frye Town", there was a bleakness in his low voice. He knew very well that his old man was hiding his whereabouts so much. It was by no means as simple as going to see Olsen. The purpose is likely to be to test Olsen’s talent as a wizard, as Connor had guessed. Once Olsen was detected as a wizard and became a wizard, what harm would it do to George? He was shrewd for a lifetime. Mr. Harvey, he would never fail to understand, and this old man still did so without hesitation!

"The gang of knights in your family should be protecting Olsen!" After a moment of silence, Connor said calmly:

Although Connor's thoughts and words were a little jumpy, George quickly reacted, and he was not surprised that Connor knew that their family had knights secretly. He pondered for a while and nodded affirmatively: "At least two great knights!"

"I have four thousand gold pounds in my hand that I was planning to repay the loan. If you use it, take it first!" Connor patted George on the shoulder and said in a deep voice. He knew very well that although George is very rich, he has a lot of money. In the accounts of their family business, Sanchez Bank.

The old man arranged for the gang of knights kept secretly by the family to protect Olsen. If you want to kill Olsen, you must hire a master. The price of a master is not thousands of pounds, but tens of thousands. The Golden Pound started...

And the most important point is Once Olson died, there was no need to leave any clues on the spot. George’s old son, Mr. Harvey, knew that George did it, but before that, George couldn’t make any noise. , Which requires him not to use the money in the Sanchez bank account, otherwise George's move so much money will definitely arouse their old man's vigilance.

Smiling at Connor, George whispered: "Brothers have been around for so many years, and there is no other money. The money for killing the cub was still collected. Connor, you don’t have to worry about repaying the loan. Talkative!"

Just when Connor and George were about to continue their chat, the welcome banquet was officially under the spotlight, and it officially began.

Connor’s Uncle Desilio, Mr. Spalletti, the Mayor of Ruen, and Edel, the bishop of Ruen Storm Church, walked into the banquet hall with a smile. The three of them stood very well. Interesting, it stands to reason that Spalletti and Edel are the landlords, and Desilio is the guest. It should be Desilio who walks on both sides, Spalletti or Edel walks in the middle, but the fact is that Desilio In the middle, Edel walked on Desilio's right and Spalletti walked on Desilio's left.

Although it looks strange, Connor, who is watching these three big brothers, carefully thinks about the relationship between the Ruen Empire and the church, and feels no surprises about the positions of these three. Embi’s neighboring Storm Ocean has been within the traditional sphere of influence of the Storm Church since the day the Storm Church was founded. Although Ruen’s law does not have a rule in black and white, Ruen has been very involved with small merchants and hawkers as well as rich and noble merchants. It is clear that the Church of the Storm enjoys a special status and special rights in the Ruen area that it cannot have anywhere else in the empire...

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