Count of Wizards

Chapter 265: Strange Grey Man

At 9:50 the next morning, Conner brought two large suitcases full of silver dollars to the Kaipa Building that just opened. The Kaipa Building is the most famous place for shopping, leisure and entertainment in the eastern district of Ruen. People who travel to Ruen from other places basically come here to have fun, so although it is just open, there is a lot of people flow.

Connor at this time has become the appearance of going to the Mateis Casino yesterday. He is alive with two large suitcases, like a tourist with too much luggage shopping in the Kaipa Building, there will be no one. Notice him.

It is not the first time that Connor has come to Kaipa Building. Connor soon found the location of the basement. In the Kaipa basement, the place where the Kaipa Building loads goods is very large. In the empty basement, Kang At a glance, Na locked on a man with a dark blue cloak covering his figure and face

The gray-robed man also saw Connor. After the two looked at each other, Connor first spoke in a low voice, "Gondozi's person?"

"Where is the silver dollar?" The gray-robed man didn't have any politeness, and straight to the point. His voice was very hoarse and strange, and his words and words were very awkward.

Connor thought about it for a moment, and opened the two large suitcases he was dragging. Suddenly, the two large suitcases were exposed to the air with the brilliant silver Posis silver dollars.

"A box of fifty thousand silver dollars, two boxes of 100,000 silver dollars in total, exactly ten thousand gold pounds according to the market price!" Connor said coldly. I don't know why, the gray-robed man in front of him made him feel it. There was a dangerous breath.

With the appearance of the silver dollar, Connor's keen inspiration immediately felt a spirit wave bursting out of the man in gray.

"Wizard?" Connor had a question in his mind.

The man in gray who was trading with him was a wizard. Although Connor was a little surprised, it was reasonable. The transaction of RI Jindoujin in Mateis Casino was definitely supported by big forces behind. It is normal for the wizard to trade with himself.

Connor felt the man in gray with an unmoving look, and mentally tested the two large suitcases filled with one hundred thousand silver silver dollars that he had taken out for half a minute. After confirming that they were correct, the man in gray held the hands of the man in gray. With a shake, a thick stack of banknotes suddenly appeared in his hand and threw it to Connor.

Connor immediately caught the stack of banknotes as soon as he raised his hand. Each banknote had a face value of ten gold pounds, and there were sixty sheets in a stack.

After checking it carefully, Connor nodded slightly. There was no problem with each of these banknotes.

Seeing Connor nodded, the man in gray lifted the big box of one hundred thousand silver dollars on the ground and turned around and left. However, at the moment of turning around, Connor's pupils shrank suddenly to the size of pupils. , He vaguely saw the face of the man in gray that was covered by gray...

The gray-clothed man didn't seem to realize that it was wrong. The two large suitcases he was carrying just walked to the other exit of the basement, standing still watching the gray-clothed man's leaving back, gradually turning into a small gray dot, Kang Na's expression was complicated, and she slowly exhaled a foul breath, and her figure disappeared into the basement in a flash.



Leaning back on the sofa, Connor squinted slightly, remembering the face of the man in gray that he had vaguely seen in the basement.

It was a very terrifying face. The man in gray had no hair, his face was covered with weird green lines, and a pair of blood-red eyes gleaming with a brutal light, the eyes shuddering without any emotion... ···

However, what makes Connor look like now is not because of the terrible appearance of the man in gray, but if Connor remembers correctly, he has not only seen the man in gray but also fought against him.

Connor thought, his alchemy furnace appeared in his hand, stroking the mysterious lines on the alchemy furnace, Connor fell into the memory.

This alchemy furnace that helped him refine the castilla staff, silver pendants, black magic robes and other alchemical items, he snatched it from the manor warehouse of the rich Ruen merchant Emery, and found it in the warehouse Now, in Emery's warehouse unexpectedly appeared, his mentor Reyes created a small hidden magic circle, and with this circle, he confirmed the connection between Emery and the secret society.

After getting the alchemy furnace, his whereabouts were not very exposed, and he was surrounded by the knights raised by Emery. When he was about to leave, a big bald knight was holding a short knife with a magic item, and wanted to resist him. Connor did not kill the big bald knight for the sake of the secret society, but only asked for an arm of the big bald knight. Connor vaguely remembered the one who mentally sensed Mr. Emery after he left. The **** called the bald knight Uncle Herrera.

And this bald knight named Herrera resembles the face of the man in gray who was trading with Connor in the basement of the Kepa Building today...No! It should be said that there are no strange green lines on the face of the man in gray, and the pupils are not cold bloody, the faces of the two people are exactly the same!

Realizing this, Connor couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. When he robbed the alchemy furnace, he had just become an apprentice of an intermediate wizard. His strength was not the same as now. At that time, the bald knight named Herrera, It was not his opponent at all, and the only thing he was forced to do was to chop off one of his arms and apologize for himself.

When I saw the man in gray who was suspected of Herrera today, the man in gray was not only intact with both arms, but also a Persis silver dollar that could use mental power to check the transaction, and the most important point was , He made the inspired Connor feel a dangerous breath from him...

If Herrera is really the man in gray that I see today, the rapid progress in strength is really jaw-dropping...

Not only that, but Connor even thought of it. Herrera is Emery’s subordinate. Emery has a relationship with the secret society. At the Mateis Casino, he told himself the deal, the old smoker named Gondozi, Jean Ere. La traded with himself in the Kepa Building. Such a series of confirmations indicate that the backer behind the Mateis Casino is the secret society?

If it is really a secret society, the background of Mateis Casino is mysterious, but the background is so hard that Constantine, the former bishop of the Ruen Storm Church, is very embarrassed. It is also very easy to understand. After all, the secret society is powerful, but it can’t be seen. Light!

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