Count of Wizards

Chapter 263: Bucket farmer

Connor was a little surprised when George encountered this incident, but for the time being, he can only help George here. After all, what happened to Olsen is still uncertain. If Olsen really has a talent for wizards, Then he really can't leave him a dog. After all, Connor, as a wizard, naturally knows how powerful and terrifying wizards are to ordinary people.

Now that he has obtained the solution to the problem he is facing from George, Connor did not hesitate. George just left the apartment with his front foot, and Connor on the back foot had already disguised himself as another person and walked out of the apartment. It hasn't been a few days since Desilio came to Run, and he has no time to waste!

In the Kaman Empire, entertainment venues like casinos and red light districts are permitted by law. However, the prerequisite allowed by the law is that you must have an operating license, and this operating license requires not only an astronomical deposit, but also you Only if you have a very deep personal relationship, it is possible to handle it. The lack of a personal relationship and a huge deposit is the same, you are both illegal!

This time, the Mateis Casino that George asked Connor to go to is also located in the most prosperous east area of ​​Ruen. Connor soon came to this casino and looked at the magnificent and splendid building of the Mateis Casino on the plaque in front of him. Connor recalled the information about this casino.

Although Connor is here for the first time, he has lived in Roen for so many years and he is still famous for the Mateis Casino.

There are three casinos with operating licenses in Ruen. They are KPMG Casino, Savage Casino, and the Mateis Casino in front of Connor.

KPMG Casino is the largest among these three casinos. The biggest shareholder of KPMG Casino is Winks, a member of the House of Commons of Ruen, but the upper class in Ruen knows that behind the KPMG Casino is the Church of the Storm. The money made by KPMG casinos has flowed into the pockets of the Church of the Storm.

Savage Casino is the second largest among the three casinos. It is said that the major shareholder behind it, the East Hoy Company and the current Imperial Chancellor of the Exchequer Tolisso, have a very large background.

The Mateis Casino is the smallest of the three casinos. The background is also very mysterious. Connor is not clear anyway, but Constantine, the former bishop of the Storm Church in the Ruen area, once wanted to occupy the Matais Casino. But in the end it is said that there was a humiliation. With Constantine’s lessons learned, everyone knows that the backer behind Matais Casino is not easy to mess with, so no one is daring to think about Matais Casino that they shouldn’t have. Up!

Although the Mateis Casino is the smallest of the three casinos, its operating method is very different from KPMG and Savage. Matais Casino pays great attention to the privacy of gamblers. They do not have individual guest halls. They are all private rooms for large customers, so in this way, although the scale of Mateis Casino is small, its turnover is no less than that of the other two.

If it hadn’t been for George to tell himself, Connor really didn’t expect that the Mateis Casino would actually do XQ’s activities, but now it is reasonable to think about it. The casino itself is a mixed bag, losing red-eyed gamblers in exchange for chips. , There are all kinds of mortgages to the casino, which in itself is conducive to the progress of XQ.

Squeezing the bowler hat on his head, Connor walked into the Mateis Casino. Connor was a little surprised as soon as he entered the door. Although the decoration was very luxurious and atmospheric, the casino was too quiet. It's completely out of touch with the noisy and noisy impression of ordinary casinos.

"Hello sir, welcome to Mateis Casino, are you a member of our casino?" While Connor was still looking at the casino, a blonde in uniform with a sweet smile on his face The stunner appeared beside Connor and asked Connor:

"I heard from a friend, this is the first time I have no members." Connor glanced at the blond waiter next to him, and said indifferently:

"That's the case, sir. If we don't have a member at Mateis Casino, we will not only charge a 1% handling fee in exchange for chips, but also require a refund of 100 gold pounds!" The blonde waiter smiled on his face. , Carefully introduced Connor:

Although he was a little anxious to replace the Persis silver dollars he had on hand with Imperial gold pounds, Connor did not rashly tell the waiter that he came to Gondozi XQ. He decided to observe and observe first. Connor calmly took out ten ten gold pound bills and one one gold pound bill from his wallet and handed them to the blond waiter next to him. Then he said, "First give me a hundred gold pound chips. The extra is Tips for you!"

With a tip, the smile of this blonde waiter is naturally She took the banknote Connor handed her and left briefly, and then handed Connor a bargaining chip worth 99 gold pounds.

"Sir, our gameplay here is different from ordinary casinos. We don't have individual guest halls here. We only have private rooms for large customers. I don't know what you want to play?" The blonde waiter enthusiastically introduced Connor:

"Fighting farmer!" Connor said casually. The so-called farmer fighting in this world is a kind of poker game created by Emperor Raul that is very popular with the people of the Kaman Empire. It can be seen from the name. Come out, this farmer fighting is actually a "fighting landlord"

"Okay, sir, please come with me!" Hearing that Connor wanted to play "Farmer Fighter", the blonde waiter quickly led Connor to a private room in a casino, and at this time the private room Among them, two gamblers officially looked impatiently waiting for the third person to join.

Seeing Connor's arrival, one of the old women, who looked like a rich woman, hurriedly asked Connor to sit down while calling the dealer to issue the card.

After playing two games casually, although Connor’s attention was always observing the Mateis Casino, Connor, as a wizard, relied on his powerful computing power to do two tasks. Connor quickly even After winning a few, he quickly doubled his capital several times and earned two or three hundred gold pounds.

This result made Connor a little bit dumbfounded. He knew that he had made two or three hundred gold pounds so easily. He didn't try his best to collect these two thousand gold pounds. He came here to gamble and it was all done, based on his calculations. Ability, this is basically a tenacious one, but when Connor was planning to change to a bigger place to play, what he never expected was that he found that he had an extra tail beside him... ·······

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