Count of Wizards

Chapter 253: Connor's bold guess

? Margaret's words immediately embarrassed Connor. Margaret's words suddenly said that his heart was gone. The interest relationship between him and Margaret was too close. He didn't Hope Reyes knows all this.

After a short silence, Connor looked directly at Margaret’s beautiful smiling eyes and said in a deep voice, “I don’t deny that I do have the idea you said, but you and I have been working together for so long. I really don't want you to have an accident!"

"Don't worry, the most dangerous place is the safest place. No one would have thought that the priestess of the church practiced blood witchcraft!" Although Margaret Qiguo's peerless face still kept a smile, her tone was still But there is a little self-deprecating meaning in it.

After listening to Margaret’s explanation, Connor’s expression also eased. Margaret’s words were not wrong. No matter how large and detailed the church search was, it was aimed at the outside world. Margaret’s risk of being discovered was very high. The little one, and the secret society must also be inertial thinking, thinking that Margaret must be a dark wizard hiding in Luen, and would never think that she was a member of the church!

"During this time, I will not take the initiative to contact you again, nor will I come to you again. If you want to find me, you should go to the Imperial Department Store to find Leonie!" Margaret reduced the smile on her face. Turning the front of the conversation, he said:

Listening to Margaret's ears, Connor knew that this was the best way at the moment. He nodded and solemnly said to Margaret, "Be careful!"

With a smile at Connor, Margaret disappeared into the darkness outside Connor’s apartment. The figure flickered on the bustling streets of East Ruen, feeling that Ruen was getting colder and colder this month. In the air, Margaret’s heart is fiery. This is not just because she is sure that Connor’s mouth is looking for her, the dark wizard organization that is far more terrifying than the Benfica Secret Order is the secret society to which Connor belongs. And this is naturally proved by the side. The private hospital of Dr. Gulsi that she sneaked into before is exactly as she imagined, a point of the secret society, and it is definitely a very important point, otherwise the secret society will never Will look for her because of such a big move. 35xs

Margaret was very satisfied with Connor’s attitude. Connor obviously received a message from the secret agency that she was arrested. However, Connor did not choose to sell herself, but to inform herself. Gretel is still very happy, which at least shows that Connor's status is not low.

In the apartment, Connor squinted his eyes and leaned on the sofa, smelling the faint fragrance left by Margaret, his mind was running fast, and he himself suspected that there were secret members in the top of the Ruen Storm Church. , And today Margaret’s message also indirectly confirmed this. The secret agency looked for Margaret, and the Storm Church also launched a large search. Connor boldly guessed that this is the nail that the secret agency buried in the top of the Ruen Church. , Let the arbiters of the Storm Church serve the secret society without their knowledge!

Thinking of this, Connor was also stunned by his own thoughts. If it is really the same as his thoughts, then how high is the level of the person that the secret agency has installed in the Ruenstorm Church, and can cover it with just one hand. day?


Thinking of this, Connor's mind subconsciously came up with a name, and the owner of this name is the Bishop Edel of the Ruen Storm Church! He heard Margaret talk about Edel, the new bishop of the Ruen Storm Church. When Constantine was the bishop of the Ruen Storm Church, this old guy was the church leader in charge of all the arbiters of Ruen. Man, he has been in charge of the Loen Arbitrator team for decades, and only after he was recently promoted to the instructor did he let go of the power to control the Arbiter!

There is no doubt that Connor believes that after decades of operation in the Ruen Arbitrators team, this Ruen Arbitrators team is probably his people up and down! Moreover, this person is now the bishop of the Ruen Storm Church, and the Ruen Storm Church will be under his control. The person who is now taking over the leadership of the Arbiter of Edel Ruen is also likely to be Edel’s confidant. If To say that anyone can have such a great energy in the Ruen Storm Church, this person must be ranked first!

And thinking about it carefully, Connor also found a suspicious part of Edel. This guy was promoted to the bishop after the death of Constantine last time and after the Black Wizard riot. It is said that this old guy is calming down. The black wizard made a great contribution to the riot. Not only did he lead the arbitrator to annihilate many black wizards, he also personally killed several high-level members of the black wizard organization, including a formal wizard!

Connor has always had a question. His mentor, Reyes, was undoubtedly the initiator of the last Black Wizard Reyes did such a big game and killed the original Bishop of Storm Church Kang. Statin even blew up the original headquarters of the Ruen Storm Church. What exactly did he plan to do?

You must know that Reyes paid a very high price. Not only did he leave Run to prevent the old monsters of the Storm Church from chasing him, but also to organize so many black wizards and black wizard cannon fodder. It takes a lot of money and energy!

Having paid such a high price, Reyes seemed to have killed many members of the Storm Church during the turmoil, bombing their headquarters, and fighting the Storm Church. In addition to Ruen’s prestige, Reyes and his secret society It seems that no other benefits have been obtained. The benefits and costs of planning and triggering riots are definitely not proportional! This is a place that makes Connor puzzled. He knows very well that his mentor Reyes is definitely a person who is not profitable and can not afford to be early, so the planning of the riot Reyes must be achieved from other places he does not know. For his purpose!

As soon as he thought of Edel's superiority, Connor couldn't help but think of a bold idea. What if Reyes did everything to help Edel's superiority?

The bishop of the Ruen Storm Church is the secret society’s hidden child. As soon as such a crazy speculation emerged in Connor’s mind, countless cold sweats appeared behind him, even though he did not have any evidence to prove him. Connor’s guess, but with Connor’s understanding of his mentor Reyes, it is very likely that his guess is true!

Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Connor closed his eyes slightly, and his mind subconsciously recalled the faint smile on the face of his mentor Reyes, whom he hadn't seen for many days.

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