Count of Wizards

Chapter 251: Call of Reyes

? Received the small note, Connor lowered his head and scanned it, and then destroyed the small note in front of Leonie. Knowing the location and the way of taking things, his purpose of coming here today has ended. , Said to Leonie: "If there is nothing else, I will leave!"

After looking at Connor with a complicated expression, Leonie shook her head.

Although the look in Leonie's eyes was a bit inexplicable, Connor didn't think much about it. After nodding, he walked out of the small room and left the Imperial Department Store.

Without any delay, Connor left the Imperial Department Store and went directly to the Alpha Warehouse mentioned by Leonie. The process of getting the materials went smoothly. Connor did not disturb anyone, just found which two secret compartments. Then, he opened the secret compartment in the manner recorded on the small note given by Leoni, and found three space rings inside.

Connor quietly took the ring and left the Alpha Warehouse and returned to his apartment at No. 16 Rand Street, where he will complete the research and refine the alchemy puppet!

The next day, when Connor, who had studied the refining methods of alchemy puppets in Reyes' Alchemy for a whole night, was about to continue fighting, his expression suddenly flashed a strange color.

A piece of note paper with white light was found from the space ring. When the white light dissipated slightly, Connor saw the handwriting of his mentor Reyes that he was very familiar with.

"Female wizard, blood wizardry, intermediate wizard apprentice, after Luen found this person's whereabouts, put it into the mailbox of my villa, Victor is in Luen!"

After seeing the message Reyes gave himself on the sound transmission paper, Connor only felt his head "buzz"!

Blood witchcraft itself is a forbidden art. The practice of this spell was discovered by the two major churches and empires as an unending end. Not to mention the practice, but few people know it. Connor felt that if he was not backed by the secret society, Relying on Reyes, from where Reyes obtained a huge amount of knowledge, he may not be able to know blood witchcraft.

People who dare to practice blood witchcraft are very rare, and there are female wizards. In terms of probability, you can simply think that half of them are eliminated at once, plus two conditions for apprenticeship in Loen and intermediate wizards. To narrow the scope, Connor felt that the person Reyes was looking for was already ready for him.


That's right! After reading the message sent by Reyes on the Transsion Paper, Connor’s collaborator Margaret immediately appeared in his mind. The four characteristics mentioned in Reyes’ message are simply tailored. Margaret prepared it. 35xs

After receiving this message, Connor could no longer calm himself down and continue to study the knowledge of alchemy puppets. Now he desperately wanted to know what Margaret had done, making Reyes so uncharacteristic!

Just when Connor was desperate and wanted to find Margaret, in a smoky pub in the east of Ruen, mixed with the smell of men’s sweat, and the smell of inferior perfume from women standing on the street, two elderly men were just like the same couple. Like the old brothers I saw, he was pushing his cup and changing his cup.

"Mr. Edel, thank you very much, you can come and meet me in person!" Victor, who is rickety in the noisy surroundings, raised the wine glass in his hand and respected the old man opposite him:

Edel is a very common name in the Kaman Empire, but there is probably only one who can make Reyes’s butler and senior wizard apprentice old Victor treat this way.

Although the old man sitting across from the old Victor at this time, in terms of body shape or appearance, or breath, is not the same as the now expensive bishop of the Ruen Storm Church Edel, but even if it is People with imaginations want to break their heads, and they would never expect that the main church of the Ruen Storm Church would meet a dark wizard in such a mixed place!

"Speak straight!" Edel didn't mean to be polite with old Victor, and said in a cold voice. If Reyes hadn't personally sent him a letter asking him that he must come to see his housekeeper, he would be a must. It won't be what it is now, come to such a dirty place to meet this person.

Edel and Victor seem to be in this chaotic tavern, but in fact, there is a transparent barrier outside of them. They can hear the voice clearly, but The conversation between the two of them in the world, the people outside would never want to hear a single cent.

Although his hot face was put on his cold ass, there was still no trace of embarrassment on the old Victor’s face. He very naturally took back the wine glass he was tossing out. Old Victor knew very well. His status and status have no possibility to meet this person, and the reason why this person can come to see him is nothing more than the professor's order.

"I'm sorry to disturb you. I contacted you through the professor and I was forced to. An important location of our secret society was invaded. We must now catch this person as quickly as possible!" Victor told Edel earnestly.

"About that thing?" After hearing the old Victor's narration, Edel, who had completely changed his appearance, groaned, and whispered:

This time, the old Victor didn't speak, but nodded heavily!

Seeing old Victor nod his head, Edel's face under the disguise also became serious, he said in a deep voice

Said: "How can I help you?"

When Edel said so, the old Victor's face, who had always been happy, anger, and ignorant, could not help but show joy. He clearly knew Edel’s identity and how huge he could mobilize in Ruen. Energy, without the slightest hesitation, the old Victor just said the method he had already thought of:

"Mr. Edel, I need you to mobilize all the arbitrators of the church in the name of strictly investigating the dark wizard to conduct a search in Loen. Although we did not catch the person who invaded our important location, we already know that she Some of the characteristics of the middle-level wizard apprentices, women, and the practice of blood witchcraft!" Finally, the old Victor also deliberately emphasized the three words blood witchcraft.

"Blood witchcraft!" Edel muttered in a low voice, with some surprise in his tone.

"That's right, I personally surveyed the battle scene, and basically confirmed that the infiltrating wizard had practiced the forbidden blood witchcraft!" Old Victor preached very positively:

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