Count of Wizards

Chapter 244: Secret

"Margaret, are you really sure you want to do this?" Just as Connor was thinking about how to refine an alchemy item that could live in the undead that engulfed his new spell "Undead Entanglement", In an apartment on the eastern outskirts of Ruen, the charming young woman store manager Leoni looked worriedly at Marguerite, who was serious and ready to go in front of her.


At this time, Margaret Allure’s peerless face was not at all lively, playful and solemn when she was in front of Connor. She heard Leonie’s question and nodded with a wry smile: "This one from the secret society Professor, it is really terrible, there is no other way, I can only go to the private hospital of Dr. Gulsi to have a look!"


"Margaret, I think I need to remind you that if you are right, the Doctor Gulsi Private Hospital is a very important point in the entire line of the secret society. With the strength of the secret society, where are they? The guard is bound to be very strict. If your current strength is explored in the past, it is very likely that you will not have any gains, and you will be surprised!" Leoni calmly analyzed:


Listening to Leonie’s analysis, Margaret didn’t have any unexpected expressions on her face. She sighed and said, “I don’t know this, but I can’t help it. After the Wraith incident occurred, I locked the Ruiz Steel Factory. I can basically be sure that the Ruiz Steel Factory is a point where the secret society handles and processes the mysterious item!"


"And the reason for the incident of spirit resentment in the suburbs of the North District is likely to be the reason for the leakage of the mysterious item. I originally wanted to check it down, but there is no clue at all. I have already been to the Ruiz Steel Factory. However, the secret society’s response was quick, including several nearby villages, which have been cleansed again, and they are of no value at all!"


"The secret agency should still have a few points like Ruiz Steel Factory responsible for processing and producing things like that in Luen, but we don't know where these other points are now. The secret agency is too secretive! "Here is Marguerite's heartfelt emotion:


   "Is the information about your inside line of Dr. Gulsey Private Hospital accurate?" Listening to Margaret's narration, Leonie nodded heavily, and she thought for a while and continued to ask:


"This inside line was left to me by sister Elena. It is a very deep line. It is a line carefully buried by the church in the Metropolitan Police Department. Before Sister Elena told me that this line can be trusted!" Yes, Margaret said in a deep voice:


"I haven't met this person, but he told me that the accounts of ordinary private hospitals are not very clean, and there will be some stealing, leaking, and even washing, but Dr. Gursi Private Hospital The accounts are very clean, there is nothing wrong with it!"


"After he noticed the situation, he personally went to the private hospital of Dr. Gulsi to see the disease. He found that although the whole hospital seemed to have a simple structure, it was actually very complicated. There is something hidden. This person cannot continue the inspection because he is not a wizard. However, after returning to the Metropolitan Police Department, he used his own authority to investigate the information of the Gulsi Private Hospital, but found the information of the Gulsi Private Hospital. The package was dropped by someone's hands and feet, and the package was dropped on the third day when the secret agency planned a major turmoil!"


   "Isn't Conor Ferguson a member of the secret society? Margaret, do we want to see if we can know something through him?" Leoni made a suggestion after listening to Margaret's introduction.


Hearing Connor’s name, Margaret’s eyes concealed a hint of tenderness. She shook her head gently and said, “Although I can be sure Connor is the person of the secret society, Connor should be the secret society. Value the external members he will absorb as a future earl"


Leonie took a deep look at Margaret, and said in a low voice: "Connor Ferguson cultivated the high-level meditations of the spiritual system. Although their Ferguson family had a wizard in history, they were fire wizards! "


  Leoni’s prompt immediately plunged Marguerite into silence. For a long time, Marguerite looked dim and then said; "I don't want to involve him in it, and I don't want to use him!"


"He is a member of the secret society, and you are a member of the church. The two of you are destined to have no good results. And Connor Ferguson, I think he is cool by nature, deep-minded, and vicious and vicious, which is definitely not suitable Your candidate!" Holding Margaret's hand, Leonie also sighed and exhorted Margaret to get up.


"I understand the truth, but I really don't want to hurt him. If I use him as a breakthrough point, I can definitely get some information, but if the secret agency knows that he has leaked it, he will definitely end up using the secret agency's cruel methods. "Margaret said quietly, and there was a hint of intolerance on Qiao's Seeing that Margaret was really emotional, Leoni could only be helpless. Carefully holding Margaret's jade hand tightly.


"I will handle the affairs of Dr. Gulsey's private hospital. The alchemy materials Connor asked for have been shipped into Luluen, and they are in the Alpha Warehouse in the North District. Connor will ask you to tell him that it is! "At the end Margaret still exhorted:


   "Don't worry, I'll tell Connor, Margaret, you have to be careful too!" Leoni nodded and responded:


After explaining everything to Leonie, Margaret forced a smile at Leonie, turned and disappeared into the dark night, seeing that she was going in a different direction, it was Dr. Guersey’s private hospital!


Then under the cover of the night, Margaret's figure quickly shuttled among the gorgeous high-rise buildings in the east of Ruen, and Margaret was thinking while she was on the way. This time she was going to go to Dr. Guersey to take the shot herself. In private hospitals, there are two main reasons. The first is that although the network and intelligence network given to her by Jelena is very strong, there are not many wizards with cultivation skills in it. Among these wizards, Margaret thought about it, only her own concealment ability is stronger, and the most suitable to go quietly. After all, this time it is not a storm, but to spy on intelligence. The ability to conceal is the first element. !


   The second reason is that after fighting against the secret society for such a long time, she felt more and more the horror and brutality of the secret society, as well as their pervasive penetration of the church.

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