Count of Wizards

Chapter 242: make up! !

   "I gave you the things, what should you do if you don't let me go?" Behind the door panel again sounded the scared voice of the tall and thin old man.

"Hehe, do you think you have the right to bargain with me now?" Connor sneered and continued. After talking about the shadow chain in Connor's hand, his power rose by three points again and he showed off to the lanky old man without any concealment. Of force.

After listening to Connor’s threat, the tall and thin old man sank, just as Connor’s patience was about to be exhausted and he was about to take down the old fellow by storm, the thin and tall old man hiding behind the door panel sighed, without speaking directly. The dark meteorite was thrown out.

Connor made a move with his left hand, and the dark meteorite thrown by the slender old man fell on Connor's hand. However, as soon as Connor's palm touched the dark meteorite, his face suddenly changed color, and he threw it like garbage. The dark meteorite he was looking for was thrown on the ground.

   "Die me!"

   At this moment, the slender old man who had been hiding behind the door panel and didn't dare to face Connor immediately also got out from behind the door panel, smiling and manipulating countless weird green vines to attack Connor.

Connor glanced at the old Yinbi coldly, and suddenly slapped Castilla's staff with his palm. A defensive barrier appeared around him, blocking all the green vines that the tall and thin old man had attacked. Out!

I don’t know what the old guy did on the dark meteorite. Although Connor reacted very quickly and realized that the dark meteorite was wrong, he immediately threw the things out, but at this time Connor had just had contact with the dark meteorite. The left hand immediately showed a weird dark green color, and he no longer felt anymore, and Connor could clearly feel the place where the toxins were constantly trying to invade his body.

   Looking at the horrified eyes of the tall and thin old man who was fully controlling the green vines but couldn't penetrate the defense enchantment, Connor took out a bottle of antidote that Varga had refined for him from the space ring.

Although Connor was successfully overshadowed once, but seeing that his vines could not break the defensive barrier that Connor had displayed, the tall and thin old man was also aware of the naked-eye strength gap between him and Connor, and remembered that he had just been defeated by Kang. With the fear of Na dominating, a look of fear appeared on the old face immediately, without any hesitation, he immediately took back the green vines, planned to grease the soles of his feet, and left!

I have to say that the detoxification potion that Varga made for Connor is really effective. After Connor drank it, he found that although the toxins in his left hand had not been reduced, he immediately felt the original suffering. The suppressed toxins that wanted to invade other areas of his body from his left hand have disappeared.

Looking at the old Yinbi who was going to run, Connor showed a mocking expression on his face. Then, under the increase of the spiritual power of the silver light pendant, Connor released three mental shocks to the thin and tall old man in a row. ····

Facing this kind of weird mental attack that may never have been seen before, the tall and thin old man once again caught his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and immediately overflowed with red blood, but he resisted his Shenhai drama. Pain, still rushing to the distance, he clearly knew that as long as he just stopped, Connor, who was hit by his insidious trick, would never let him go, and would definitely tear him to pieces!

The tall and thin old man has a fresh mind, but he still underestimated the strength gap between him and Connor. He was horrified to find that although he started to run first, there was Connor in a black robe behind him. But it is getting closer and closer, and it is about to catch up with him!

Seeing the old guy in front desperately trying to get rid of him, but he couldn't change his fate that he was about to catch up with him, Connor's eyes showed a touch of joking, and his heart moved to black magic. The robe's light body technique was pushed to the maximum, but the distance between Connor and the thin and tall old man who was desperately running was only a few meters away.

   A shadow chain was condensed in the palm of his hand, and Connor sneered and manipulated the shadow chain to entangle the thin and tall old man fiercely.

   Aware of the death threat from the Shadow Chain, the lanky old man did not dare to have any luck at all, so he quickly stopped and blocked the door of his defensive demonized item in front of him.


   A crisp sound blocked Connor's full-hit door panel for the tall and thin old man, and the door panel was immediately dimmed. It was originally hit by the shadow chain to the recessed position, which was a small hole!

   The tall and thin old man can't take care of this precious demonized defensive item that is so dear to him. His old face also shows a hideous and crazy expression, once again controlling the green vines to counterattack Connor.

Although he tried to damage the door and blocked Connor's attack, he was completely chased by Connor. Knowing that he was not as fast as Connor, he would sooner or later be caught up by Connor. This old man The guy is also a bit courageous. Instead of continuing to run and being overtaken and consumed by Connor, it is better to fight to give him a chance!

   Connor's disdainful eyes swept over Zhuangruo mad, the thin and tall old man who wanted to fight with him, once again released a mental shock.

   was hit by Connor's mental shock for the third time, and the slender old man who was already bleeding from his seven orifices, was directly affected by Connor's impact and fell to the ground, unconscious.

Forcibly resisting the urge to smash the slender old man into pieces, Connor glanced around and simply swept the battlefield. He left the Rabbio Forest with the unconscious Old Yin Bi... ·······



   "What are you going to do?"

   In the dark basement of Connor's safe house, the slender old man with his limbs stretched out and locked on a wooden stake shouted in horror and stood in front of him, playing with the silver needles Connor.

Hearing the problem of the tall and thin old man, Connor stopped playing with the silver needle and raised his left hand, which had returned to normal, at the tall and thin old man. How many bottles of antidote?"

   Without waiting for the tall and thin old man to answer, Connor said again: "Five bottles of antidote, I lost at least a thousand gold pounds, so much money, shouldn't you give me some compensation?"

Hearing the word compensation mentioned in Connor's words, a look of hope appeared in the eyes of the strapped slender old man. He just hurriedly said to Connor a little kindly: "Yes! Compensation! It cost you so much." The antidote medicine machine is my fault. I will definitely compensate you. If you let me go, I can give you any compensation!"

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