Count of Wizards

Chapter 233: Rich harvest

The last time Connor bought the house at No. 16 Rand Street, East Ruen, from the landlord, Mr. Piaca, Connor borrowed money from the family bank of his good friend George. Although Connor later sold some alchemy items at the Monchen Club and paid back some of them, he still owes Sanchez Bank more than seven thousand gold pounds. This is not a small figure, and it is also related to George. Connor has always been Keep it in mind. If you have spare money, you should pay it back immediately. If the gold bars in the space ring weren't for Margaret to fulfill the promise, Connor would exchange the money into gold pounds and return it to Margaret. Sanchez Bank, but now with these 100,000 Posis silver dollars worth tens of thousands of pounds, Connor’s wish can be fulfilled!

One hundred thousand Persisian silver dollars were washed and exchanged into gold pounds, and the handling fee deducted was almost seven thousand Kaman gold pounds, which happened to be returned to the Sanchez Bank!

After checking all this, Connor packed the silver dollars in a few large boxes into his space ring, and then his gaze returned to Odin Blood Tiger's body, his eyes squinted slightly, and his gaze flickered.

Watching the blood tiger thinking for a while, Connor seemed to have made up a certain determination, and directed at the Odin blood tiger to release a mental shock. The current strength of the Odin blood tiger, which is only a cub, is only achievable. With the strength of the junior wizard apprentice, when Connor was engaged in this way, he was staggering, and his eyes suddenly became blank from the original ferocious eyes.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Connor's mouth, and the palm of his hand stroked the space ring, a gray pill suddenly appeared in Connor's hand. At this moment, Connor's figure flashed, and his big hand reached into the cage and grabbed it directly. The throat of this Odin blood tiger cub. At this time, this little blood tiger naturally has a bad heart, but it was dizzy by the mental impact of Connor. Naturally, it was unable to resist Connor's actions. .

Connor's hand was slightly hard, and the mouth of the Odin Blood Tiger, which was just a cub, was immediately pried open by him, and then Connor flicked his finger, the gray pill that he took out of the space ring. He was immediately bounced into the little blood tiger's mouth, and Connor took the little blood tiger's throat to ensure that the pill smoothly entered the little blood tiger's abdomen.

After doing all this, Connor's figure flashed back to the position he just occupied, and to his surprise, it hasn't been long before he finished all this. This little blood tiger has already got rid of the mental shock. A pair of small eyes looked at Connor with anger. If the little blood tiger hadn't been locked in the cage at this time, Connor believed it would have rushed out without hesitation to bite himself!

The quick recovery ability of the little blood tiger can not help but give Connor a new understanding of the powerful recovery ability of the Odin blood tiger. As a spiritual wizard, the mental impact he just released on the little blood tiger is in order not to hurt the little blood tiger. The soul of the blood tiger, Kang Na is cautious about the choice of this degree. It is necessary to ensure that the effect of dizziness is achieved without actually hurting the little blood tiger. After thinking for a long time, Kang Na decided to release 50% of his normal attack power. The mental shock from left to right is equivalent to 50% of the power, but Connor is confident that the ordinary intermediate wizard apprentice will be stunned for at least four seconds and five seconds. However, this little blood tiger has never been stunned. It only took three seconds to hit!

I only heard that the blood tiger of Odin has amazing recovery ability, but now Connor is the first real experience. Just a cub is so unusual. When it reaches adulthood, won’t it... Thinking of this, there was a look of longing in Connor's eyes.

Just as Connor hoped that he would have an adult Odin blood tiger as a helper in the future, the little blood tiger who was trapped in the iron cage was dizzy and fell to the ground. past. Seeing that Connor didn't seem to be surprised, he walked to the iron cage and stroked the head of the fainted little blood tiger with satisfaction!

In this underground warehouse, although the one hundred thousand silver dollars are large, and there are several large iron boxes, but the thing is dead after all, Connor can still put it in his space ring, but it is small The blood tiger is different. Although it is a cub, it is a life after all. Connor’s space ring cannot fit it, so if you want to take the blood tiger away with its iron cage, Connor It can only faint the little blood tiger first, and then leave here with it.

Connor found a carriage, and then covered the iron cage with the little blood tiger over a special gadget and a black cloth with concealment effect, and then installed the black cloth cage on the carriage. Go up, return to this underground warehouse again, looking at the warehouse that is now empty and leaving only the ashes of the Kakurakumaru, Connor took a deep look, and then released a big fireball, completely destroying it... ····

Three days later, Connor and his carriage returned from Osasuna to Cautious Connor did not choose the train he took when he came to Osasuna, but in order not to mess with With eyes and ears, a man drove a carriage all the way down the country road before returning to Luen. The train was several hours away, but Connor had to walk for three days.

After returning to Ruen, Connor did not return to his luxurious apartment at No. 16 Rand Street in the Eastern District, but took the Odin Blood Tiger to his unknown safe house in Ruen. He wanted to be here. Decide the fate of the cub of this little blood tiger!


Putting the cage containing the little blood tiger in the safe house, Connor opened the hidden circle he arranged in the safe house, and he was relieved with a sigh of relief.

During these three days, Connor was very cautious and did not dare to stay for a while, but he returned here as quickly as possible. Now he is back in the safe house. When the hidden circle opens, no matter what happens in the safe house. Elephant, there is no way to feel anything outside.

Uncovering the black cloth on the iron cage, Connor looked at the little blood tiger sleeping in the iron cage with a smile but said lightly: "I know that with your intelligence, you can definitely understand my words, hurry up. Get up, I know you are awake!"

Connor's voice fell, but the little blood tiger in the iron cage didn't move at all. It still seemed to be asleep, motionless.

Seeing the little blood tiger motionless, Connor shook his head with a cowardly smile on his face. In the underground warehouse that day, the gray pill he gave to the little blood tiger was a powerful drug Benlaikang. Na thought that with the effect of this powerful drug, he would surely be able to stun this little guy until he returned to Luen, but he was still on his way back one day ago. Connor's top mental power of the same level discovered this. The little guy is already awake.

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