Count of Wizards

Chapter 227: I admit that I am not a good person

Just as the silver cross sword was about to hit the chain shield in front of Connor, a layer of blood-colored spider web suddenly appeared on the tail of the silver cross sword. The web was firmly attached to the tail of the silver cross sword. The silver cross sword is fixed in the air! Just as Connor looked at this change with some surprise, Marguerite's anxious voice suddenly sounded in his ears:


   "Connor, you idiot, what are you doing?"


Listening to Margaret’s exclamation, Connor woke up like a dream, and his figure flashed quickly. The blood-colored spider web that Margaret was struggling to display delayed Connor for five seconds. When the silver cross sword got rid of the blood-colored spider web, the light on the cross sword was already dimmed a lot.


Don’t underestimate these five seconds. For a wizard like Connor, at such a critical moment of life and death, a delay of five seconds is no longer considered short. When Connor’s figure reappears, it is already A hundred meters away, the silver cross sword that was driven by no one could no longer catch up with Connor's figure. After a while, the mana that Scarface finally exerted on it has been exhausted. Cross The light on the sword was dim, and Connor waved the shadow chain and smashed the silver cross sword straight to the ground.


   Picking up this cross sword from the ground, Connor looked very complicated, and he walked slowly to Margaret's side.


At this time, Margaret looked very miserable, Qiqiao Bleeding and the whole body was very confused, and she collapsed on the ground like that, watching Connor walking by, a vigilant color flashed on her pale face, facing Connor said quietly, "Are you planning to keep me here?"


Hearing Margaret’s questioning, Connor looked stunned, and then a wry smile appeared on his face. He mocked himself and said: "Margaret, I admit that I am not a good person, but I can't do the matter of revenge and revenge. !"


   After talking, Connor took out a bottle of potion from the space ring, and then placed it on the ground around Margaret along with the silver cross sword.


"This is a deep-sea potion, which has a good effect on your current mana backlash, and this sword is yours. I will leave you half of the things in the space ring of the scar face, and the magic stone mine is divided into I’ll give you 50%." Connor said seriously about his compensation for Margaret. He knew that Margaret’s mana backlash was all because of him. She just couldn’t support the blood fog because of her lack of mana. Cast it, but in order to help myself, I used the **** spider web again to delay the cross sword before he recovered. Without the help of Margaret's **** spider web, would I be able to hold the last blow of Scarface? To be honest, Connor didn't know it in his heart!


   "Enough! Connor Ferguson, you're a bastard, a complete bastard!" To Connor's surprise, before he could continue speaking, Margaret collapsed on the ground and shouted angrily:


"Huh? What's wrong with me? If you are not satisfied with these compensations, we can talk about it! Although Margaret's anger is a bit inexplicable, Connor is still very patient. He doesn't know what this woman is today. What's wrong, it's not normal at all. I don't hesitate to suffer from the backlash of mana, but I also want to help myself through life and death, and compensate her by herself. Instead of bargaining with herself, she scolds herself.


"Get out of here!" Seeing Connor looked at a loss and didn't have the shrewdness of killing Scarface, the senior wizard apprentice, Margaret felt that this guy was deliberately pretending to be stupid. Suddenly he cursed in a hurry:


  Looking at Margaret's desperate look, although Connor didn't know why, since this woman had let herself "roll", she would leave by herself! He paused, and said seriously to Margaret: "This time I owe you a favor!" After he said that, he dashed away and left.


Leaving Margaret’s side, Connor walked near the body of Scarface, and looked at the scarred face whose heart was pierced by the shadow chain. Connor first took the space ring he was wearing. After checking it for a while, it was confirmed that there was no danger, and then he put it in his pocket properly. Then Connor took a deep breath and put a hand on his head, mobilizing all his mental power to perform contemplation.


After a while, Connor felt a burst of tingling in his head, and a splash of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. It was a pity that he stopped casting his mind, took the hand that was on the head of Scarface, and released a fireball to stab the knife. Scarface's body was completely burned.


Scarface is a senior wizard apprentice, and his spiritual power is above Connor. As a spiritual wizard, Connor’s spiritual power is at the top in the realm of intermediate wizard apprenticeship, and he can barely perform contemplation on Scarface. Capture some memory fragments of the scar face.


   wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth, Connor’s eyes flashed with excitement, although the forcible contemplation made Connor mentally traumatized, UU reading www.uukanshu. com But Connor felt that these injuries were very valuable, and solved several hidden worries in his heart.


First of all, Connor guessed that Scarface was not wrong. At the beginning, it was not because of the magic stone mine, but because he was eyeing Avilova, so he came to Tunguska quietly. In a word, that Both Scarface and Avelova deliberately conceal their whereabouts and prevent their belonging to the Black Wizard Organization Benfica Secret Order from being caught!


Knowing this, Connor immediately relaxed a lot. He was really afraid of killing the little ones and coming to the old ones. If that were the case, even the scar face of the senior wizard apprentice was hung up this time, next time Benfica The Secret Order must be a formal wizard. In that case, in order to reduce his own losses, Connor estimates that he can only choose to tell the secret society of the magic stone mine, and give him some magic stones to the secret society.


Secondly, in the memory fragments of Scarface captured by Connor, they all hinted at one thing, that is, Scarface has always been in the dark. I don’t know how many souls fell under his cross sword. Scarface has always been a solitary person in the Benfica Secret Order, and no one trusts him. He carried almost all of his possessions in his space ring. The other part is not easy to carry, and he also hides it. In a hidden place that only he knew!


As the saying goes, if you don’t die in a catastrophe, you will have a blessing. This time Connor tried his best to risk his life to kill Scarface, and the spoils came. Not only the scarface space ring fell, but even the Scarface. Connor also found out where the things were hidden!

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