Count of Wizards

Chapter 219: Threatened to compromise

   "Okay, I promise you to try this!" Margaret pondered for a while and gave Connor affirmative answer.


As soon as Margaret agreed to his plan, Connor’s face finally showed a smile. His plan needed Margaret’s help. Even if everything went well, the magic stone bomb made Scarface seriously injured. Connor one People can't kill Scarface. If you can't kill Scarface, it will be really troublesome!


The general policy was set, and Connor and Margaret did not stop, but seriously discussed how to delay the time to modify the magic stone bomb for Connor and choose a series of places to pretend to be the magic stone mine to put the magic stone bomb. The details.


In the early morning of the next day, Connor and Margaret arrived at the manor where Scarface was located. Perhaps it was the last time they tasted the power of Connor and Margaret. This time Scarface did not interact with Connor Margaret. What tricks did the two of Litte play, but appeared in front of them very happily!


"How are you two thinking about it?" A glance at Connor and Margaret, a trace of pride appeared on the fierce scarred faces. Obviously he also knew that Connor and Margaret were both. Now that I have appeared here, I naturally intend to agree to his request!


   At this time, Scar's face was full of smiles, and he couldn't see the embarrassment three days ago. The scars caused by the fierce battle three days ago seemed to be non-existent!


   Connor and Margaret looked at each other and exchanged glances. Connor coughed and said, "Since you insist on joining our plan, what can you bring to us?"


Upon hearing this, the bright smile on Scarface's face disappeared. He snorted, and his powerful silver cross sword appeared in his hand, and then he flicked the blade of the cross sword lightly with his fingers, the cross sword. There was a buzzing immediately.


   Looking at the pie of Scarface, Connor narrowed his eyes subconsciously, and Margaret Jade's hand beside him also squeezed tightly.


"I will not interfere with your mining. It is already the greatest help to you. The magic stone from the magic stone mine is to be given to me. You two each have 10%. How about I am fair?" Holding a cross sword and a knife. Scarface threatened nakedly:


Hearing the threat of Scarface, Connor took a deep breath and stepped forward to block Margaret with his body. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "We agree that you can join our plan to mine the magic stone mine. , It’s already the biggest concession. With all due respect, if you plan to empty the White Wolf, there is no need to talk about it. Let’s go to war!"


Seeing Connor's performance so tough, Scarface sneered and said, "Go to war? You two intermediate wizard apprentices, don't you think that you have the ability to fight me last time when I didn't pay attention to it. If you really think so, then you are quite wrong!"


As soon as    Scarface’s voice fell, the terrifying energy pressure of the senior wizard apprentice suddenly appeared on his body, suppressing Connor and Margaret!


Feeling this powerful pressure, Connor's face changed immediately, but deep down in his heart, he relaxed. He just showed the attitude of not hesitating a fight, which is actually a dangerous move for soldiers, so he gambled. The last time Scarface was a little jealous of him and Margaret. Now it seems that he was right. This Scarface was really jealous of both of them. Otherwise, Scarface would definitely not use aura at this time. I suppressed myself, but shot directly!


"We know that our strength is not as good as you, but the two of us are not something you can handle at will. We are not stupid people. Since we dare to come to you, we will naturally retreat!" The strategic little boy showed weakness, Connor The conversation turned around and said: "Before we came, the two of us combined, the magic stone mine will be divided into up to 50% for you, but you have to pay something!"


   "50%? What do you want me to pay?" As Connor expected, when Connor was willing to give him 50%, Scarface looked a lot better.


   "Catch people! It takes at least ten young adults to be miners to mine the magic stone mine! You are responsible for catching these ten people!" Connor coldly said out the rhetoric that he had already thought out.


   "I arrested people, what are you two doing?" After thinking about it, Scarface looked at Margaret and Connor and said:


   "The two of us found the magic stone mine, and we also asked the alchemist to refine the magic stone ore mine into usable magic stone!" Connor said in a deep voice without hesitation:


Hearing the explanation given by Connor, Scarface's complexion slowly returned to normal, and he also retracted the pressure of Connor and Margaret and said in a condensed voice: "Okay, I can promise you, now you guys Time to take me to see the magic stone mine!"


"No, I can tell you after you catch everyone back!" Not unexpectedly, Scarface asked to see the magic stone mine, but for his request, Kang Without any hesitation, Na categorically refused!


Connor's refusal obviously caused a trace of anger on Scarface's face, but for some reason, he did not vent his anger. He stared at Connor fiercely for a Yinyin said: "A week! I will arrest someone back in a week. You'd better stop playing tricks with me then!"


Confronted with the undisguised and fierce threat of Scarface, Connor didn’t care and said faintly: “It’s settled in one word. You will bring someone back in a week. I will give it to the magic stone mine with both hands, but the arrest will return. When arresting people, remember that you must be careful and concealed, and don't arrest near Tunguska!"


   "Huh! Do you still need to talk about this kind of thing?" Scarface said with some dissatisfaction:


   "Then we two will say goodbye first, and see you in a week!" Everything was processed, Connor and Margaret looked at each other and left the manor where Scarface was.


Back in the rental house, Connor poured himself a glass of red wine, and said to Margaret playfully, "Well, I’m right. This Scarface has never thought of working with us at all. He is I want to get the location of the magic stone mine out of our hands, and then swallow the magic stone mine!"


   Glancing at Connor, Margaret did not refute Connor's words, but poured herself a glass of red wine, drank it and then said to Connor, "It's your hand!"


Hearing Margaret’s words, Connor laughed and said seriously: "Margaret, you and I have gone through so many things. I still trust you very much. I can take you to see the demon tomorrow. Quarry."


   Feeling Connor's sincere attitude, Margaret didn't care about this matter and asked: "Next, what are you going to do?"

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