Count of Wizards

Chapter 185: I advise you not to make mistakes!

Seeing this effect, Connor nodded with satisfaction. The power of six demon-breaking bullets is basically the same as the full blow of a second-level enchanted item, using Castilla's staff to defend against the enchantment. From a point of view, ordinary secondary enchanted items will not have any effect on it.

  The defensive effect experiment is over. Naturally, it is necessary to experiment. The attack effect of the Castilla Staff is now.

Place a one-meter-thick steel plate specially used to test the power of enchanted items in the room. With a thought, Connor's hand holding Castilla's staff suddenly clenched, a hexagon. The dark blue magic circle suddenly appeared around the steel plate.

In the next second, this hexagonal magic circle rose up with a blue light curtain and the steel plate was buckled in it. Other than Connor could no longer peer into the circle with mental power. As Connor finally uttered a word "present !"

   Four black warriors with swords and armors and no heads suddenly appeared in the hexagonal circle, and slashed at the steel plate under the control of Connor.

   "Stab! Stab!········"

   The four black warriors worked hard together, and within a short while, Connor’s tried and tested steel plate turned into countless pieces of iron.

Looking across the iron block, Connor nodded in relief. According to his estimation, he fell into the hexagonal circle of Castilla's staff. As long as the opponent's strength does not exceed the range of the apprentice, the enemy's mana and mental power They are all subject to strong restrictions, and it is already very good that the strength of a body can display seven achievements in the magic circle.

The strength of these four black warriors is equivalent to that of the great knights among the knights, but compared to the great knights, they have no life, so there will be no pain. They will only become unsentimental under the drive of Connor. Killing machines, and in the magic circle, they have the characteristics of shielding mental power. It is difficult for enemies caught in the magic circle to detect them with mental power. Maybe only if they kill in front of them, the enemy will find the black warrior. exist.

What is even more buggy is that as long as the circle exists and runs, the black warriors are not afraid of being destroyed by the opponent in the circle. They will quickly recondense with the help of the circle and continue to fight, so there is no emotion, and the pain is unlimited. Connor believes that the resurrected monsters will become a lingering nightmare for his enemies!

According to Connor’s own calculations, if he concentrates all his mental powers, he can condense six black warriors in the magic circle, but it will be very difficult and unable to cast other magic items and spells, so under normal circumstances it is very difficult to condense four. moderate.

Only relying on Connor’s own mental power is like this, but once Connor uses the silver light pendant to increase the amplitude, Connor thinks that he can condense at most ten black warriors at once, but it will also be very difficult, so in the silver light pendant Connor thinks that the condensing of eight black warriors under the increase is moderate.

   After experimenting with the two great abilities of Castilla's Staff, Connor was very happy. The power of Castilla's Staff was worthy of spending so much effort to refine it.

For the next few days, Connor stayed in the room, monitoring Ducure’s clinic. In order to prevent turmoil, he did not use mental power to assist the monitoring, but instead used his own refined gadget— -The alchemy telescope came to help him monitor. Connor transmitted the characteristics of Salah he had searched out of Dr. Du Kure's memory to the alchemy telescope, and the alchemy telescope would automatically search for the target for it. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

  The advantage of using the alchemy telescope is that the alchemy telescope has no mental power, nor does it produce energy fluctuations. This Salah is cunning, and he can't find anyone using this thing and waiting for him.

To be honest, for Connor, Salah’s appearance did not make him wait too long. It was only late at night on the fifth day of monitoring the Ducure Clinic that the alchemy telescope broke out with a “drip” sound. Connor was awakened in meditation.

   Standing behind the glass window of the room, watching the ghost figure flying towards the Dukulei Clinic in the distance, Connor's mouth sneered.

  Mr. Salah, I have been waiting for you for a long time!

"Ducure, you did a good job, and you collected so much sulfur!" In the underground warehouse under the clinic, Salah looked at the pungent sulfur stone in front of him with surprise, and sat next to him with satisfaction. Ducure said:

"I bought so much sulfur for you, Mr. Salah, what about the higher fire healing method you promised me?" Salah's compliment made Du Kure's face a trace of joy, taking advantage of this Opportunity, he hesitated to make his request to Salah.

However, what he never expected was that Salah who heard his request suddenly changed his face, and his face no longer had the joy he had just now. He glanced at Dukure next to him contemptuously, and said Coldly said: "The value you have done is far from enough for more advanced fire therapy!"

"Then how much worse am I?" Du Kure gritted his teeth and bent and asked. Didn't he not feel the coldness in Salah's words, but now that he has asked about it, he naturally wants to ask to understand is not enough! "Seeing that Du Kure even dared to ask, Salah flashed a cold light in his eyes when he looked at Du Kure, and said every word:

"This humble ordinary person, I have given him the low-level methods handed down by the great Celta. He even dared to make an inch. If it weren't for this person's worth, I would definitely sacrifice him to the great Celta! "

   "Who?" At this moment, Mr. Sarahe seemed to notice something screaming, and red flames appeared all over his body.

   "Fear, be afraid, be afraid!"

There was a round of applause in the basement. A handsome black man with a smile, clapped his hands and walked into the basement and said faintly: "Your Excellency really deserves to be the gatekeeper of Celtaism. I was discovered by your Excellency as soon as he showed his feet. Now, I really admire it!"

   "It's you! Connor Ferguson!" Looking at the handsome face of the black-robed man, Mr. Salah seemed to scream out very unexpectedly.

   "Your Excellency actually recognizes me? It seems I didn't find the wrong person!" The black robe man, Connor, smiled calmly:

   "Huh! No wonder we couldn't find you these few days, it turns out that you touched here, or it doesn't hurt to catch you here!" Salah snorted coldly, and a murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

"Catch me? Your lord laughed, here I am a hunter, and you are a prey. I advise you not to surrender on the spot, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood!" Connor's smile on his face remained unchanged, and he said very sincerely: New 81 The fastest computer terminal of Chinese network update: https://


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