Count of Wizards

Chapter 179: Weird letter

"Master Connor, we have recorded your situation here. Our Metropolitan Police Department will definitely go all out and try our best to solve the case as soon as possible!" It is the investigation of the scene and the count of losses. Assets, until the night, inspector Rodri made a solemn promise to Connor:

Although the inspector Rodri was a little more sleek, he was able to stay in the Metropolitan Police Department for decades, and he was able to do all kinds of work very meticulously. Naturally, he found various doubts.

"I hope so!" Connor pretended to mumble impatiently:

After a few words with Connor, Rodri came back with doubts and saw their disappearing back. Connor sneered. He didn't expect these people to solve the case for him at all, so he just acted like this. .

Now that it is getting late, the apartment is like this again, and it is impossible to live in. Connor thought about it and walked towards the hotel on the next street. The apartment will be renovated tomorrow. He should be staying in a hotel these days.

Conner stayed in this hotel called Villarreal Hotel, which is a very famous four-star hotel in Ruen. It is also the first choice for many foreign businessmen to work in tourism. The nobles came to Ruen to live in the first choice for a week. Connor moved in.

Originally at this time, Connor planned to experiment how to refine the Castilla staff perfectly, but when something like this happened, it was naturally impossible to conduct experiments in a crowded place like the hotel. Connor left a free time.

Connor did not think too much while lying on the bed. As the so-called soldiers came to cover the water and soil, this man in the dark was obviously scrupulous. Otherwise, he would just capture himself alive instead of just searching his apartment, which is really a last resort. At that time, I didn't have a way, but Reyes told myself that if you encounter any trouble that you can't solve by yourself, you can drop the letter in the mailbox of his villa!

Connor is still very convinced of his own mentor's ability. Reyes is a man who can play with the Church of the Storm in applause!

After resting in the hotel for a night, Connor left the hotel early the next morning. Like a nobleman whose home was robbed, he went to the labor market to find a renovation company to renovate the apartment. In the process, Connor secretly He was always wary of the people around him. He knew very well in his apartment, where there were only daily necessities, and the real valuable things were in his space ring. He carried it with him, so this man in the dark could not find anything in his apartment. , There is bound to be the next step.

However, Connor was a little disappointed that he deliberately visited a place with a lot of people like the labor market and didn't encounter any suspicious things after visiting for a day. However, when he returned to the hotel, he found someone in his room had come in, and squinted Connor into the room cautiously.

Connor's eyes focused on the guest table as soon as he entered the door, and a bulging letter was lying quietly on his guest table.

After checking the letter from a distance, Connor did not take the lead in moving it. Instead, he began to check the rest of the room. As expected, the person who sneaked into his room would play with the light. In the dark, a letter was placed on the bright surface to attract Connor's attention so that he was paralyzed. In fact, the man in the dark had a small metal ball placed in a very hidden place in his room.

After discovering the first small metal ball, Connor did not give up the inspection. He still carefully checked the entire guest room and searched for ten minutes. In addition to the first small metal ball found, Connor was still in the room. Three other small round beads were found in it.

Looking at these four small metal beads, Connor didn't know what they were, but his alchemy knowledge told him that as long as he didn't find these four small metal beads, he would go straight to read the one on the guest table. Above the letter, these four small beads will explode with a "bang!"

And according to the estimation of the four small metal beads by the auxiliary chip, their explosive power is enough to blow up the room, even if Connor's strength is caught off guard, it is difficult to escape.

Sweeping his gaze over the four small metal beads, Connor's gaze became gloomy. His principle has always been that whoever wants him to die, he will let whoever die first! So it seems that he wants to find this person in the dark as soon as possible, and then kill it quickly!

Now that these four small **** have been discovered, it is not difficult for Connor, the alchemist, to solve them. These four small **** are actually a sensor, as long as they are shielded by some means. A minute later, Connor carefully put the four small metal beads that were shielded into a sealed small round bottle and then put them into the space these four small metal beads , The design is very ingenious, and it can avoid the detection of mental power. When Connor just checked, he took a lot of thought to find out these powerful gadgets. For an alchemist, Connor took The next thing to do is to check these gadgets and see if you can find any valuable clues from them!

After finishing all this, Connor focused his attention on the bulging letters on the guest table again. In view of the appearance of these small metal cylinders, Connor spent five minutes. It was confirmed that there was nothing wrong with this letter. The reason why he was bulging was that there were thirty ten gold pound notes in it!

Opening the letter and taking out the banknotes inside, Connor took out the letter paper inside.

"Good evening, Wizard Connor Ferguson, I think you shouldn’t mind if I call you that. If you can open this letter, it means that you inherited you, you gained the inheritance of your family, became a wizard, and developed your own Spiritual power, found my little gift."

"First of all, I think I should apologize to you. Without your consent, I ordered my subordinates to break into your apartment, and in the process of being a guest, I broke some things in your home. This is bad for the guests. It is obviously wrong, so I attached three hundred gold pounds to the letter, hoping to make up for your loss."

"Don't worry about who I am or what I want to do, because I will appear in front of you soon, and I will meet with you, Mr. Connor, to talk in detail. Looking forward to that day, long live the truth!"

Looking at the content on the letter paper, Connor was really surprised. This was completely different from what he thought. He thought it was the problem with his secret agency, but now it seems that the problem is with the Ferguson family. ·····

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