Count of Wizards

Chapter 177: Monshing Party

Connor, who tightened his trench coat tightly and sat in a corner position, began to close his eyes and rest up his mind. After waiting for half an hour, the meeting in the clubhouse in Munchen restarted.

Just as Connor had guessed, when there was only half an hour left before the party restarted, more people came instead. Basically, after three or two minutes, there would be a shaman who covered his figure and walked in. In the hall, half an hour later, the number of wizards in the gathering was exactly forty.

"Ahem!" Mr. Mustafa, who was sitting in the main seat, gave a soft cough, and the eyes of the wizard sitting in the living room were concentrated on him.

"The time is up and the party begins. First of all, as the host here, at a time when this is still a bit unstable, I am very grateful to all the fellow Taoists on the Road of Truth. This shows that everyone still trusts me and the Mon Hing Club. , And the only thing I can promise is to abide by the rules here and I can guarantee your safety!"

"I won't talk too much nonsense, the transaction has officially started now!" Mr. Mustafa, with a few melodious voices, announced the beginning of the party.

"Hey, I need a bottle of purification potion, the value depends on the quality of the potion, at least ten gold pounds!" Mr. Mustafa just announced the official start of the party, a man with a black iron mask and a stocky figure smiled I stood up and said what I was looking for.

"Purification potion, what do you think of me?"

"I have a purification potion for fifty gold pounds!"



Connor in the corner watched these people fiercely asking for advice. He was not interested in the transactions of those people at all. He is now much wealthier than the average middle-level wizard apprentice, or he knows how rich he is now. There is nothing particularly desired.

He is now waiting for his turn to trade, and then with a suitable opportunity to sell the idle things in his hand with a suitable opportunity. He is really lacking in interest in other Connors.

After dozens of minutes, a tall female wizard with long brown hair stood up, and what she said she wanted really attracted Connor.

"Luen rich businessman Emery, I need his information, the more detailed the better, the price is good!"

Hearing the name Emery, the eyes under Connor's mask couldn't help but flash. He didn't expect that he would hear the name Emery in Philosophy. Last time he "taken" the alchemy furnace from him, this Emery The gentleman didn't seem to be public, and he was unlucky by default.

Connor looked up at the female wizard who asked the question calmly. There was nothing distinctive about this person, except for his tall stature, everything else was ordinary.

After the tall witch asked the question, the entire living room fell into silence. About two minutes later, a thin old wizard stood up and asked in a hoarse voice: "What do you say about the high price?"

"At least fifty gold pounds! No capping!" The tall witch hesitated and said:

Hearing that there was at least fifty gold pounds to take, this thin old wizard seemed very satisfied. He nodded slightly, and then opened his lips slightly to transmit the sound. After the tall witch received the sound transmission, it should be Somewhat moved, he talked with the skinny old wizard again, and he found five ten gold pound notes directly from his wallet and handed it over.

After receiving the banknotes, the skinny old wizard nodded at the wizard again, and then bowed directly to Mr. Mustafa's request to leave. According to the requirements of the rules, the old wizard naturally got permission and left the party smoothly. At the scene, the tall witch who sought Emery didn't seem to be affected at all, and still sat quietly in her place.

"I want..." The witch sat back, and the new wizard naturally took the opportunity of the transaction and stood up to tell everyone what she wanted.

Pretending to listen carefully to the introduction of the new wizard, Connor's head is running fast. The matter between the old wizard and the witch just now seems to be normal. The old wizard betrays the news to the witch, and the witch pays. After the money, the old wizard took a step ahead for safety.

But in fact it is completely wrong!

The amount of their transaction is only fifty gold pounds! The mere fifty gold pounds here can only be regarded as a small transaction, it is not a big deal at all, and the energy fluctuations of the intermediate wizard apprentice can also be sensed in the old wizard just now. No one here will go for the mere fifty gold pounds. Rob an intermediate wizard apprentice!

So there must be another reason for the departure of the old wizard! Coming to this conclusion and they were talking about Emery, Connor couldn't help but feel tight. He rushed through the Cologne Manor at night, but knew that Emery was related to the secret society.

Before he could think about it, it was Connor's turn for the transaction. Connor stood up, took out the present-value enchanted item he was going to sell from the space ring, and introduced it:

"Help an alchemist friend sell things for me. This umbrella is a semi-finished product of a first-level enchanted item that can be used about ten times. It can resist ordinary bullets and has a strong water-repellent effect. The price is three hundred gold pounds. The handle cane is also a first-level enchanted item, but only five times are left. The appearance looks wooden, but in fact the inside is made of Persis steel, and it has been given a magic effect. The price is four hundred gold pounds. ···········"

He introduced all his idle babies in one breath, and Connor instantly discovered that at least half of the wizards in the living room had their eyes focused on him. He was not surprised at all. He shrugged and added a word. "The above are all one-off prices, no counter-offers are accepted, and only imperial gold pound banknotes are accepted. The price of alchemical materials is 80% off the market price!"

When Connor said that he declined to bargain, several people who originally wanted to talk to Connor with Voice Transmission had their mouths shut.

I have to say that demonized items are indeed rare and precious items in the wizarding world. In just a few minutes, Connor’s idle items were simply tested for their power, and they were bought one after another. One person still wanted the potion that could help meditation to trade off, but when he looked at the potion directly, Connor rejected it mercilessly.

The potion is indeed a potion, and the effect can indeed be a meditation effect, but how can Connor, who has been nurtured by Varga's potion, be able to see the potion full of impurities?

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