Count of Wizards

Chapter 173: Blasting Storm Hammer

When there was an unexpected situation, Connor had no other emotions besides being a little upset. He said that Walker was his prey, so no matter how strong the prey was, it would still be a prey after all, and he couldn't play with him as a hunter.

Walker, who has become an apprentice of an intermediate wizard, can just let Connor experiment with the full power of the silver pendant!

With a weird smile at Walker, Connor held the silver pendant on his neck with his right hand. The smile on Walker's triumphant face instantly solidified in the next second, and he clearly felt that this original and himself The same black wizard, who was also an intermediate wizard apprentice, burst into shocking spiritual power.

The volute didn't dare to hesitate at all, and directly controlled its own storm hammer, and smashed it fiercely at the purple light shield that protected Connor's figure.

Feeling Walker's actions, Connor was extremely satisfied. If Walker is a bad guy, he will go off the road. He is also an intermediate wizard apprentice. It will take a lot of hands and feet for Connor to get rid of him, but now Walker has chosen to and He was tough, Connor looked at him with a hint of pity...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The storm hammer wrapped in violent energy, under Walker's drive, the purple light shield in front of Connor smashed fiercely. It was like a boat in a storm, as if it might sink at any time.

But under the protection of the purple light shield, Connor is still sitting on the Diaoyutai, calmly condensing his spiritual power.

Connor is still very confident about the Saint Laurent ring that he has transformed. It is true that the Storm Hammer in Walker's hand is very powerful, but no matter how large it is, it has not broken through the category of first-level enchanted items, and his own Saint Laurent ring , Although it has undergone major repairs and has been limited in the number of times it can be used, the grade is still in the second-level enchanted item. It is impossible for the Stormhammer to hammer this purple light shield without smashing it for dozens of times.

Seeing this purple shield in front of Connor, an anxious look appeared on Walker's face, and he couldn't help but turn his heart. To cut a palm is to cast some spell with your own blood.

However, the idea is good, but the reality is cruel. Connor, who has been waiting for the opportunity, will give him this opportunity. The moment his mind moves, he releases three mental shocks at Walker under the increase of the silver pendant. .

It is already Connor’s limit to release three mental shocks in a row under the Silver Light Pendant. Based on the estimation of the auxiliary chip, given Connor’s own mental power, the three mental powers are also a headache. Certainly traumatic.

Sure enough, under Connor’s deliberate calculations, even though Walker did not behave like Asamoah, he directly "layed down" but it was also instantaneous. The **** face of the Qi orifices was full of sturdy aura, and it became hideous because of the extreme pain. Get up, from a distance, the whole person looks like an arbiter who represents the goddess of the storm and arbitrates the world. It is clear that he is a terrifying ghost from hell!

At this moment, Connor's second wave of attacks was also killed! The two invisible shadow daggers flashed with cold murderous intent, one left and the other quickly slammed at Walker's throat and heart.


Walker let out a muffled snort, and a second before the two shadow daggers were about to harvest his life, he showed the decision of an arbiter of the Church of the Storm.

It was Walker who was struck by the mental shock. Even if he felt the air torn by the shadow dagger in front of him, he couldn't make a perfect escape. He could only barely twist his body to avoid his own vitals. , Two shadow daggers stabbed one in his lower abdomen and the other in his shoulder. The red blood from the wound stabbed by the shadow dagger splashed on the ground like a fountain.

Walker suffered such a severe injury, his sturdy and burly figure suddenly shook, and he kept his body in a standing state due to his personal determination, but even with his body, the naked eye can clearly observe that he is all over. Trembling.

However, just as Connor’s spirit controlled the shadow dagger to pull out from the wound and was about to launch a second attack, the **** Walker let out an angry roar and waved his storm hammer, losing the shadow dagger with its invisibility effect. It fell to the ground fiercely.

The shadow dagger suffered such a heavy blow, and it immediately acted on Connor's body. Connor immediately felt that his head was hit hard, his mouth was full of sweet smell, and a mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Slowly wiped off the blood on the corners of his mouth, Connor's eyes looked at Walker also became extremely cold, and did not slow down. There were countless black light sands immediately around him. He pointed at Walker with one hand. These blacks Guangsha was immediately under his control and swarmed at Walker.

Although I don’t know what weird spell Connor But Walker obviously can’t let Connor succeed. With his low growl, the blood spattered from his wounds turned into countless tiny ones. The storm, these tiny storms gathered together, and immediately formed a four medium-sized tornado pillars. These four tornado pillars formed a square and protected Walker in the square. It resisted the black light sand released by Connor.

Seeing his own magic spell Ruyi Yingguang stalemate with Walker’s Wind Breaking Pillar, a fierce light flashed in Connor’s eyes, instantly driving the silver light pendant to the extreme, and the silver light pendant’s horrible amplification effect It can be said to be immediate. Ruyi Yingguang's momentum rose sharply, and with just one breath, the stalemate wind column was squeezed to only a little space.

"Black Wizard Asshole, your Grandpa Walker is fighting with you!"

Seeing that something bad happened, Walker let out a desperate roar, and the energy fluctuation of the storm hammer in his hand doubled suddenly.

not good! This guy is going to explode the Hammer of Storm!

As an alchemist who often comes into contact with demonized items, Connor didn't need to react at all, and subconsciously understood what Walker was going to do.

With a move of mind, the purple light shield once again appeared in front of Connor, covering Connor's figure tightly.


Walker is also a ruthless person. In order to fight for a chance, he will survive from death. He will definitely explode his proud treasure Stormhammer. However, the terrorist shock wave of Stormhammer's explosion is indistinguishable. He will not just because you are. Its former owner opened his eyes to you. While destroying Connor's wishful shadow and light spells, he also tore Walker's sturdy flesh to powder...

However, at the same time, a ball of light emerged and flew directly into the distance...

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