Count of Wizards

Chapter 171: While the hunt is in progress!

Originally, the Mithril used by Reyes for Connor to refine the Castilla Staff was very abundant, but the last time Connor used some Mithril to refine the Mithril Necklace for Varga, the remaining Mithril Although it is sufficient to refine Castilla's staff now, it is now pursuing the perfect refining process. Naturally, the more excellent alchemy materials like Mithril are better!

Feeling the soul crystal in the alchemy furnace shrinking continuously under the urging of his own spiritual fire, Connor's hand movements are extremely careful. The work of refining the silver pendant, the last time he refined the Mithril necklace At that time, I have roughly simulated it again, and I am still very confident in my heart. The most difficult point in the refining of the silver light pendant is his current step-tempering the soul crystal!

He wants to use his own spiritual fire to get rid of the fine impurities in the soul crystal little by little, keeping only the purest spiritual power. The key to this step is directly related to the mental power increase effect on Connor after the silver light pendant is finished.

The original silver light pendant actually said that the core is the magic core of the Illusory Demon, but now Connor uses the soul crystal instead, and the simulation product of the substitute effect given by the auxiliary chip concludes that the silver light pendant with the soul crystal as the core is The power of the original silver light pendant is 137%. This result also strengthens Connor’s idea. In addition to the core, the remaining parts of the silver light pendant, etc. are all secondary to Connor. Saying that there is no difficulty, it is simply to fix the core with a metal with good mental power transmission properties.

As time passed, watching the soul crystal gradually shrink to the size of a walnut under the tempering of the spiritual fire, he could no longer continue to refine it. Connor nodded secretly, he knew that the soul crystal had reached this point. The state is already the limit that the fire of spirit can be tempered, and if you want to temper it again, you must have external help!

Taking out a vial from the space ring, Connor cherished the pink powder in the vial and poured some into the alchemy furnace.

As the pink powder entered, a magical change occurred in the alchemy furnace in an instant. A layer of pink light appeared on the surface of the soul crystal that could not be refined. Seeing this change, Connor had a look. Painfully put the vial containing the pink powder back into the space ring properly.

The pink powder in this small bottle is called Burning Magic Powder, which is a kind of treasure recorded in "Reyes Alchemy" that is very helpful for refining magical items. Connor has also studied for a long time before refining Such a small bottle, very precious!

Burning magic powder is still very powerful, and soon it will make the walnut-sized soul crystals continue to condense and refine at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Feeling relieved to feel the change of the soul crystal in the alchemy furnace, Connor knew that everything was proceeding according to his plan.



Two days later, in the early morning in the small woods outside the Greenwood Pier on the outskirts of Ruen, Connor glanced at the black sky and covered it with

His own cloak, the moon is black and the wind is high in the night, is when the SHA people set fire!

It was already 2:50 in the morning, and Connor's mental power clearly felt that a medium-sized passenger ship was slowly docking on the Greenwood Wharf.

The so-called Greenwood Pier, you will never find it on the map of Ruen published by all regular publishing houses in Ruen, because it is a black pier, it does exist, but it does not exist... ········

The Greenwood Wharf is under the jurisdiction of the Morgan Gang, and it is the main place where Morgan HEI helped SI sell ZANG. In addition to the goods being shipped and purchased, this wharf also does some businesses that help people steal DUO.

Putting a piece of "sugar cube" in his mouth, Connor wearing a cloak took out a few clay pots from the space ring, and then smashed them on the ground. There were countless gray smoke from the broken clay pots. With the help of wind, it spread everywhere.

A smug smile appeared at the corner of Connor's mouth. He is now at the upwind of Greenwood. In less than a minute, it is exactly 30 seconds, and the gray smoke he released will be filled. Go to Greenwood Pier.

The result of this is that all ordinary people in Greenwood Wharf will fall into a coma, and Connor can calmly start his own SHA killing.

According to Connor’s observations, in this Greenwood Wharf, dozens of members of the Morgan HEI gang are stationed all year round. In order to prevent Walker from passing the news back through some unexpected means, Connor must rush to Walker and Before Ramsey met, he killed Ramsey, which caused Connor to choose to do it in Greenwood Wharf, and this created another problem!

Can Connor kill those dozens of Morgan HEI gang members in Greenwood Wharf?

If you choose to do nothing and do nothing, it is not difficult to get rid of everything, but dozens of lives are by no means a trivial For the newly appointed Bishop of Ruen, Edel, he wants to suppress It may not be able to hold it down!

If you don't kill, you will be exposed in the dock!

So in this dilemma, after thinking about it, Connors chose such a method, let the ordinary people fall asleep through the fog, and then touched it in to kill the two unlucky ones. Although this is somewhat He was stunned, but Connor was very confident of his current strength. He just gave up the sneak attack and used one enemy with two weapons. He was confident that he would solve the battle within five minutes!

Holding two shadow daggers in his hands, Connor walked into the brightly lit Greenwood wharf with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. At this time, the Greenwood wharf was filled with gray smoke and the bodies of some strong men were lying on the ground.

Connor's mind moved, and the silver drop-shaped pendant he wore on his neck suddenly became a little hot, and as the pendant became hot, Connor's mental power instantly covered the entire Greenwood Pier.

He clearly felt that within the scope of his spiritual power, which two positions were exactly the same as the old and the young in the portrait Margaret gave him. Connor at this time did not hesitate, and went straight to the dock to anchor. The position of the passenger ship, in his mind, the priority of killing Ramsey is far higher than that of Walker.

At this time, Mr. Ramsey, one of Connor’s prey, had obviously realized the danger coming from the gray smoke. He just got off the passenger ship, and immediately returned to the passenger ship very alertly, and he came. Arrived in the passenger ship's wheelhouse, wanted to drive the passenger ship out of this place that made him creepy.

However, it is a pity that the passenger ship that has stalled and docked wants to set sail again, how can it be so fast...

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