Count of Wizards

Chapter 165: Sneak into the warehouse

Three days later, in the middle of the night, wearing a cloak that completely concealed his figure, Connor sneaked through the woods in the suburbs of East Ruen.

Tonight, he is going to sit uninvited for a while and visit Mr. Emery's Cologne Manor unannounced!

He has already made inquiries. Tonight there will be an economic forum called "Dialogue New World" in the city of Ruen. It will mainly discuss trade issues between the empire and the New World. Basically, the wealthy businessmen in the Ruen area will go back to arty. Participating in this discussion, Mr. Emery, as the actual controller of the Kroenke consortium, will naturally also participate in this "New World Dialogue" economic forum!

The forum will be held for three days, and today is the first day there will be a welcome dinner at 8 pm. This plan is intertwined. Everyone will connect and expand the network. If you say nothing, you will have to end in the early morning, so it is very likely that today In the evening, Mr. Emery will live in the city of Ruen and will not return to the Cologne Manor.

Connor also learned that although Mr. Emery is the actual controller of the Kroenke family, the relationship between Ms. Aina and Alenia is not particularly harmonious with the Kroenke family, so the Kroenke family’s The knights all live in their old Kroenke family house in the city!

So it is very possible that in the Cologne Manor, only the dozen knights of Mr. Emery are guarding!

In terms of Connor's current strength, a dozen knights are just a piece of cake for him, so tonight's Cologne Manor will be as temptation for Connor as a woman without *trousers. force!

And if there is nothing wrong with the plan of the Cologne Manor attached to the information, then the alchemy furnace Connor wants will be hidden in the warehouse.

Connor is going to kill two birds with one stone tonight. After taking the alchemy furnace, he is looking at whether there is evidence of Mr. Emery's contact with the secret society in the manor!

Came to the edge of the manor wall quietly, and Connor heard the footsteps of patrol personnel clearly in his ears.

Without any hesitation, Connor made a deep leap and overcame the wall, and fell into the courtyard without any sound. Watching the two smart security guards with short sticks on their waists walk by five meters in front of him, but they didn't notice anything, Connor had a satisfied expression on his face.

The cloak he is now wearing is a first-level enchanted item, which has the ability to be invisible and lighten the body of the person who uses it. Connor originally wanted to refine it into a high-quality first-level enchanted item. Yes, but unfortunately it did not succeed. This cloak can only have an invisible effect on ordinary people who cannot use spiritual power. For wizards who can use spiritual power, it has no effect, but it is right here!

After scanning the surrounding environment, Connor confirmed his position and walked towards the inner courtyard of Cologne Manor. The cloned manor is divided into inner and outer courtyards. It is these ordinary security guards who are responsible for the security of the outer courtyard. Connor is the number one player today. One goal is the warehouse in the inner courtyard. Connor guessed that when he entered the inner courtyard, he should meet the knights of Emery!

Connor encountered three or four waves of security all the way, but he came to the inner courtyard very smoothly. When he entered the inner courtyard, Connor's eyes narrowed subconsciously. He felt a faint, but very familiar. the taste of.

After feeling it carefully, Connor felt that this feeling was extremely familiar, but he couldn't tell it. He shook his head abruptly. Connor temporarily left this feeling behind and looked at the huge warehouse a hundred meters away.

This feeling can be temporarily put aside, he now has to focus on finding the alchemy furnace he wants from this warehouse!

The inner courtyard seems to be light and windy and unguarded, but Connor’s mental power is detected. Several secret whistles are hidden in the dark and hidden places. All of these secret whistles are physically vigorous and muscular. Full of explosive power, at a glance, you can see that each has the strength of an official knight level, not only that these people are bulging around their waists, from the shape of each person has a revolver in his hand!

Observing this, Connor's eyes became a little dignified. He is only a wizard apprentice now, and guns can still hurt him. Judging from the equipment of these people, if he is a little back, it is really possible that the gutter will capsize!

Holding the shadow dagger in his hand, Connor cautiously touched the warehouse. He came to ask for money today, and Connor didn't want to kill people as a last resort! After all, this Emery may be in contact with the secret society, and everyone may be his own. It's fine to steal other people's alchemy furnace. It's a bit bad to kill people!

Jumping into the warehouse from the window of the warehouse, Connor immediately felt that this seemingly unpopulated warehouse was in a hidden place, and a middle-aged man was quietly guarding the warehouse~www. This middle-aged man seems to be a little older, but Connor can feel the life energy permeating this man. This middle-aged man is already at the pinnacle of knighthood, and he can become a great knight in just one step. !

Glancing at the middle-aged man, Connor’s eyes flashed with helplessness. With a move of his mind, a shadow dagger slashed the back of the middle-aged man’s neck with the back of the knife. But his body could no longer keep up with his consciousness, and he collapsed to the ground limply and fell into a coma.

Connor's sleeves flicked the middle-aged man's waist revolver, and it appeared in Connor's hands. He opened the barrel and looked at the six silver devil-breaking bullets inside. Connor was immediately glad that he had not taken a risk!

It is not difficult for him to knock down this middle-aged man. The real difficulty is to search the warehouse silently under the eyes of this man. Now it seems that Connor’s conservativeness is really wise. Otherwise, during the search, make a noise and let the middle-aged man find out that he would be interesting if he gave himself a devil-breaking bullet... ····

After receiving the devil-breaking bullets and guns into his space ring, Connor began to look for his target in the warehouse-the alchemy furnace.

The plan of the Cologne Manor in the information should be drawn by the insiders of the manor. The functions of the buildings are marked in detail and clearly, and they even roughly describe the functions of some of the buildings. The warehouse where Connor is located is in the plan. The description is the place where Mr. Emery used to store his various supplies and treasures.

And the middle-aged man just now seemed to confirm the importance of this warehouse to Emery from the side. A peak knight carrying a magic bullet would not stay in an unimportant place!

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