Count of Wizards

Chapter 158: Intermediate Wizard Apprentice (1)

With George’s help, the progress in using the apartment mortgage loan was very smooth. In just a week, George handled all the bank procedures for Connor, and then Connor, Mr. Piazza, paid back Sanchez Bank sat together and completed this mortgage involving tens of thousands of pounds.

Connor successfully became the real owner of his apartment, but for this he also owed a huge sum of 9,000 pounds from the Sanchez Bank and became a negative man!


Sitting cross-legged in the bedroom of his apartment, Connor slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, and his eyes revealed unconcealed excitement.

After ending the problem with the apartment, he has been diverting all his energy to the treatment of his mental trauma.

"Chip, check whether the mental trauma of my Shenhai has been fully recovered?" Connor ordered silently in his heart:

"Dip! Following the subject’s will, the task is established, and the estimated completion time is ten seconds...The task is completed. The subject’s mental trauma caused by overdrawn mental power has been recovered without leaving any sequelae. It won't have any influence on the subject's breakthrough to the intermediate apprentice!" Connor's very familiar cold female voice sounded in his mind.

There was a relaxed smile at the corner of his mouth. Connor's heart is now very happy. His confidant suffering of mental trauma has finally been completely resolved. In the next step, he can finally concentrate all his energy without any influence. Break through the repair base.

Connor is now at the peak of a junior wizard apprentice in both mana and mental power. Coupled with various methods such as the mana-gathering potions that Varga gave him, Connor thinks that he has made this breakthrough. It is conservatively estimated. At least 50% certainty!

Thinking of this, Connor reduced the smile on his face. He decided to hit the iron while it was hot without delaying, and he was exhausted, and he started to try to break through today. Anyway, he was ready to assist in the breakthrough.


In the attic on the top floor of the apartment, Connor laid pieces of metal blocks shining with black and bright colors in the attic according to a certain pattern. With the growth of Connor's alchemy attainments, Connor has also begun to learn an important branch of "Reyes Alchemy"-the alchemy circle.

And what Connor is doing now is to deploy Reyes’s improved "Spiritual Dawn" alchemy circle. The so-called Spiritual Dawn alchemy circle is an alchemy aided by spiritual wizards that has been passed down for a long time. The magic circle, activating the magic circle can gather a large amount of pure energy in the magic circle in a short time, and the spiritual power can also be greatly enhanced in the magic circle. It is a weapon for spiritual wizards to break through the cultivation base.

However, Connor’s "Spiritual Dawn" alchemy circle now arranged is not the original "Spiritual Dawn", but the "Spiritual Dawn" alchemy circle modified by Reyes. The biggest difference between the two is It lies in the concealment and integration of two major features! ,

According to the general belief of the wizarding world, "Spiritual Dawn" is an alchemy circle handed down from the Byzantine period. In that era, the wizarding civilization has developed rapidly, and the dark wizard is still in a state of freedom, so there is no need to worry about breaking through. The energy abnormality caused by the last time.

As far as Connor is concerned, he obviously cannot ignore this. If he does not deal with the energy abnormality caused by breaking through his cultivation, I am afraid that he successfully broke through and became an apprentice of the intermediate wizard. The next step is to face the storm church. The crazy chase! Reyes's improved version of the "Spiritual Dawn" alchemy circle perfectly solves this point. The hidden function of the circle will completely cover up the energy mutation.

As for the second integration of the improved "Spiritual Dawn", Connor couldn't help thinking.

If the original version of "Spiritual Dawn" is 100% helpful to wizards who only practice the spiritual element, then it has only 50% help for wizards like Connor, who both cultivate dark and spiritual attributes. After Reyes's improvement, the "Spiritual Dawn" magic circle can also absorb the energy of other specific attributes in the world according to the drive of people, so as to provide 100% help for spiritual wizards who concurrently cultivate other attributes!

Why did Connor think deeply about such a good improvement?

the reason is simple!

Because it lies in why Reyes wants to improve? According to normal circumstances, people improve something because of demand, and people want this thing to meet their own needs.

The first improved feature is concealed and well understood. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, while the second feature is integrated, Connor remembers that Reyes once said to himself that he is a spiritual wizard like himself, and he The improvement and integration of this feature in the "Spiritual Dawn" array does it mean that he, like Connor, is also cultivating other attributes in addition to the spiritual system?

Connor was very excited to receive this news. He felt like he had touched the secret between Reyes and him. Yes, until now, Connor still firmly believes that his mentor recruited him to the sect. The reason for being so good to him is by no means simply trying to pass on what he has learned.

Behind Reyes' smile, there must be a plot. As for what he was plotting, Connor didn't know. He could only hope that Reyes' plot was beneficial to him, or not harmful to him.

After placing the last piece of metal, a smile appeared on the corner of Connor's mouth. Arranging the alchemy circle is a very test of the wizard's concentration. If one piece is not set up, the whole circle will have to be rebuilt.

Sitting in the middle of the circle, Connor adjusted the state of his body and mind to the best, and immediately chanted the spell with a solemn expression, and with the sound of his spell, the attic where he was located was extremely strange and a mist rose. , With the rising of the mist, the dark attribute energy and spiritual energy in the attic are also rapidly gathering.

From the space ring, he took out a bottle of energy-accumulating potion that Varga had refined for himself, Connor drank it all and swallowed it all in his belly!


This is Conner's only feeling now! He felt that his whole body was full of energy now, and he seemed to be able to hear very seductive and mysterious babbles in his ears.

Although it had been anticipated, the occurrence of these mysterious babbles still made Connor instantly nervous. According to the records of Reyes’ practice experience, these babbles are the temptation of some indescribable mysterious existence to wizards. Once you relax your vigilance, you will be The temptation of these babbles can range from death to death, or loss of will to become a monster that is neither human nor ghost!

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