Count of Wizards

Chapter 155: Flying misfortune

The rice-silver necklace he gave to Varga was good, but in essence, it was just a test item for him to test the silver pendant...

The Mithril Necklace is a simplified version of "Reyes" alchemy in terms of materials, refining methods, or refining techniques. It was made by Connor in the auxiliary chip for better refining. Silver pendants are tested.

Through this experiment, Connor is familiar with some important techniques of the refining process,

Opening the suitcase, Connor solemnly took out a bottle of Greenland medicine and put it in front of him, but instead of taking it directly, he meditated for a while, adjusted his state to the best, and then put the medicine. Drink it all and swallow it in the belly.


This was Connor's first experience with Greenland Potion, but Connor did not have time to feel the Greenland Potion carefully, and it gave him the feeling that he would begin to meditate and practice his own abyssal secrets as Varga had instructed him.

Perhaps because of the effect of the Greenland medicine, Connor felt that his whole person had entered a state of deep cultivation that was very difficult to enter in normal times. This kind of deep cultivation, the cultivation speed is two to three times the normal practice efficiency, but it is You need to be absolutely inexhaustible before you can enter·····

Carefully maintaining himself in a state of deep cultivation, Connor began to refine the Greenland medicine in his body.

I have to say that the Greenland medicine that Varga chose for Connor is still very effective. Every time a drop of the orange Greenland medicine in his body is refined, Connor can vaguely feel the mental trauma in his divine sea and relieve a little bit.

Two hours later, Connor slowly opened his eyes, temporarily ending his treatment of mental trauma, and there was a clear excitement in his eyes.

Taking this bottle of Greenland medicine, Connor can intuitively and clearly feel that his mental trauma has been repaired to a certain degree. At this rate, he can heal his mental trauma in less time. Start preparing to break through the intermediate wizard apprentice, as well as the refining work of the castilla staff and the silver pendant two second-level magic items!

"Chip, calculate the effect of Greenland medicine on my mental trauma, and the estimated recovery time?" Connor calmed his excitement and began to order the auxiliary chip in the body.

"Dip! This time the progress of taking Greenland medicine to treat the subject's mental trauma is 7.8%. According to the original drug resistance law of the subject taking other drugs, it is expected that it will take one and a half months for the subject to completely treat the mental trauma. In addition, the chip reminds The subject, the Greenland medicine needs a certain amount of time to be completely absorbed by the subject. It is recommended that the subject take a bottle of Greenland medicine in two days!" Following Connor's order, the chip's cold female voice sounded in his brain.

Touching his chin, Connor nodded secretly. The estimated recovery time given by the chip is based on the conclusion he had taken other medicines in the past. Varga told him that one of the advantages of this Greenland medicine is its resistance. The medicinal properties are much smaller than other medicines, so it seems that it only takes about a month for him to completely repair his mental trauma.

A month's time is neither long nor short, and Connor is also acceptable for such a time.



Connor, who was at home half a month later, devoted himself to recovering from his trauma, greeted a guest in his home that he had never expected.

"Mr. Piazza, do you mean this apartment, you want to sell it?" Connor suppressed his anger and said with a cold voice, looking at the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa with an apologetic expression.

"Master Connor, I'm really sorry, but my condition is really burning eyebrows. A cargo ship of our company was caught in a storm on its way to the New World. Although the ship was saved, the cargo on it was already gone. Damaged, such a large batch of goods, according to the contract, I have to pay at least 13 thousand gold to my dealer, plus the death and injured crew’s pension, I have to pay at least 15 thousand gold, the cash in my hand There is not so much at all, only the sale of real estate to raise money!" The middle-aged man, who was called "Mr. Piazza" by Conner, explained with a bitter expression:

"I am not interested in knowing your business losses. I only know that I paid the rent of this apartment for four years at a lump sum of £1,000!" Connor waved his hand and stared at his landlord, Mr. Piazza. Pause said:

That's right! What Connor is facing now is that he will be kicked out of his apartment by his landlord, and the reason is not that Connor cannot afford to pay the rent for this but because of his landlord. An unexpected situation occurred in his business and he needed to sell the house to raise money to compensate others.

"I'm really sorry Master Connor. You have lived here for two and a half years now. I will count it as two years for you. I will refund you the remaining rent 500 gold list, as well as what you and I have booked in the contract. The five hundred gold list for liquidated damages, a total of one thousand gold list for you! According to the terms of the rental contract, starting tomorrow I will give you one month to find a new residence"

Hearing what Connor said, the landlord, Mr. Piazza, did not excuse him. After expressing his apologies to Connor again, he came up with a set of compensation clauses that were quite sincere.

They acted in accordance with the contract. Although Connor was angry, he couldn’t help but patiently asked, “Mr. Piazza, I remember your property under your name. In addition to this apartment, There are a lot of very valuable real estate. Why do I have to sell the one I rented? I am dissatisfied that I am very satisfied with my living environment in this apartment. I can pay you an extra five hundred gold. For rent!"

How could Connor allow his landlord to sell this apartment to someone else?

Let alone Connor has become accustomed to the living environment here. Even the alchemy organs he arranged in the apartment, even if Connor wants to dismantle, it will take a lot of time! And Connor is now at a critical juncture of treating his trauma, and he has no time and energy to devote himself to such things.

"Master Connor, my business is mainly shipping trade. The East Hoy Company on the New World side is too strong and the business is not good. Except for this property, the other real estate properties are all held by the Imperial Bank and will not be sold. This apartment, I can only go bankrupt!" Mr. Piazza sighed and said sadly:

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