Count of Wizards

Chapter 147: Aftermath!

"Thank you, Professor, for your accomplishment!" A flash of light flashed in Edel's eyes, and he nodded in thanks:

"I will give you three months. During these three months, the Valencia Chamber of Commerce will not start work. Give you enough time to eliminate dissidents, integrate resources, and hold the Luen Church in your hands until you become After all the dust has settled for the new bishop, the Valencia Chamber of Commerce will go all out!" After releasing the benefits, Reyes made his own request again. Kuangsha Net

"Three months is enough time, professor, don't worry, you have invested so many resources on me, I know how to repay you!" Edel replied in a deep voice:

"Very good, remember what you said"

As soon as Reyes's voice fell, the shadow he appeared in front of Edel turned out to be transparent, and then under Edel's surprised eyes, it turned into a paper man and fell on the dark floor tiles in the basement.

"Senior, can you not be so fascinating next time you show up?" Looking at the elegant gentleman who suddenly appeared in front of him, Ms. Lena, who was wearing a nightgown and wearing a mask, rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction.

"If I remember correctly, when I was still in the academy, Correa gave you a bottle of rejuvenating medicine in order to chase you, right?" Reyes took a closer look at the lady who was applying the mask. Said:

"Huh! Although Correa came from the family of pharmacists, we were all apprentices at that time. How expensive was the beauty-preserving medicine? How could he get it? What he gave me was only an anti-aging medicine that worked well. That's it!" Lena slowly explained. Although her tone was a bit fierce, her words were full of nostalgia for that era.

"Now you are also an official wizard. It's not too difficult to get a bottle of Rejuvenating Potion. Why didn't you get a bottle for yourself?" Reyes asked casually:

"Leaving the college went smoothly and became an official wizard. I thought I could have a big fight with him. How could I think that so many things would happen later?" Lena sighed and said, but said the word "he". At that time, a complex color of hatred and tenderness appeared unconsciously in her beautiful eyes.

Lena raised her head and looked at Reyes on the side. A smile appeared on the pretty face with little traces of years and said: "Senior, if you hadn't found me, I thought I would never have a chance in my life. Now that I have decided to come back out of the world, I have to tidy up, otherwise it would be ugly to be defeated by those glamorous little girls standing together?"

"You all know?" Listening to Ms. Lena's words, Reyes, who had always been strategizing, also showed a look of surprise on her face.

"Of course, although I'm not in Nantes Manor, it doesn't mean that I don't know anything. The fellow Abidal has never been seen. You must have been killed by you. Edel killed Bale of the Secret Order. Luo, led the arbitrators to fight back from the Nantes Manor, and became the final winner with full credit. These naturally show that what you want to do as senior has been achieved!" Lena's eyes flashed with admiration. Speaking:

"Very well, Lena, you might as well guess what I came to do with you this time?" Reyes's smile was even thicker, which tested Lena.

"What can you do with me at this time? Naturally, it is an explanation. For example, let me monitor Edel. After all, seniors, if you don’t run faster now, wait until the elders in the church know that Abidal has been killed by you. It's dead, senior, you can just" Lena teased Reyes, saying that in the end she was still on her white neck, wiped it, and made a throat cut.

After lightly slapped his palms a few times, Reyes looked at Lena with admiration in his eyes. He said with some emotion: "Lena, you are so, I have no worries on Ruen's side."

"Don't, don't! Edel is not as old and cunning as Abidal, but it's not a fuel-efficient lamp, plus he has been operating in Ruen for so many years, I am not his opponent!" Si waved her hand, Lena's eyes were full of sly.

"Although Edel has been in Ruen for many years, there are his people in the Ruen church up and down, but this time, he did not tell his subordinates so as not to be noticed, so this time his subordinates are also The loss was heavy, and although most of his people were attached to him, there was a major premise, that is, his loyalty to the Storm Church!"

"Now Edel has joined forces with me and killed Abidal and so many disciples of the church. He can't look back anymore. If his people know that he has betrayed the church, then I'm afraid it will be the first to report. His fear is his subordinates, so in order to conceal and protect himself, he has only one choice is to give Ruen's newspaper to Lena you!" Reyes said meaningfully:

"Give the newspaper to me, do I have grudges with the church? Or do I have a shallow foundation in Luen so I can control it?" Lena said somewhat self-deprecatingly:

"Lenna, since I asked you to monitor Edel for me, naturally I won't let you face it alone, Edel!" After speaking, Reyes took out a piece of paper and a token from the space ring. To Lena.

Glancing at Reyes Lena solemnly took the paper and token from Reyes.

"This is the manpower that I have arranged in Luen over the years. With their existence, plus Lena's ability to monitor you, there will be no difficulty in monitoring Edel. This token is my command. People’s token, see the token as if I come in person!” Reyes exhorted:

Meimu carefully scanned the list given to her by Reyes, and Lena had a look of surprise in her eyes. It seemed that some of the names in the list made her a little bit unbelievable!

After remembering every name in the list, Lena will soon collect the token, and then destroy the list in front of Reyes.

Reyes nodded, groaned, and took out another portrait from the space ring, and handed it to Lena, saying, "He is Connor Ferguson, my student. I didn't let him get involved in this time. Among them, in addition to monitoring Edel this time, your other task is to protect Connor Ferguson. I don't want him to make any mistakes!"

Listening to Reyes' words, an incredible watch appeared on Ms. Lena's face. She took the portrait and did not open it immediately. Instead, she said in disbelief: "Senior, you actually accepted students?"

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