Count of Wizards

Chapter 1107: Hummels in person?

"Earl of Wizard(

"As for the second possibility, it is that this message was not sent by Elena, and another cardinal in Frosinone has arrived!" Marguerite hesitated, but still told her guess. Connor

Listening to the meaning of Margaret’s words, Connor seemed to have thought of something, his face changed slightly, as if he had thought of something, and whispered to Margaret to prove: "Margaret, do you think Hu Mei Fels is here, too, Frosinone?"

Although Margaret gave two possibilities just now, Connor felt that in fact, Margaret only said one possibility!

According to Margaret’s complaint, the Storm Church’s high level in Frosinone has basically been wiped out by Reyes. Therefore, it can be said that in Frosinone, the Storm Church will be completely one in the short term. The headless state of the group of dragons poses no threat to Reyes, nor can it prevent any of his actions.

So in this case, even if Reyes really caught Elena alive, or obtained the secret language contact information of the Storm Church from Elena’s memory to send a message, then what he should do is to cut the grass and eliminate the roots, and should not It is to send a message to tell Jelena and the group of Jelena’s subordinates that they want to lurch. No matter how you look at it, it is unnecessary.

So the first possibility is superfluous, so there is only the second possibility. A new cardinal of the Storm Church has come to Frosinone!

There are only three red archbishops in the Storm Church, namely Humels, Sabice, and Elena. Among them, the oldest and the most qualified, Sabice closed the life and death barrier and tried to break through the third-level wizard. He now breaks through. The possibility of becoming a third-level wizard and coming out of the retreat is not an exaggeration. There may not be one out of ten. This possibility can basically be ruled out.

So now the cardinals of the Storm Church can be active outside, only Hummels and Elena are left. Now Elena is defeated by Frosinone, life and death are unknown, if it is really new If there is a cardinal archbishop, then only Hummels, the most powerful cardinal archbishop of the Storm Church will be left.

"It's just a guess..." Margaret said softly in response to Connor's question.

After speaking, Margaret thought for a while, she added: "I think this possibility is still very high. When it was discovered that Jovic was a ghost, Elena and Christant contacted him as soon as possible. Pope Ilsanck, there is no doubt that this kind of storm that a church **** may be a ghost is unprecedented in church history. Pope Ilsanck will also attach great importance to it."

"And obviously, whether it is Elena, who is the cardinal bishop, or Christant, the intelligence director of Black’s agency, they cannot do anything about this matter, nor do they have the right to deal with a divine punishment. It’s important and can’t leave the headquarters easily, so Hummels is most likely to be dispatched. He is dealing with this matter now, the most reasonable and the most suitable candidate..." Mag Little looked a little lonely, and said quietly:

Standing aside, after carefully considering the whole thing, Connor said suspiciously to Margaret: "Can Hulmes be so fast? From the church headquarters of St. Antis Church to Frosinone, the most The fast train, plus the non-stop cities along the way, will take several days, and it will only take a few hours from the incident to the present, which is not enough for Hummels to reach here."

Margaret shook her head, and then explained to Connor in a low voice: "About fifty years ago, the empire led by the official government, united with the Church of the Earth and the Storm Church, and launched a project code-named Magic Mirror. , The specific content of this magic mirror plan is unknown, but the level of confidentiality is very high. It was personally decided and implemented by the United Empire royal family under the crown of Ilsank and the high priest of the Earth God Sect. The level of confidentiality is very high.

"I don’t know much about the specific content of this Magic Mirror Project. I just heard Jelena talk about it occasionally. The Magic Mirror Project has assembled cards including the Fabiansky Alchemist and the Maciei Alchemist. The best alchemist of the Man Empire started a secret project in the 13 major cities of the Kaman Empire, and part of the Magic Mirror Project is to establish a spatial transmission array connecting these 13 major cities... ·"

"Space Teleportation Array? Connect thirteen big cities?" Before Margaret finished speaking, Connor called out in surprise.

As an alchemist, although Connor’s main research findings are magical items and magic arrays, he doesn’t dabble in space too much, but Connor still understands some basic common sense, such as space teleportation arrays. , The farther the teleportation distance, the greater the difficulty in arranging the array In fact, Connor himself, with the help of the auxiliary chip, has arranged the space teleportation array, for example, he is in the Navas Forest , When I got the fire attribute cross sword of the third-order demonized item, I used the space teleportation array, but Connor arranged the space teleportation array with a transmission distance of tens of meters, and the space teleportation array was transmitted in the space. In the medium, it is not even small, it can only be regarded as a micro space transmission array. From a technical point of view, there is no need to consider many factors such as space turbulence, energy support, etc., and it is not particularly difficult to arrange.

But if you want to arrange a space transmission array that can connect to thirteen big cities, this is completely different. This requires consideration of spatial turbulence, transmission energy consumption, and energy impact on the transmission array.·· ····· and many other factors, it will be very troublesome, it requires tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions of calculations, and there can be no deviation of the slightest. Honestly speaking, as an alchemist, I know this. Connor, who was so difficult about the matter, didn't really believe Margaret's remarks.

Feeling Connor’s suspicion, Margaret continued to explain; “I don’t know the specifics of the space teleportation circle very clearly, but I have heard from Elena that the Unicom in the Magic Mirror Project The space teleportation array of 13 big cities lasted for more than 20 years from the beginning of the construction to the end, and it was only considered to be completed five years ago.

"The space teleportation circle is completed, but according to Elena, the energy consumption of this space teleportation circle is very large when used once, even if it is an organization with strong strength and countless training resources like the Storm Church, It is very painful to use it once, except after the completion of the construction, after the test and test once, it has not been used..."

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