Count of Wizards

Chapter 1100: Meaningful

"Earl of Wizard(

Looking at the gentle smile on Reyes's face, he felt that Reyes was in a good mood. Bisping hesitated for a moment, and immediately summoned the courage to ask: "Professor, what should we do next?"

Hearing Bisping’s question, the smile on Reyes’s face was slightly reduced, and he swept Bisping with a calm gaze. It was this simple sweep, and Bisping was like falling into an ice cave. When he was about to apologize to Reyes, Reyes slowly said, "Have you observed other movements of the church in Frosinone?"

"Well, I have observed that, except for a small number of arbitrators who went to Warehouse No. 3, the main force of the church is all on its original deployment!" Bisping said quickly:

In response to Bispin’s answer, Reyes raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with emotion: "This guy Christant is still a bit capable, and he can even realize what I want to do... "

As soon as Reyes' voice fell, Bisping seemed to realize it from Reyes's emotions, and there was a shock in his eyes.

At this moment, Reyes seemed to have sensed it. On his elegant and handsome face, a smile appeared again, then he got up from the recliner, and said to Bispin: "Let's go to Sosgay Go ahead, he walked out of the laboratory, he should bring us good news!"

After talking about Reyes, Bisping came to the basement of the villa with a little doubt. At this time, the basement with all kinds of alchemy equipment was filled with black and white, with a pungent smell. The smell of mist.

After observing the mist, Reyes' eyes closed slightly, and the next second Southgate looked very tired, bloodshot in his eyes, walked out of it, smiled bitterly and put a black and white jade box. Handed it to Reyes.

"Although there is still a slight flaw, it basically meets the requirements of the professor." Looking at the black and white jade box, Southgate said with a complicated look:

Taking the jade box from Southgate's hand, Reyes put his hand on it and squinted to feel it. After a few seconds, he nodded in satisfaction, and then looked around. Bisping beside him was peaceful. Southgate, then said lightly: "I think you two should be very curious about what I want to do..."

When Reyes said these words, whether it was Bispin standing behind him or Southgate, who was exhausted, all refreshed and focused on Reyes, waiting for Reyes. What will Si say next.

Under the gaze of Bisping and Southgate, Reyes said quietly: "In fact, there is nothing, but I want to use this opportunity to try to break through to the third-level wizard."

Hearing Reyes said this, both Bispin and Southgate were staring, and they did not understand why Reyes said this. According to common sense, if Reyes wanted to make a breakthrough, Shouldn't you find a secluded and hidden place to take care of his injuries first, and then work hard to make a breakthrough? How can you be involved in such a big action in Frosinone?

Although I could feel the deep doubts in Bisping and Southgate's hearts, Reyes didn't seem to be interested in explaining to the two of them why he did this. He just said something meaningful:

"I thought I knew enough about it, but it wasn't until then that I realized that I was still far away. I needed to feel the horror personally before I could turn into horror."



In the south of Frosinone, on DiMazio Street, the main road into the city, a team of soldiers with guns and live ammunition is setting up a checkpoint to check people on the road.

"Hello, a routine identity check into the city, please show your ID!" A middle-aged officer in charge of the checkpoint said to the young couple sitting in a carriage that was checking:

Upon hearing the officer's question, the young couple in the carriage glanced at each other, and then did not refuse the officer's request. The young gentleman took out two documents from his arms and handed them over, and then asked a little curiously: "Why is this going to happen all of a sudden, the city inspection? We have not left Frosinone some time ago.

While checking the documents of the young couple, the middle-aged officer said casually, "The above didn't tell us why, it was just for us to check the identity of the pedestrian."

After speaking, the middle-aged officer looked up. The young couple on the carriage with decent clothes and elegant temperament may feel that each other’s identity is either rich or noble, but also a background person, so this officer~www I didn’t do more investigations, but returned the credentials to the other party, and saluted the other party and said:

"Please keep your credentials, thank you for your cooperation!"

"Thank you for your service!"

The young gentleman in the carriage took back the certificate from the middle-aged officer, and said politely. After speaking, he took off his hat and greeted the officer, and then drove the carriage and left the gate towards the city of Frosinone. Drive away.

After driving away from the three streets of the checkpoint, sitting in the carriage did not speak, but the quiet little woman suddenly said, "Connor, there are church people in the shop not far from the checkpoint!"

Hearing Margaret's voice, Connor, who was driving the carriage, nodded slightly and said: "Two apprentices of intermediate wizards, one apprentice of senior wizards, and an eye of the storm!"

"And the eye of the storm?" Margaret preached somewhat unexpectedly:

After speaking, she seemed to understand something, and muttered: "No wonder the inspection is so lax. The original checkpoints were set up to check the identity of pedestrians. It was just a cover. The real purpose turned out to be to delay the time by using checkpoints to let the storm. Eyes play a role··········"

"Yes, it seems that during our absence, something must have happened to Frosinone!" Connor said with Wei Mi in his eyes:

In the Navas Forest two days ago, after careful consideration, Connor decided to meet with Jelena, the youngest cardinal bishop in the history of the Storm Church, to see what she wanted to do.

Now that it was decided to meet with Elena, Connor’s original plan to return to Frosinone with De Zelby was meaningless, so Connor and Margaret were absent after discussing again. Delayed, rushed back non-stop.

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