Count of Wizards

Chapter 1092: Memories (3)

"The Earl of Wizard(

"Of course not. If I saw that monster, I wouldn't be suspicious now, but for sure!" Connor waved his hand and continued:

"At that time, Margaret, when you were setting up the alchemy bomb, I could clearly feel that there was a kind of energy fluctuation that I had never seen before in the underground palace. It seemed that there was something to crawl out of the underground palace along the dark road. It’s the same, so I just asked you if I didn’t bump into that mysterious monster. I wanted to warn you at the time, but unfortunately I didn’t insist on it, so I fainted.” Connor shook a little helplessly. Shook his head.

"I found nothing at the time except the bodies of Connor, you and Philo. At that time, Connor, you passed out again. I was very worried about your safety, so after taking the medicine to Connor, I brought you here, and I didn't stay in the dark road!" Margaret briefly talked about what happened after Connor was in a coma.

After speaking, Margaret flashed a hesitation in her beautiful eyes, but she still mustered up her courage and tentatively said to Connor: "Connor, I want to tell you something!"

Seeing Margaret like this, Connor really felt a little strange. Without thinking about it, he immediately said, "If you have something, just say it?"

"I have a sister who wants to see you!" Under Connor's puzzled gaze, Margaret gritted her teeth and said to Connor;

Hearing Margaret’s answer, Connor was taken aback, and then he was even more confused. He and Margaret didn’t know each other in a day or two. They had known each other for more than ten years since Roon, Margaret. Lit’s details are still very clear to him. If Connor remembers correctly, Margaret should be an orphan. At a very young age, he was adopted by the convent of the Storm Church and grew up and became the pastor of the Storm Church. It stands to reason that Margaret has no relatives, let alone an extra sister out of thin air?

Why is there an extra sister suddenly? And also want to see yourself? Could it be said that Marguerite found her long-lost family?

After thinking about it for more than ten seconds, Connor still did not think of a reliable possibility, and watching Connor lowered his head in contemplation and did not speak, Margaret over there thought that Connor was unwilling, and immediately ruthlessly. Glancing at Kang An, he said angrily: "Connor Ferguson, if you don't want to, then forget it!"

While talking, Margaret was still trying to get off Connor. Seeing this, Connor hugged Margaret, and then said: "Since it is your sister Margaret, of course I am willing Yes, but Margaret, did you find your long-lost relative?"

"A relative who has been separated for many years? Connor, what are you talking about? Margaret was startled at first when Connor asked, and then asked suspiciously:

"Margaret, aren't you an orphan who grew up in the church's monastery? Now that there is an extra sister, shouldn't you find your relatives?" Although Margaret's reaction was somewhat strange, Connor explained :

After listening to Connor’s explanation, Margaret suddenly realized, understood what Connor meant, and said in a good and funny way: “I’m an orphan, and it’s not wrong to enter the church monastery since I was a child, but who stipulated that there is only blood relationship. , You can be called sister!"

After explaining Margaret, she was too lazy to whistle around Connor, and said directly: "Tell you the truth, Irina is my sister, she wants to see you!"

The huge amount of information contained in Margaret’s words immediately confuses Connor. It takes a few seconds for him to react, hesitating and preaching with some suspicion: "Margaret, what you said Jelena, is the cardinal Jelena of the Storm Church?"

"Yes! That's her!" Under Connor's questioning gaze, Margaret nodded with certainty and told Connor that he was thinking very correctly.

After receiving Margaret’s confirmation again, Connor was not happy at all. On the contrary, he frowned and his expression was extremely solemn. Connor already knew Margaret when the two of Ruen first met. Gretel is Jelena’s assistant, responsible for helping Jelena handle some things, and is one of Jelena’s confidants.

But Connor did not realize that the relationship between Margaret and Elena was so close that Margaret actually regarded her as her sister, which made Connor feel very difficult... ······

Connor’s body was handled by Connor, so Connor knew very well that the Church of the Storm must have learned of Milik’s death at this time, but at this time, they still don’t know who Milik died. At this time, the cardinal Elena, who is second only to Pope Ilsanc in the Church of the Storm, asked herself to meet through Marguerite. To be is willing to believe in Margaret. Gretel, but it's hard to guarantee that he won't think too much.

Seeing Connor like this, and having been in love with Connor for so many years, Margaret, who is very familiar with Connor’s character, naturally knows that Connor’s suspicious problem is committed again, but she doesn’t care very much. The fist lightly hammered Connor, then leaned against Connor’s ear, and said softly: “Connor tells you one, among the church’s high levels, it’s all secret news, my sister, the cardinal cardinal Elaine. Na, I have already broken through and become a second-level wizard..."

Hearing Margaret talking about this, Connor was shocked in his heart. Before Margaret was finished, he cast a surprised look at her, feeling Connor’s shock. Margaret didn’t Surprising, because this is how she reacted to the powerful power of a second-level wizard from Margaret.

"Elena, now the news of breaking through to become a second-level wizard, although it has been blocked by the church, this news will not be hidden for long. It will definitely spread in the wizarding world within three months at most, and besides breaking through to become a wizard The second-level wizard, Pope Ilsank has secretly handed the third-order magical cold storm staff to Jelena’s hand.

"The Cold Storm Staff is the magical item of Irina’s tutor, Camelie. When Camelie was about to sit down, Irina soon broke through the first-level wizard and was not strong enough, so Master Camerie was worried. After she sat down, the Cold Storm Staff, an extremely precious Tier 3 enchanted item, was easily coveted in Jelena’s hands, which brought disaster to Elena, so the Cold Storm Staff was handed over to the Pope. In the hands of Ilthank, he asked Ilthank to give the Staff of Cold Storm to Elena when Elena became a second-level wizard." Margaret asked Connor patiently. Introducing the origin of this cold storm staff

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