Count of Wizards

Chapter 1085: Disappointed

"The Earl of Wizard(

"Of course, Bishop Elena Red Coat is the front-line commander personally appointed under the crown of Ilsank. He will oversee everything on Frosinone's side. This time he faces Bispin and Southgate. A secret society scum loyal to Reyes will naturally come to the front line."

"What's more, there are only three official wizards, Giovanni, you, me, and Andrew. Although there are some arbitrators to assist, they are not very safe against Bispin and Southgate. Irina Hong Archbishop Yi has broken through to become a second-level wizard. She sits here, and the whole action is naturally foolproof!" Christant preached indifferently:

Although Christant’s words are calm and formal, and nothing to fault, but Giovanni’s words have a different taste.········

After thinking for a while, Giovanni felt that nothing was right, shook his head, and simply closed his mouth without saying anything.

I didn’t ask Cristante and Giovanni to wait for too long. About five minutes later, a cool breeze ate Irina, wearing a green robe and a white veil. There was no warning. Appeared in the carriage and sat on the opposite side of Christant.

Seeing Jelena appearing in this form, Cristante looked better, and Giovanni dressed up as a teacher clearly showed a touch of surprise.

Christant and Giovanni glanced at each other, and both stood up and bowed to Elena and said, "Archbishop Elena, good day!"

Regarding the respectful attitude of Christant and Giovanni, the two wizards of the same rank in the past, it can be seen that Ilena is still very useful. She smiled slightly and said, "Good day!"

After speaking, Jelena raised her hands slightly, motioned to Christante and Giovanni to get up. After the ceremony, the two Christante and Giovanni returned to their seats. Giovanni was also very witty, no When Irina asked, I took the initiative to introduce to Irina the situation he just told Christant on the scene. However, compared with the unhurried and slow attitude towards Christant just now, Giovanni In the face of this red archbishop Jelena, who is already a second-level wizard, she was obviously a lot more polite...

After listening to Giovanni’s introduction, Ilena nodded slightly, and then said very firmly: “Now that everyone is ready, let’s take action, even if we can’t capture Bispin and Southgate alive, Make sure that these two people can't leave here, and crack down on the arrogance of the secret society and Reyes!"

Christant and Giovanni, who were ready and waiting for Jelena's order, naturally took the lead when they heard this "start action" and blocked the Akkadian community as planned.

After Cristante and Giovanni left, Elena was not idle either, got out of the carriage, her figure flashed, and when she reappeared, she had already appeared in the Acadian community. In the corner of the person, carefully observing the surroundings.

An hour ago, through the surveillance of the Eye of the Storm and the extensive exclusion of the arbitrators, the Church of the Storm locked Bispin and Southgate who were suspected to be hiding in the Akkadian community. The Intelligence Director of the Black Agency Kerry Stent, together with the other two first-level wizards, Giovanni and Andrew, who were supported by the headquarters, began to arrange the arrangement, and when Christant was planning to complete the plan and preparing for action, Elena suddenly notified Christant , She will also participate in this action.

Normally, although Bisping and Southgate are very strong, the three official wizards of the Storm Church joined forces to deal with it, plus dozens of Storm Church arbiters, who swept on the sidelines, it is completely possible to win the match. Two people, Sping and Southgate, the second-level wizard and cardinal, Irina, didn't need to come to the battle in person.

And now that Jelena has come here, she has her own intentions. Although she does have the idea of ​​suppressing action as she said, Jelena wants more to plan ahead. According to the Storm Church The news is that Professor Reyes, who is the number two in the secret agency, should have come to Frosinone just these few days.

And if Reyes is now in Frosinone, and when he finds that Bispin and Southgate, who can be said to be his right-hand man, are being besieged by the Church of the Storm, what will he do?

This question seemed to Elena very simple. Without the help of Bisping and Southgate, it was Reyes, the professor of the secret society, who was very good, and it was impossible to compete with the king in the secret society. The third-level wizards are fighting against each other, so as long as Reyes is in Frosinone now, he will come to save Bisping and Southgate anyway! Giovanni, Andrew, three official wizards, plus dozens of church arbiters with apprenticeship as wizards, are enough to deal with Bispin and Southgate. Yes, but if you run into the professor Reyes, it will not work at all. Even if Reyes is now injured, it is not in perfect condition.···········

So now Irina insisted on coming, not so much for Kristant and their actions to overwhelm the battle, it is better to watch out for a possible sudden attack by Reyes!

Elena was waiting here, while Christant brought people over there, without the slightest scruples, and quickly surrounded the residential building suspected to be where Bisping and Southgate lived, and the twenty-four storm churches. The arbiter, holding all kinds of demonized items, stood in sequence according to a certain mysterious law, surrounded the residential buildings, and only waited for Christant's order, they all displayed them separately.

Seeing that my side had already started to do it, there was still no movement in this room 301. The three of Christant, Giovanni, and Andrew who led the operation looked at each other. All three of them looked at each other. It is possible to see the doubts in each other's hearts, but the matter has reached this point, the arrow is already on the string, and I have to send it, and it is impossible to withdraw dingy, so Christant nodded and the three immediately flew up to the residential building. Entered room 301.


Cristante broke in, and Andrew and Giovanni flew in from the window. Although the three entered from different directions, everyone was prepared to be attacked, but they were disappointed. Yes, their protection is completely useless, the whole house is empty, not to mention the two big living people Bispin and Southgate, there is not even a rat...

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