Count of Wizards

Chapter 1083: Variety

"The Earl of Wizard(

"Mr. Pensierov, I’m here. Where are you? For this lunch, there is a dish called Surrey Steak, which is one of the specialties of our Smith restaurant. I suggest Mr. Pensierov that you better enjoy it now. The temperature of the steak is just right..."

Just when the young waiter was about to continue to introduce the dishes, the door of the room that was just opened by him was immediately closed silently. When the young man was surprised, he did not have any softness to struggle. Collapsed to the ground.

"We exposed?" Just fainting the young waiter, Southgate was a little uncomfortable and asked Bispin beside him in a low voice:

Facing Southgate’s question, Bisping was not in a hurry to give an answer. Instead, he put his right hand on the head of the young waiter who had fainted and watched Bisping’s movements. Southgate seemed to have discovered something, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Under Southgate’s gaze, Bispin’s right hand resting on the waiter’s head was illuminated with a faint blue light. At the same time, the young man who had fainted had a very painful expression on his face. His expression and his body also trembled slightly.

Regarding the pain of the young waiter, Bisping didn’t express anything. The azure blue light on his right hand did not weaken. Two minutes later, the young waiter who didn’t know what happened. , The body finally stopped trembling, the whole person completely lost his breath in pain, and died tragically. With the death of the young waiter, the blue light of Bispin’s right hand gradually extinguished, and then, with some regrets, he took his right hand from his youth. The waiter took his head off,

Seeing that Bisping would stop searching for souls, Southgate could no longer restrain his curiosity, and asked Bisping: "Bisping, when did you learn to teach your lord's contemplation? "

For Southgate’s question, Bisping was obviously not interested in answering, but Southgate opened his mouth. If he didn’t say a word, he would obviously be too unwilling. Southgate’s face, so Biss Ping still opened his mouth and said, "This is a simplified version of dementia created by the professor. Non-spiritual wizards can also use some of the power of dementia. When I was in the capital of Bernabeu some time ago, the professor taught me this spell. ·······"

Hearing Bispin’s answer, Southgate, who is not good at concealing his true feelings, clearly showed a touch of envy on his face, but Southgate is also a first-class wizard and did not envy him for too long. His face just returned to normal. He pointed to the body of the young waiter on the ground and asked Bispin: "What did you find from this unfortunate memory?"

Bisping shook his head helplessly and replied: "This simplified version of Dementia, my non-spiritual wizard, although it can be used, is still far behind the full version of Dementia. His memory is not complete, it is all fragments of his life. I have not seen who asked him to deliver the food, nor have I found anything of value."

After listening to Bisping’s account, Southgate frowned slightly. Obviously he was not very satisfied with the answer, but at this time he had no good ideas. Suddenly, Southgate seemed to have discovered something. His eyes shifted to the big lunch box brought in by this young waiter, his eyes gradually showed a gleam of light, it seems that there are secrets hidden in this big lunch box.··············

Seeing Southgate’s reaction, Bisping was a little puzzled. As a wizard, Bisping could naturally figure out what was in the lunch box through mental power. In fact, the young waiter just appeared. At that time, Bisping had brought a lunch box with people and checked it mentally together, and under his perception, this lunch box contained only a steak, four meals, and a bottle of red wine. In addition, Bisping did not find anything unusual in the lunch box

But Bisping is also very clear that Southgate is a great alchemist who can refine Tier 3 demonized items. Since he is so interested in this big lunch box, there must be his reason, and there is no hesitation immediately. , Directly said: "Southgate, is there any difference in this lunch box?"

Facing Bisping’s question, Southgate did not immediately give an answer. After thinking for a few seconds, he told Bisping: "You help me open this lunch box carefully, and take everything inside. Come out and set it up, remember to handle it carefully!"

After talking about Southgate, I ignored Bisping and found some bottles and cans from the space and started to debug some kind of dark purple liquid. Watching Southgate's actions Although Bisping didn't understand what he wanted to do, he carefully took out the contents of the lunch box one by one and placed them in front of Southgate according to his request.

I have to say that this unexpected lunch delivered by the young waiter is still very hearty. Among the four dishes, there is a steak, a vegetable salad, a fried foie gras, a red cabbage soup, plus a bottle. A bottle of cheap table wine from the Carman Empire Samanno Winery is worth at least three shillings at the Frosinone market price.

Bisping set the dishes, and Southgate also shook the jade bottle in his hand. He looked at the liquid that was almost black after being adjusted by himself. He nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Bisping. Next, he divided the black liquid into the steak, salad, foie gras, red cabbage soup, and the bottle of table wine.

After doing this, without waiting for Bisping to ask again, Southgate took the initiative to explain to him: "I think this is N'Zoth alchemy, which contains a lot of alchemy principles, which is very complicated. Si Ping, you are not an alchemist. Even if I explain to you, you still don't understand. I just need to know. If nothing happens, we will find some information right away!"

Southgate said so bluntly, Bisping suddenly had some embarrassment on his face, but Southgate was right. He really didn’t understand what the N'Zoth alchemist was, and it was even the first time he heard it today Say this noun.

Therefore, Bisping is not good at rebutting anything, he can only helplessly shook his head, and then turned his attention to the four dishes and a bottle of wine together with Southgate, expecting some surprises to happen to them. The change··········

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