Count of Wizards

Chapter 1077: Suddenly

"The Earl of Wizard(

Walking towards the depths of the palace, the more Connor walks forward, the more he can feel that the palace’s suppression of his spiritual power is gradually strengthening. If it is just at the beginning, Connor’s spiritual power can still be felt at the gate of the palace. To the area of ​​about ten meters, Connor can only sense the area within five meters.

According to Connor's speculation, he was walking tens of meters forward, and it was estimated that his mental power would be suppressed to a range of one meter in front of him. Because the mental power was always suppressed and could not be fully exerted, Connor's mental power could only observe the surrounding area from beginning to end, but was unable to observe the entire palace as a whole.

If Connor is not wrong, the palace’s suppression of his spiritual power is not because of the materials used to restrain the spiritual power in the construction of the mysterious palace itself, but because of the extremely high level of spiritual power placed under the palace. Powerful formation...

Although Connor was a little unwilling to believe in his own judgment, his reason told him that he must face the facts!

If Connor can judge that there is no problem, and now it is a certain formation that is suppressing his mental power, then this means that this formation is not in a dormant state, but is still running, and according to the Wizarding World According to the incomplete statistics of some wizarding organizations, in exploring the ruins, if you encounter a powerful formation that is still running, then 80% of the cases, this ruin is in a very dangerous situation.

Realizing this, Connor hesitated, but still consciously slowed down and began to look at the environment of the palace.

Connor’s current location seems to be a cloister of the palace. Walking about a hundred meters ahead, it is a three-story building. I looked at the building in front of me, but I didn’t see anything. Connor, who came out, glanced around.

Although up to now, Connor has not found anything of value in this mysterious underground palace, but this does not mean that Connor has found nothing. Through observation of the environment here, Connor can basically It was concluded that this underground palace had already been searched, otherwise it would not be so clean that he could find nothing.

Connor was somewhat surprised by his discovery, but he thought about it carefully, but he also wanted to understand. The ruins he was looking for involved Reyes’ secrets. There is no doubt that Reyes had already collected it here. , So with the meticulous style of his mentor Reyes, he can't find anything in this ruin. It seems to be a normal thing...

Connor, who had solved the doubts in his heart, was about to move forward, but suddenly he felt it without any signs. There was a burst of fishy sweetness in his throat. The next second, Connor did not hold back and took a mouthful of red blood. It just spat out from the mouth.


After vomiting the blood out, Connor coughed, and the whole person felt very tired. When he found himself like this, Connor hesitated a little, but he quickly decided to put the space ring in the space ring, and Varga made it for him. He found the bottle of healing potion and sent it to his mouth. As the cool and fragrant potion entered his abdomen, Connor soon became energetic again, and his fatigue and weakness were all wiped out.

Secretly sighed in his heart that after the magic of Varga’s potion, Connor immediately shifted his attention to the surroundings. Although from the current point of view, his sudden symptoms are like poisoning, but Connor’s intuition tells him why he This happens, not because of poisoning, but the surrounding environment, it seems that the surrounding environment faintly restrained his high-level meditation thought "Abyss Secret Method"

Although I wanted to figure out why he suddenly became like this, for his own safety, Connor felt that it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time. He had to leave here as soon as possible.

Connor, who has always had a strong executive power, made a decision in his heart without any delay. He immediately flashed his black robe, turned his head and fled back hurriedly.



Frosinone, in front of the train station on Cesilenza Avenue, a middle-aged man with a refined temperament, wearing gold-rimmed glasses and carrying a luggage bag in his left hand, seems to have sensed something at this time, staring at it. To my left, I want to see what is happening in the Navas Forest through the buildings in the city.

After feeling for a few seconds, the elegant middle-aged man shook his head slightly, and then greeted the rickshaw waiting on the street. A very clever driver immediately grabbed the other driver and pulled the rickshaw there. In front of the middle-aged man.

Without waiting for the rickshaw driver to speak, this elegant middle-aged man just got on the rickshaw and said: "I'm going to 15 Andrew Street"


I found that the middle-aged man in front of me was going to a rich area in the city. I realized that this was a big job. In addition to the fare, there may also be a rickshaw driver who might be tipped. He immediately flashed with joy in his eyes and started. Pull the cart.

The rickshaw driver was still working very hard. It took only a minute or two to pull the middle-aged man away from the crowded area in front of Frosinone Station and onto a street with very little traffic. As soon as he set foot on this street, the rickshaw driver who was pulling the elegant middle-aged man, although he still seemed to be running hard to pull the cart, what he didn’t notice was that his eyes began to become confused and hollow. The legs just ran mechanically, pulling the rickshaw forward.

"You shouldn't be here!" A few seconds later, the rickshaw driver, as if possessed by someone, spoke to the elegant middle-aged man behind him in a very hoarse voice:

For this sudden sound transmission, the elegant middle-aged man sitting on the rickshaw was not surprised. He helped his glasses and replied in a very plain sound transmission: "Perhaps you are right, I shouldn't be here, but After thinking about it, I came after all. Some things, since they have happened, are always handled..."

"By the way, did you reveal the news about my coming, Frosinone, to the old fox in Ilsanc?

Hearing the question of the elegant middle-aged man, this mysterious existence on the rickshaw driver fell into a short silence.

A few seconds later he reopened and said: "Although I don't know what you want to do, you know, as long as you make a decision, I will help you as before!"

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