Count of Wizards

Chapter 1070: Discovery (1)

"You just said that if the ruins are here, then Reyes will definitely arrange the formation, Philo, this idea of ​​you, I thought about it, and I think it's not unreasonable, so I want to give it a try!" Connor Explained:

As Connor was about to continue speaking, Philo seemed to realize something from Connor’s words, and a bright light burst out of his eyes, and he looked forward to Connor and asked: "Connor, you are Reyes. Student, did you find something here?"

Connor was a little embarrassed looking at Philo's expectant eyes, but he still shook his head and signaled Philo that he was thinking too much, and he found nothing.

Seeing Connor shook his head, Philo's heart reignited a flame of hope, which was poured with cold water again, and the eyes that had just brightened suddenly dimmed again. He said weakly, "Since Connor, you have everything. I didn’t find it, so what do you want me to do to dig such a pit? It is 15 meters deep, 5 meters long and 5 meters wide, and it is required to be strong. This is not a small project!"

"Philo, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. I, Connor Ferguson, although I think I am already a leader among alchemists, my level is still far from Reyes. , If he really sets up the formation here, I use conventional methods, it is basically difficult to detect!" Connor said meaningfully to Philo:

Philo wasn't a dumb person either. After hearing Connor's words, finally, so many words, "conventional methods" and "basic", naturally heard some clues, and asked Connor with a move of mind: " Just say quickly, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Filo, I have already told you, I want to blast! I want to blow up this small mountain into the sky!" Connor said in a deep voice, and while talking about Connor, he raised his hands sharply and made a The action of blowing up.

Hearing Connor’s crazy idea, Philo was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes brightened. Finally, Philo felt that Connor’s idea was a good idea. Philo couldn’t help but admire Connor. : "Connor Ferguson how did you come up with this great idea?"

Connor didn’t take credit for Philo’s admiration. He waved his hand and said, “This is not what I came up with. The extreme method is to use the huge shock wave generated by the explosion to cause an energy imbalance in a local space, so that because of the lack of energy, some undetected formations will automatically appear!"

"As for you, I want you to dig such a deep pit in this mountain bag. On the one hand, it is to ensure that the power of the explosion is maximized, and on the other hand, it is also to facilitate my arrangement to reduce the sound produced by the explosion. It's in a place like Navas Forest, full of monsters, the huge sound will attract all the monsters!" Connor explained to Philo:

After explaining Connor, he seemed to have thought of something again. He took a deep look at Philo, and then said: "Although the blasting method works well, but you have to take a lot of risk, so Philo, you are the most I really want to know, can you be sure whether the ruins are hidden here!"

Regarding Connor’s question, if it was a few hours ago when Philo had not inspected the small mountain bag, Philo would not hesitate to give Connor a very affirmative answer, but now he has experienced nothing. After embarrassing, Facing Connor's question again, Philo obviously hesitated, but in the end he gritted his teeth and chose to trust his instincts, nodded to Connor and said: "Go ahead! I'm sure!"

After getting Philo's affirmative answer, Connor was not talking nonsense. He took out an alchemy bomb in the shape of a metal brick from the space ring and started debugging.

Seeing that Connor started work, Philo was also very active. According to Connor’s request, he began to dig a pit in the center of the hill, but it may be that the amount of work is not small, plus Connor’s attention to the pit The requirements are very high, so this really makes Philo very troublesome.

When Philo was upset and irritated, he saw Connor was there from beginning to end, playing very leisurely and contentedly. The metal bricks in his hands were not the dirty work of digging a pit like himself. This was immediately irritating. Philo, he immediately couldn't help preaching a little unconvinced: "Since this pit is so useful, why don't you dig it yourself, Connor?"

"Filo, if you have an alchemy bomb, and you can arrange it in the circle independently, and arrange it around it, sound-proof ban, and guarantee that it will explode for a while, and it will not attract the beasts, then I, Connor ·Ferguson went down to dig the pit himself, and there was no problem at all!" Connor smiled slightly when he heard Philo's complaint, and said slowly to him:

Seeing Connor responding to him with this answer Philo's face flushed, and he opened his mouth to say something, but he knew that he didn't have the alchemy skills of Connor, but Philo was I can't say anything, I can only continue to dig the pits fiercely, and vent all the anger in my heart towards Connor into the mud.

Thanks to Philo’s hard work, although it was a little troublesome to dig the pit, Philo was able to complete it quickly. After digging the pit, Philo was directly from this 15-meter deep pit. He jumped up and didn't give Connor a good face, and stood aside to recover the consumed mana.

Connor didn’t care about Philo’s attitude towards him. He carefully checked the pit that Philo had dug. After meeting his requirements for blasting, Connor nodded with satisfaction, and then proceeded. He was very cautious. , Carefully buried the metal brick-shaped alchemy bomb he refined into a certain node in the depth of the pit according to his calculation in the auxiliary chip, and then arranged a few more at the bottom of the pit. Prohibition,

Then, in order to prevent the loud noise from the explosion in the future, he summoned the monsters. Connor took this pit as the center and arranged several soundproofing bans within 100 meters around it to ensure as much as possible, even if The alchemy bomb will explode later, even if a voice breaks through the ban, it won’t be too loud.

After working for more than ten minutes, I finally completed all the preparations before the blasting. Just when Connor breathed a sigh of relief and was about to start the blasting, he was recovering his mana and conquering Connor with everything. Philo opened his eyes when he saw him. He hesitated, but he still asked Connor, "Connor, is this really useful?"

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