Count of Wizards

Chapter 1064: Power struggle (1)

Seeing Marguerite’s slightly helpless expression, Elena, who already knew something about Frosinone’s side, frowned slightly. She knew that Marguerite was telling the truth. Connor not only He was sent to the Navas Forest to search for the ruins that may be related to Reyes’ secrets. Christant arranged for Dezelby, a veteran first-level wizard of the Storm Church, and a staff of ten people. The arbitrator team is responsible for monitoring.

"Do you have any contact information with Connor?" After thinking for a while, Elena continued to ask Margaret:

"Yes!" Margaret replied very simply, and then she looked at Elena in the water curtain, sighed, and continued: "Although I have contact information with Connor, it is because I was in Philo. During the rebellion, I informed him of the latest situation, and I have already used it, so I can't contact him in Frosinone."

Hearing the meaning of Margaret's words, Jelena groaned and asked: "Margaret, if you go to the Navas Forest, is it a bit too risky? Where is Milik already dead? In order to make up for his mistake, Christant is already tuned in there!"

"If I don't go, it will be impossible to contact Connor, and sister Elena, you also need someone who can help you understand the latest situation on the front line!" Margaret persuaded:

Regarding Margaret’s persuasion, Elena thought for a few seconds, then nodded and said: "Since you insist on Margaret, then you go and I will arrive in Flossy in seven days at the latest. Nori, what's the situation, please contact me anytime where you are!"

"Okay!" With Elena's approval, the expression on Margaret's face became a lot easier.

After talking about the business, Irina and Margaret talked about other things, and then it was the end of today's meeting. Watching the water curtain slowly disappear in the air, Margaret put away the room. Sighed slightly.

Irina just hinted to her that she won the pope’s support to compete for the position of the next pope. Although this is a good thing from any point of view, Margaret is a little worried. Sister Jelena, what I think seems to be too simple...

Decades ago, when Ilsanc had not become the pope, he had a reputation for foresight in the wizarding world. After becoming the pope, he captured the power of the Church of Storms to death and managed the church. With its flourishing, faintly surpassing the eponymous sect of the Earth, it has a momentum to keep pace with the official Kaman Empire.

It’s just that in recent years, due to the faint weakness of old age, some of the power of the church has been transferred to Hummels. However, when it encounters any real major events, the Storm Church still needs Ilsan. Klai is the master, Hummels can only listen to orders.

So after someone like Ilsank meets with you, telling you that I support you in my position, there must be a deep meaning behind it, especially now that there is in the Storm Church, Humels When this very powerful cardinal archbishop...

As for what Pope Ilsank meant, he knew the internal situation of the Church of the Storm very well, and Margaret felt it was not difficult to guess.

Although Hummels, as the next most powerful contender for the pope, is still young, his breakthrough to become a second-level wizard has been more than 50 years.

Judging from the current strength of Hummels in the Church of the Storm, he should have reached the pinnacle level of a second-level wizard as early as 20 years ago. After 20 years of precipitation, if nothing happens, Hummels should have the conditions to break through the third-level wizard.

Although the risk of a second-level wizard breaking through to become a third-level wizard is very high, and the probability of failure is also very high, the Church of the Storm, with the full support of such a profound and powerful wizard organization, plus Humels Ben himself is also very talented, and after more than 20 years of precipitation, Margaret felt that the possibility of Hummels breaking through to become a third-level wizard is still very high.

If Hummels is still a second-level wizard, then in the Church of the Storm, how strong he is, how powerful, and how stable he is, but as long as the third-level wizard of Pope Ilsank survives one day, Hu Mei Ers can only sit on his nose for a day, and dare not have the slightest heart of disobedience.

Even if Ilsanck took the initiative to retreat and gave him the position of the pope, Hummels, who became the pope, was at best a puppet. The real major events in the Church of the Storms still require Ilsanck. Come to make a decision.

However, if Hummels breaks through to become a third-level wizard, from the perspective of strength, Ilsank, who has been immersed in the third-level wizard for hundreds of years, still maintains an absolute advantage over Hummels~www.NovelMTL .com~ But in the power struggle of the Storm Church, the situation in this big game has completely changed the form!

Hummels is still a second-level wizard, so as long as Ilsank is willing, he can find a name to replace him at any time, allowing others to become the next Pope of the Storm Church, and Hummels becomes the third-level After the wizard, even if Ilsank has any ideas and wants to make some changes, the position of Hummels’ next pope is still as stable as that of a mountain, and there can be no wavering.

Even Hummels, who has become a third-level wizard, will have a big impact on Ilsanque’s current ruling prestige of the Church of the Storm. After all, although Ilsanck is still strong, he is still dying and there is not much life. , And Hummels is very young, and he can still rule the Storm Church for more than a hundred years. The people who work underneath naturally have a scale in their hearts!

Although Hummels became a third-level wizard, it is not a good thing for Ilsanke, who still wants to control power, but he is old after all and cannot live forever. From the perspective of succession, Ilsanck also needs Hummels, a talented, powerful, and strong successor to the outside world to let the Storm Church continue to develop and maintain its special status in the Kaman Empire.

Therefore, not only will Ilsanke not prevent Hummels from breaking through to become a third-level wizard, he will even mobilize all the resources of the Storm Church to support Hummels from breaking through to become a third-level wizard.

Therefore, we must consider the overall situation of the heritage of the Storm Church, and do not want to give up the power of the Storm Church in our hands. This is a very test of the political wisdom of the apostle of the Storm Goddess who walks in the world!

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