Count of Wizards

Chapter 1059: Black material

Thinking of this, Christant was not in the mood to continue to talk to Valdes here. He took a deep breath and said goodbye directly to Valdes beside him: "The incident happened suddenly, and the relationship is so important. I I have to go back and arrange manpower to handle this matter immediately, so I won't stay with you any longer. The day after tomorrow I will personally send this metal black box back to you intact!"

"No problem, go ahead! Remember to proceed with caution"

As a former intelligence worker, Valdes, naturally able to feel Christant’s mood, and the pressure he will endure next, naturally did not retain Christant, and said goodbye:

Waving his hand at Valdes, Christant didn’t even look back. He left the secret room, quickly walked out of the Saint Antis Church, and walked towards the two-story building not far from the church, which was right there. It is the headquarters of the Black Institution.

Feeling Christant’s departure, Valdes shook his head somewhat helplessly. In his old eyes, it slowly became more complicated. The reason why he is willing to take such a big risk today is to Lakli. Stent fought for him three days. On the one hand, it was because of the fate of him and Christant over the past few decades.

On the other hand, there is also, considering their own interests, Valdes, he and Christant, both worked in the Black Institution and worked for decades. They have not been transferred to Sant'Anti because of problems in their training. Before the church, as a first-level wizard, Valdes did not achieve the actual top position of the intelligence director in the Black Organization like Christant, but he was definitely the top level of the Black Organization.

As an intelligence worker, especially a highly sensitive organization such as the Black Organization of the Storm Church, you have worked for decades and achieved a high position. You have to say that there is no black material on your body, and you have not done a few things on your hands. Dirty work, it can basically be said to be impossible. It's just whether your black material was discovered and dug up. Black institutions have appeared in history, but high-level black materials were dug up, and then they were dug up in the Storm Church. Examples of liquidation in China.

As a former high-level executive, Valdés also did some ugly things when he was working in the Black Institution, but he was not worried that the things he did were dug out because of his friends and the things he did. The participant who couldn't see the incident, Christant, is the director of the Black agency, and if Christant is there, his black material will definitely not be dug out!

However, if Valdés retreats from the position of the intelligence director of the Black agency, especially if he is not doing well and is ordered to resign, then it will be very dangerous. At that time, the newly appointed intelligence director will show his ability to the above. It is also to build prestige in front of their subordinates, and they are likely to attack the former. Christant and Valdes, when they first took up positions in Black’s agency, they did just that. They forced the former director of intelligence to force them. To self-discipline.

So now when it’s their turn to get to this point, Valdes and Christant must be mixed and jealous. This is why Valdes told Christant and Lena. Go to the Black Institution and serve as his deputy.

Because Lena’s matter, no matter from any angle, is an important signal that the above is dissatisfied with Christant’s work. Lena’s existence is a threat to Christant. There is no doubt that Lena Na will start with her deputy and be familiar with the environment and work of the Black Institution. Afterwards, if Christant’s work is still not satisfactory, those who are familiar with the Black Institution will naturally replace Christant.

Once Lena becomes the actual controller of the Black Institution, not only is Christant in danger, but even Valdes, who has left the former high-level of the Black Institution, will be in great trouble.

It is precisely because of this that Valdés took the initiative to hand over Milik’s metal black box to Christant without waiting for Christant to speak, and also did his best to fight for three days of buffer time for him. Let Kristant investigate how Milik died. The purpose of all this Valdes did was to help Kristant stabilize the situation in Black’s organization, and then protect his own black material from being People dug it out...

After thinking for a while, Valdes sitting in the secret room sighed faintly, and then resumed his cultivation state.



In the square of a residential area in Frosinone, Marguerite, who was meditating, suddenly opened her eyes, and then took out a purple gold pocket watch from her looked at the pocket watch The hour hand of the number above points to ten. Marguerite nodded slightly, then put the pocket watch back into the pocket watch, and then snapped a finger. With the sound of the finger snapping, a white, somewhat transparent knot suddenly appeared in the room. World, isolation eliminates all energy fluctuations in the room.

Seeing this, Marguerite smiled slightly, and then took out a crystal bowl from the space ring and placed it on the ground. To do this, Marguerite poured some clear water into the crystal bowl. When the clear water and the mouth of the crystal bowl became a horizontal line, Marguerite cut her finger and pointed towards the crystal bowl filled with clear water. In the middle, three drops of her blood were dripped.

The blood fell into the clear water in the crystal bowl and quickly dissipated. The whole bowl of clear water was dyed bright red. Seeing this scene, Marguerite, who knew the time had come, still chanted. The spell.

"Gefati Rezman·································Asgliano·····Cassano Antonchi"

With the chanting of the mantra, the clear water in the crystal bowl stained with Margaret's blood started to boil. The rising water vapor gradually condensed into a water curtain above the crystal bowl. Watching the formation of the water curtain, Marguerite also stopped singing, and looked at the water curtain with some expectation.

Under the gaze of Margaret’s beautiful eyes, the water curtain began to change. A beautiful young woman with grace and elegance, delicate features and charming features appeared on it. Everything seemed to be fine, and it was so intoxicating, but The only thing is that it looks cold, like a stranger who is suddenly approaching, like the ice that has not melted on the glacier for thousands of years, so that people can't help but keep a distance from her.

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