Count of Wizards

Chapter 1053: Milik's decisiveness

"The Earl of Wizard(

Despite being scolded by Philo, Connor, who was hiding his hand behind his back, could only pretend not to hear him in order to stop stimulating Philo and continue to observe the situation in the circle.

Milik in the circle, when he heard Philo actually call Connor’s name, he was flabbergasted and then furious, shouting at the circle light curtain: "Connor Ferguson, you **** dog **** , You dare to betray the Church of the Storm and collude with Philo. The church will definitely punish you. You will be hanged on the gallows, the vultures will eat all your internal organs, and everyone in the Ferguson family will die! I'll die!············"

Hearing Milik’s utterly irrational clamor, Connor’s eyes gradually became cold. If it wasn’t for Milick, there would still be some usefulness to him. Based on what he said now, Connor would already be. He shot his body to pieces.

Philo didn't seem to realize that Connor was doing a ghost secretly to help Milik deal with him, but he was obviously very angry at Connor's behavior of "dropping the chain", but it was because he was in the circle now. In Connor, he couldn’t say too much, but when Milik screamed at Connor frantically, he seemed to be happy to see it. He did not continue to chase and kill him. He gave Milik some breathing time to let him. Come insult Connor.

Although he was very relieved of Milik's scolding Connor, he was secretly refreshed, but Philo was still very knowledgeable, knowing that Milik scolded Connor. Although it was very relieved, if the time was too long, let Milik. When he recovered, he had to bear the consequences himself, so after making Milik scold Connor for more than ten seconds, Philo made another shot silently, with a staggered dagger in his hand, which was a cross blood slash blasting towards Milik.

Although Milik scolded Connor and the Ferguson family together with a **** dog, this does not mean that he was completely dazzled by anger. He also took advantage of this precious ten seconds of time, While quickly recovering some mana in the circle, he was careful to watch out for Philo not far away. Seeing Philo shot again, the robe on Milik's body suddenly flashed blue light to avoid the cross blood cut dangerously. When it appeared again in a second, it was already in another corner of the magic circle.

Seeing that Milik had escaped his sneak attack, Philo's heart suddenly sank, but it was not because the sneak attack failed, but because the Antheron maze's suppression of Milik's mental power and mana was greatly reduced, and he was suppressing all of them. When it existed, Milik couldn't dodge as quickly as he does now.

If the next magic circle can only maintain the current intensity, then if he kills Milik, it may really take a little more hands and feet.··········

Milik, who avoided Philo’s attack, had not had time to breathe, but made up a certain determination, quickly took out a wooden box from the space ring, and placed a jujube-sized dark green in it with a faint fishy smell. The fruit of flavor was directly inserted into his mouth. His entire process, without any hesitation, operated very quickly. It only took about two seconds. Connor and Philo, even if they wanted to stop him, It was too late, so I could only watch him and swallow the fruit into his belly.

"Green Magic Date!"

Seeing the appearance of the fruit Milik was eating, Connor subconsciously came up with a name, and the next second the effect of the green magic date was also presented in Connor's mind.

In the wizarding world, the green magic jujube is a very rare, very toxic potion. After taking this potion, even if it is a formal wizard, the probability of death is more than 90%. From the appearance, the smell Looking at the green magic date, it is not only unique in shape, but also has a very strong and difficult to hide smell. It is bitter and astringent when eaten. It can basically be recognized at a glance, and it is difficult to be used to attack the enemy. Poisoned.

Although as a poison, the green magic jujube has a big flaw and does not have much effect, but its other function is to make it cost as high as three thousand magic stones in the wizarding world. And there is also a faint feeling of pricelessness, and the name of this effect is called-violent!

For wizards below the second level, three seconds after taking the green magic date, the medicinal effect of the green magic date will begin to radiate, and the whole skin will appear a strange green color, and the energy in the body will also be in the green magic date. Under the stimulation of the efficacy of the jujube, it becomes extremely violent in a short time, equivalent to two to three times the normal time. At this time, the user will still be in a awake state, but he will become extremely excited and full of heart. Desire to destroy everything...

It is precisely because of this effect that the green magic jujube, a highly poisonous thing, is regarded as a wizard. After taking the magic jujube, as the effect of the medicine spreads in the wizard's body, the spirit of the user will gradually become lost within a few minutes, lose sense and soberness, and finally die under exhaustion driven by the desire for destruction.

Connor recalled the effect of the green magic date. The medicinal effect of the green magic date over there began to appear on Milik's body. His skin began to turn green, and the energy on his body began to become violent, although According to ancient records, these changes will make the user very painful, but at this time Milik seemed to enjoy the changes in his current body.

Realizing what was about to happen next, Connor immediately took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. Then he controlled the compass and re-added the limit on Milik to the maximum while facing the circle. The voice transmission of Philo in China said: "Don't panic! With Milik's state, he will die from exhaustion after a long time. I have tried my best to increase the limit of the circle to his maximum. When necessary, I will also enter the circle and fight with Philo against him!"

Philo didn't seem to buy the "reassurance pill" from Connor, he hesitated, then gritted his teeth and said to Connor: "I want to get out of the circle!"

Hearing what Philo said, Connor, who was outside the circle, was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice, "I know it might be unfair to Philo, but this is the only way now. You should be very clear that in this case, once I release you, Milik will follow. When the time comes, there will be no suppression of the magic circle, and you and I will not be able to deal with him!"

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