Count of Wizards

Chapter 1044: Delay time

"The Earl of Wizard(

As for Philo, who was running wild, Milik, who had already fought with Philo several times, just thought that Philo was going to repeat the same tricks and continue to hide, and "peek-a-boo" with him in this huge Navas forest. So I didn't think much about it, and speeded up again, chasing Philo.

As a wizard of blood witchcraft, Philo is not very good at speed. In addition, although he has a very fast spell, Blood Shadow Escape, once used, he can run for several kilometers within an instant, but that This spell is very costly to use. It burns one-third of Philo’s essence and blood once used. It is used to save his life in a critical moment, not to squander it in this situation. Therefore, in terms of speed Philo, It was definitely not Milik's opponent, and he was soon overtaken by Milik.

Feeling the approaching Milik behind him, even though Philo was mentally prepared, it was not surprising, but he inevitably sighed in his heart, then stopped abruptly to look at him, and waved his hand behind him. The meter-long, one-meter-wide blood-red pistol rushed towards Milik who was flying behind him.

Although Philo's shot was sudden and the timing was just right, it was a pity that Milik was already prepared. As soon as the blood red got close to Milik, he just sneered and chanted a spell:

, "Asda!"

Following Milik’s spell, the blood-red pistol that was cast by Philo to hit Milik was immediately covered with a layer of ice, and there was still a distance from Milik. It suddenly stopped, and then I saw Milik practiced lightly at the blood red horse, and the frozen blood red horse immediately heard a crisp sound. After a second, the blood red horse had been frozen into countless ice cubes and rolled onto the ground.

Suddenly, when such a change occurred, it was because Philo had some understanding of Milik’s methods, but he was also very surprised. At this moment, Milik also took advantage of this opportunity and came straight to Philo. At the same time, a magical item in the shape of a blue ball of light appeared in his hand.

Ferro, who had tasted this powerful blue ball of light a long time ago, immediately showed a touch of fear in his eyes, and immediately flicked his fingers, and countless **** blood-red threads shot out from his hands. It was woven into a big scarlet net in the air, which was shrouded towards Milik.

Although there was a big scarlet net in front of him, Milik remained undaunted, holding a blue ball of light and rushing forward. When he got close to the bloodshots that make up the big scarlet net, which blood was frozen into blue ice. Pieces, shattered on the ground,

After breaking through the big scarlet net, at this time Milik was less than three meters away from Philo. After seeing the two spells he cast in succession, none of them could stop Milik's approach. In desperation, he immediately thought about it. The red and black metal bracelet he wore on his wrist immediately burst out with a red and black light curtain, protecting Philo behind.

As expected, Philo was right. A few seconds after he released the red and black light curtain, Milik smiled grimly and lightly tapped the blue light ball in his hand. This was considered a Tier 3 magical item by Connor. The imitation of "Trampa's Tears" immediately turned into a blue ice flame and went straight to Philo.


As soon as the ice flame and the light curtain collided, there was a crisp sound immediately, and then I saw that the red and black light curtain released by Philo was covered with a layer of blue ice ballast. See this Philo A trace of fleshy pain immediately appeared on his face, but under the threat of Milik, even if he was distressed about the loss of the light curtain, he did not dare to take back the red and black light curtain.

At the same time, Milik saw his ice flames, did not hurt Philo as he expected, raised his eyebrows, and chanted a spell quickly. With him as the center and a ten-meter radius, both are A azure blue ice mist drifted.

Feeling the extremely cold breath brought by the ice mist and suppressing himself, Philo's originally handsome face immediately became as ugly as a bitter gourd. He knew that the desperado Milik was going to kill him again!

In the previous few battles, Philo suffered in the ice mist cast by Milik. He knew that he must never fight Milik in the ice mist. Once he encountered the ice mist, his actions and thoughts would be frozen and slowed down, so Philo A cruel look flashed across his face, and then he punched his chest hard.

Although it is not clear why Philo wanted to do this, he was still very strong on himself with this punch. It was directly that his face was bloodshot and red, and the next second was enveloped in the ice mist that Milik cast. Underneath, Philo spewed a sip of blood at With this spit of blood, Philo, who was in a good state of mind, immediately became lethargic.

Milik, who was in a stalemate with Philo, was caught off guard, and was directly caught by Philo's blood. Because there had never been such a change in the previous fight with Philo, so he was blooded by Philo. Milik, who was exposed to the shower, was also a little surprised, but his reaction speed was also very fast, and he immediately reacted, wanting to clean up the blood of Philo on his body.

After all, no matter why Philo took the initiative to vomit blood on him, obviously his purpose was to hurt Milik, and this method of hurting himself first and then hurting others is generally an extremely powerful method in the wizarding world. What's more, Philo himself practices blood witchcraft, which is both evil and weird.

Although Milik reacted quickly, he was disappointed that even though he had tried very hard to cast spells to get rid of the blood, the blood that Philo vomited seemed to be wrapped around him, no matter what. I can't get rid of it either.

While Milik was trying to get rid of the blood gap, Philo had pointed at the metal bracelet on his wrist slightly, which was to put away the black and red light curtain, and then quickly backed away.

When Milik realized that he was going to run. Philo had already withdrawn from the area covered by his ice fog, and then sneered from the space ring, a mouth organ that looked very small but was full of various runes, then placed it on his mouth and began to blow it. Up.

"Dingling! Dingling! Dingling..."

Under the blow of Philo, the mouth organ rang with crisp and sweet bells, and under the effect of these wonderful bells, the blood that Philo spit on Milik began to take new changes.

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