Count of Wizards

Chapter 1039: Count in the count (1)

"The Earl of Wizard(

The reason why Connor was willing to carry this scapegoat for De Zelby was not because of the overweight that De Zelby had offered. Connor, who was already fully prepared for the Church of Storms to do his own work, was naturally not afraid. Why did De Zelby kill his secret mission? The reason Connor did it was entirely for himself!

If DeZelby and Milik are not separated, they will be two formal wizards. It is inconvenient for Connor to do anything. Once the two are separated, Connor’s freedom to proceed with the next step is undoubtedly greater. A lot, this is also the fundamental reason why Connor helped De Zelby this one. Otherwise, Connor would not be so stupid, risking offending Hummels, the powerful red bishop of the Church of the Storm. Risk, come for Dezerby to top the pot!

Connor, who was leading the way, looked at the surrounding environment, and his eyes showed an imperceptible color. At the same time, De Zelby seemed to be relieved from the excitement of getting rid of Milik. When he saw the route Connor was walking, he seemed to realize something, and immediately asked Connor, "Connor, did you find the location of the ruins?"

Connor, who already had a plan in his mind, was not surprised by De Zelby’s question. He pointed naturally, and a small mountain in the distance said: “There seems to be something at that location. Let’s go and take a look. Right!"

Following the direction Connor pointed out, De Zelby looked over, glanced at the small mountain peaks, and then scanned the surrounding environment mentally. After finding no danger, he pointed at Connor. Nodded and said, "Since Connor is in doubt, let's go and see!"

After talking about De Zelby, who was in a good mood, he took the lead, surpassing Connor, who led the way, and walked in the forefront of the team.

Seeing Dezelby did not notice anything unusual, Connor put down a big rock in his heart, followed Dezelby and headed towards the small mountain.

Ten minutes later, Connor and De Zelby and the group arrived in a small forest one kilometer away from the target mountain peak, and just at this time, there was a little strange noise in the forest.

"Sa Sa Sa Sa·······Sa Sa Sa Sa···································

With the appearance of the abnormal sound, both Connor and De Zelby's expressions changed, and they immediately released all their mental powers and felt them in the woods.

"No, the blue shadow ant ahead!"

Because of being a spiritual wizard, Connor, who has strong mental power, sensed for a few seconds, and immediately discovered who was the owner of these "sasa" noises, and immediately spoke to everyone in the team. :

Although Dezeerby’s mental power is slightly worse than Connor’s, it is not too weak. After Connor’s warning, he also found those not far away, gathering a little blue light on his body. Army of ants.

This kind of strange ant, which looks only a circle larger than ordinary ants and carries a little blue light on its body, is a kind of monster called Blue Shadow Ant. This monster is a typical gregarious monster. Although it is called a monster, it is a single one. The attack power is not even as fierce as the fierce monsters, but once they appear, it is not in units of a few, but tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of scales, so many blue shadow ants swarmed up, don’t say anything. The first-level wizard is now a second-level wizard, and all he can do is to dodge three sheds and avoid the edge for the time being.

Connor, De Zelby and his group encountered a black-blooded fox bear yesterday. Although it was also very unlucky, there is still a certain guarantee for life and safety as long as they run fast, but if they encounter blue shadow ants, Connor, Dezel There are five church arbiters around him, I am afraid there is only one dead end, but the unfortunate thing now is that the group of blue shadow ants are still in the gathering stage, and they did not immediately report to Connor and Deze. The group of people from Kirby launched an attack.

Seeing this old and cunning De Zelby, after turning his eyes and thinking of the blue shadow ant's habits, he immediately had a ghost idea in his heart. Without hesitation, he took out a rune crystal bottle wearing a steel ring from the space ring. , And then threw it behind Connor.

After finishing this step, Dezelby ignored the rune crystal bottle. Whether it hit Connor or not, he immediately cast a spell, chanted the spell, cast a strong wind, enveloped him and his side. The five arbiters of the Storm Church, under the blessing of this light blue gust of wind, the speed of Dezeerby and the five arbitrators immediately increased several times, and they galloped backwards at an extremely fast speed.

Connor thought that he had no warning to launch a sudden attack on De Zelby. He was naturally shocked and angry. Although he did not know what the white rune crystal bottle that De Zelby threw behind him was, it was nothing. Undoubtedly, no matter what the rune crystal bottle was thrown at this Connor can’t let it get close to him, so in the rune crystal bottle, there is still half a meter away from him. When Connor moved his finger around, he saw the rune crystal bottle, which exploded directly in the air, and some dark brown particles in the crystal bottle floated in the air because of this.

Seeing the appearance of these dark-brown particles, Connor also immediately understood what the **** Dezeerby was making, but at this time he realized that it was obviously too late. These dark-brown particles, It was already contaminated with Connor.

Although these dark brown particles did not have any smell, I felt the appearance of these dark brown particles. Those not far away gathered together. Hundreds of thousands of blue shadow ants suddenly became restless, and then quickly turned towards Kang. Na pounced here.

"Mr. Connor Ferguson, let's retreat in two ways. Don't worry about your Ferguson family, I will take care of it!" At the same time when these blue shadow ants attacked Connor, they were already under the blessing of the wind. De Zelby, who ran far away with his men, shouted loudly:

Although the violent wind that Dezelby showed was amazing, it blessed Dezelby and the five arbiters of the Storm Church, but it only took a few seconds to show Dezelby’s face. It has become pale as paper, and the voice is insufficiently breathed, and it has become hoarse. Obviously, even with De Zelby’s cultivation base, it is extremely reluctant to display this violent wind, and it cannot be sustained for too long... ····

"Dezelby, you **** dare to shame me!"

Although De Zelby said it was very high-sounding, Connor didn't buy it at all. When he started the black magic robe and ran away, he also shouted and screamed:

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