Count of Wizards

Chapter 1037: Conflict (two)

"The Earl of Wizard(

Although De Zelby’s response sounded a little unconvincing, it was enough to satisfy Milik. As long as De Zelby could help make up for the mistake of not dealing with Fero, he wouldn’t care about De Zelby’s heart. What did he really think about, his scarred face suddenly showed a bright smile, and he waved his big hand to the northwest and said, "Filo is in that direction..."

Milik's words were just getting general, and I saw them before they finished speaking. Connor, who had been sitting by the side without saying a word, interrupted Milik's speech and said coldly, "Stop!"

Although Connor's voice is not loud, it happens to make everyone present hear his voice.

Milik, who was interrupted by Connor's speech, suddenly became annoyed, but given the cultivation of Connor's first-class wizard, Milik still suppressed the attack and said to Connor one word at a time: "Connor. Ferguson, do you have any questions?"

"Of course! You are going to hunt Philo, yes! Whoever wants to go, I won't go anyway!" Connor said his decision slowly in response to Milik's angry gaze.

Standing by and watching Connor and Milik clashed, De Zelby didn’t seem to have any changes in his expression, but the whole person was invisible, and it was a lot easier. Since last night with Connor. After the discussion, after not getting an accurate answer from Connor, he was thinking about it all the time. Until now, Connor said that a big rock in his heart really fell to the ground.

Because of the storm token that symbolizes Hummels’ power, although Dezelby was unwilling to Milik’s plan, he did not dare to be tough at all, but it was started by the dark wizard Connor. Then he pushed aside to add to the flames, there is still room for change in this matter.

After hearing Connor's "provocative" words, Milik's expression obviously became a bit stunned. He didn't seem to think that Connor would dare to oppose his opinion, but soon he was furious, looking at Connor viciously with his tone. Coldly said: "Connor Ferguson, do you know what you are doing now?"

"Christant came to me and gave me the task to find the ruins, not to chase Philo! Since it's not what I want to do, why should I wipe your **** with this thing!" Kang Nass was not afraid of Milik's threat, and also said in a bad tone:

Connor’s phrase "wiping his butt" undoubtedly stimulated Milik’s fragile heart. He stopped talking nonsense with Connor, and shot out in anger. A one-meter-long blue sharp ice cone appeared. Three meters in front of Connor, he went straight to Connor’s waist. Judging from where Milik was aiming, he didn’t look like he wanted to kill Connor, but he seemed to just want to teach Connor a lesson. Look like.

Since Connor dared to speak out against Milik, he was naturally well prepared. So even though Milik made a sneak attack, Connor did not panic. A flash of black robe on his body was immediately dangerous and dangerous. Avoided Milik's sneak attack on the cone of ice.


The cone of ice dodged by Connor hit a giant rock. As soon as the two touched, there was a muffled noise. Then the rock was torn apart by the explosion. If it hit Connor's flesh and blood. Above, Connor's fate is also predictable.

Connor, who had escaped Milik’s sneak attack, flashed a cold light in his eyes, and his mind moved an invisible and colorless mental storm. It was released against Milik. He was attacked and did not fight back. It was not Connor Ferguson’s. Style of behavior.

Just as he was surprised that Connor dared to oppose him, Milik was also very surprised that Connor dared to do something with him, but this guy, after all, has two brushes to face Connor's mental storm. When the attack came, Milik's mental power instantly condensed, resisting Connor's mental attack this time, and was not hurt by the mental storm.

This time the two sides made a trial, and the speed can be said to be very fast. Before the arbitrators of the Storm Church could react, Connor and Milik had already played against each other, but after the end of the match, they knew that they were both. It was not after a good stubborn situation, the two people were very tacitly agreed and did not make any more moves, both looked at each other very vigilantly.

And the five church arbiters also reacted after the fight between the two was over. They didn’t use Dezelby’s instructions. They immediately encircled Connor, only to be ordered by Dezelby. He rushed forward and cut Connor into pieces.

Seeing this scene, De Zelby, who knew he should be on the stage, immediately stood up and waved his hand to signal the Arbiter of the Storm Church surrounding Connor to disperse while pretending to say: " Mr. Connor, you were invited by Christant to work with us. Now that the situation has changed. You should also assist us in our work. How can you say that you don’t dare to do it..."

Here I got a signal from Dezelby. Although the five arbiters of the Storm Church hesitated a little, they still chose to obey Dezelby’s order and return to Dezelby’s back. All this is It was completely seen by Milik.

Milik is not a fool. It is natural to see that although De Zelby is saying that Connor will assist them in their work, in fact, since De Zelby is now letting his subordinates disperse, he has already been exposed. Real thoughts, this couldn't help making Milik very angry.

Although Milik has no evidence right now, he can naturally see from all this in front of him. Connor Ferguson, who had been silent from the beginning, suddenly stood up against assisting him in hunting down Philo. Someone must have instructed him behind this. As for the person who instigated Connor to oppose him, there is no doubt that there will be no one else besides De Zelby.

Realizing that Connor is not the only thing, De Zelby pushed in front of the stage to oppose one of his tools, Milik was naturally lazy and talked nonsense with Connor, and directly took out the piece that symbolized Humels from the space ring. The powerful storm token, holding the token in hand, sternly reprimanded Dezerby:

"Dezeer is so bolder than you. I said why you had to postpone the night last night and come here this morning to give me a decision. It turns out that you are embarrassed and treacherous with this dark wizard. Let's discuss it. The red-clothed Archbishop Humels’ orders are against the rules, and you don’t want to think about the consequences of doing this?"

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