Count of Wizards

Chapter 1035: Intimidation

"The Earl of Wizard(

In the Navas Forest at night, amidst the exuberant roar of the beasts, time passed quickly, and soon five hours passed, a figure slowly approached, and a tall olive tree not far away approached. Above the trunk of the tree, Conor Ferguson is sitting leisurely on it.

Feeling De Zelby's approach later, Connor didn't have the slightest surprise, nor did he turn around to face the incoming person.

Connor had realized since De Zelby arranged for him to watch the night. Although De Zelby arranged for him to watch the night, he actually wanted to avoid Milik and talk to him. It happened that Connor did. I also want to talk about it from De Zelby. The two can be considered as a hit. Otherwise, how could Connor be like this, obediently obey De Zelby’s arrangements to watch the night, and still stay so far away from the camp to watch the night. Such a long distance can completely ensure that the other official wizard in the team, Milik, will not overhear their conversation.

Seeing Connor with his back to him, De Zelby’s old eyes showed a little helplessness. He never expected that he would finish his cruel words to Connor during the day, and he immediately asked for it. To Connor Ferguson.

However, as the saying goes, "There are no eternal enemies, no eternal friends, only eternal interests. Therefore, for his own benefit, De Zelby still pulls his face down and preaches to Connor in a low voice: "In Congfu Before Losinone set off, Christant gave me a secret task. If the ruins were not found, I would kill Connor. The arbitrator team next to me was my helper! "

Connor, who was sitting on the olive tree, with his back facing De Zelby, was slightly surprised when he heard De Zelby's words, turned around and looked at De Zelby with interest.

Connor was not surprised by De Zelby’s claim that he had killed his mission, nor did he doubt the truthfulness of De Zelby’s statement. Connor was forced to agree to assist the storm since he was under the threat of Christant. When the church searched for the ruins, Connor knew that this was a chore. If the church was accidentally stormed, the church would be troubled. So Connor had already prepared himself for the church to kill the storm, and prepared a way to deal with it.

What Connor was really surprised was that De Zelby, this guy, put such a large amount of material as soon as he came up!

After Milik finished talking about his thoughts, DeZelby wanted to talk to Connor. Although he hadn't opened his mouth yet, Connor knew it well.

Milik’s order is undoubtedly a thankless chore for De Zelby. Hunting Philo in the Navas Forest, their team not only risks the entire army being wiped out, even if it is Fortunately, the world has not fallen to that stage, and the loss of personnel is inevitable. Now the Arbitrator team is half dead. After De Zelby returns, it is already hard to blame. If a few are dead, Deze Even if Erby returned to the Storm Church alive, there was absolutely no good fruit to eat.

And even if Philo was actually killed in the end, the credit is still Milik. He has nothing to do with Dezerby, so this risk of losing his head and doing his best to do the wedding dress for others Not to mention Dezeerby's unwillingness to do it, even if it is for anyone, it is definitely unwilling to do it.

Although I was very reluctant and unwilling to do it, but the storm token belonging to the Cardinal Hummels in Milik's hand was not fake at all. If this is to reject Milik's request, then the time will come. Milik can use Dezeerby not to assist him in his work as an excuse to add fuel to the archbishop Hummels, and throw all the pots that have not killed Philo to Dezerby. At that time, Dezeer Albi would certainly offend Hummels, the next pope of the Storm Church.

Therefore, De Zelby is really a headache, I don’t know what to do, but because he is experienced and cunning, De Zelby also came up with a way to break the game, and in his method, Connor Ferguson, the dark wizard, is the key to breaking the game. This is why DeZelby is now deliberately avoiding Milik on the grounds of the night watch, and now talks to Connor alone.

Seeing that Dezeerby came up and released such a burst of news, Connor was naturally not hiding it, smiling and directly said: "Dezeerby, you want me to come forward and reject Milik’s proposal. ?"


Seeing that Connor had guessed what was in his mind at once, De Zelby took a deep look at him, but he didn't conceal a denial, but nodded and confessed very simply.

"Dezelby, you are really good at calculating. The pot that Milik gave you, you want me to carry it for you." The smile on Connor's gradually became cold and rushed. The veteran wizard from the veteran Storm Church in front of him preached:

Connor’s reaction was completely expected by DeZelby. He shook his head and then said in a deep voice: "This pot was thrown to me by Milik, but that doesn’t mean, Connor Ferguson, you can Take care of yourself!"

"The storm token in Milik's hand represents Cardinal Hummels, and the prestige of Cardinal Hummels within the church, Connor Ferguson, I believe you should be clear, so even If you don't think about it, it's for my relatives, friends, and family descendants. I can't offend the Cardinal Hummels, so the only way I can do Milik's proposal here is to implement it!"

"But Connor Ferguson, you have to think about it. If I accept Milik’s proposal, who will hurt the most? You are the only one in this team, not from the Church of the Storm, and the most important thing is Kang. You are still a dark wizard. If you encounter a little danger in the process of hunting down Philo, Connor Ferguson, how high do you think your chances of surviving is?" De Zelby used an incomparable kind In a calm tone, he spoke slowly to Connor

Although De Zelby’s words sounded like De Zelby was asking Connor, the warning and threat behind the words were simply beyond words.

Although he knew that De Zelby was telling the truth, he did not alarm him or intimidate himself, but Connor, who was prepared for a long time, did not panic, and when he thought of De Zelby, he just started to talk about it. In that sentence, Christant gave him the secret mission of the joint arbitrator team to kill Connor, and Connor knew it vaguely, DeZelby’s current bargaining chip... ····

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