Count of Wizards

Chapter 1033: Make up for mistakes

"The Earl of Wizard(

Officially, because it is not only difficult to mine Antichy crystals, but also very risky, the person in charge of mining Antichy crystals, even the official knights who are much stronger than the average person, is not allowed at all. They want to mine Antichy crystals. The prerequisite is that the personnel responsible for mining must be held by a wizard. As long as the wizard can, from such a deep place under the water, bring the Antiky crystal back to the shore.

Although it is a prerequisite for a wizard to serve as a miner, it does not mean that every wizard can be a miner of Antichy crystals. After fulfilling this prerequisite, the wizard must undergo strict professional training. Only one out of ten can become a professional miner, so because of these various reasons, the annual output of this Antichy crystal is extremely low.

The specific location of the source of Antichy crystal production is rumored to be listed as an important first-level secret of the Church of the Storm. To this day, there is no trace of information about the source of this production in the wizarding world. This shows that the Church of the Storm has nothing to do with it. The degree of attention.

Because of the high level of secrecy, strict control of the origin, and some unknown reasons, this kind of crystal with high purity energy is basically digested internally in the Church of the Storm, and seldom flows out.

So the outside world only knows that this kind of crystal contains extremely high purity energy, but few people know the specific function. As for Connor, he has only seen some records of this kind of crystal in ancient books. This is the first time he has seen the real thing today. !

In addition to judging that the main alchemical material of this storm token belonging to Hummels is Endich crystal, Connor can basically confirm that the middle of this storm token looks like a red dot. Things should be some kind of alchemy material of fire energy.

This discovery really makes Connor a little strange. After all, as the absolute high-level cardinal of the storm energy wizard organization with more than 90% of the wizards of the Storm Church, he is on the storm token, which symbolizes his power. There has been a fire-attribute alchemy material that is opposite to the energy of the storm. From the perspective that the storm token represents the power of the cardinal, it is simply incomprehensible.

Moreover, according to the rumors, the specially refined thing like the storm token is specially customized according to the cultivation characteristics of the red archbishop. If this is the case, can it be used to infer that Humels practice and fire Is attribute energy related?

Just when Connor was a little bit puzzled about his discovery, Milik over there showed the storm token in his hand to De Zelby for a circle, and immediately took it very preciously and cautiously. Take back the space ring.

Although Milik took out the storm token belonging to Hummels to prove what he said, the five remaining arbitrators of the Storm Church beside Dezelby still did not make a decision. Whatever he said, he turned his inquiring gaze to De Zelby, the official wizard.

Hummels, the archbishop in red, although he is powerful in the Church of Storms and has faint signs of the next pope, but the so-called county magistrate is not as good as the current one. For these church arbiters who have only the apprenticeship of wizards, Hummels, as the archbishop in red, is too high above the other, and they are not accessible to those who work at the grassroots level.

The arbitrators of their working churches knew Hummels, but Hummels certainly didn’t know the existence of these people. On the contrary, although Dezeerby did not have the power of Hummels, he was closer to them. , It seems more practical, so before they execute the order, they must first consult De Zelby’s opinion to see what the old man’s attitude is.

Seeing the reaction of these arbitrators, although Milik didn’t say anything, his eyes flashed unpleasantly, and then he also looked at De Zelby. Under the gaze of almost everyone, De Zelby did not say anything. Without much hesitation or questioning the authenticity of the storm token in Milik's hand, he raised his head and said to Milik:

"Milik, according to the order of Cardinal Hummels, we must implement it, but you should know that we are performing a very important task. This is also the Cardinal Hummels, who personally approved the account. The priority level is also very high for the execution of the Black Agency!"

Milik was clearly prepared for the opinions given by Dezerby. He smiled and said confidently: "What you said about Dezerby is not wrong. The plan you are implementing is indeed Humels himself. Approved, the priority is very high, but the task given to you above, and the current operation ordered by Archbishop Hummels to hunt down, not only there is no conflict, but there is also Help, you perform this task!"

Speaking of this, Milik paused, took a deep look at De Zelby, and then glanced at Connor, who stood by silently eating melons, and then began to say: "This plan is itself It is divided into two parts, one part is done by Dezeer than you, the other part is done by me, and the two parts complement each other at risk."

"Now that there is something happening on my side, we can just take this opportunity to catch Firo!" As he said this, Milik said while still confidently grasping his open hand into a fist. Then continued:

"Filo has always had a ghost in his heart. He put the information he knew on the market, and refused to tell the church honestly. If it weren't for the church's kindness, we would have opened his mouth and knew what information. Now we can take this opportunity to grab Fei from his mouth and dig out all the information about the ruins he knows about Reyes!"

Although Milik spoke beautifully and acted very confidently, after listening to his very far-fetched statement, everyone, including Connor and De Zelby, was not stupid, they were all. Understand that his purpose of doing this is to look for people like them to pay for his treatment of Philo and wipe his **** to make up for the mistake.

Although the truth is such a truth, after all, the storm token that now symbolizes Hummel’s power is held in Milik’s hand. In the Church of the Storm, although there is no explicit stipulation, the appearance of the storm token is equivalent to the cardinal bishop. In person, but in respect and awe of the cardinal archbishop, under normal circumstances, the church members of the Storm Church will also respect the orders issued by the person holding the storm token.

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