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“Cold, so cold~”

Zhao Yang’s whole body is shiver coldly, the jade-like Firefox monster beast skin can’t warm him at all, and his whole body is crying.

“Quick~Quick, send True Qi to Yangyang.”

Hearing Zhao Yang’s voice, Zhao An brought someone to the room soon. Look, it was ordered immediately.


Someone answered, immediately sit cross-legged, run Innate True Qi, and soon fiery-red rays of light appeared, accompanied by Innate With the input of True Qi, the chill on Zhao Yang’s body gradually subsided, the pain on his face also slowly disappeared, and the frost on his eyebrows and hair was also disappeared with a trace of white air.


After more than ten minutes, the Innate Martial Artist slowly closed up and exhaled.


Zhao An anxiously looked towards Zhao Yang, her face was full of sadness, and her whole person was also frowning.

Xie Tian’s Cold Ice Palm is too terrifying and overbearing.

I thought that after returning to the capital, I would be able to find someone to eradicate the cold in Zhao Yang’s body, but even after searching all kinds of books, I invited Fire Attribute’s Raising Cloud Grandmaster’s shot was only able to temporarily suppress the cold in his body, and there was no way to eradicate it.

After a long time, soon, the cold will come out again.

Once the cold air appears, it will quickly spread to the whole body, cold to the bone. The cold pain deep into the bones makes Zhao Yang, a pampered young master who has been wearing brocade clothes and jade food since childhood, suffered a lot. In just a few short hours. In a day’s time, the whole person lost dozens of pounds.

Can’t eat, can’t sleep, lethargic, tortured by the cold, very painful.


Zhao Yang’s voice was weak, it was so painful, he even wanted to commit suicide.

The kind of cold that goes deep into the bone marrow is really too terrifying, like a nightmare. Everyday all will happen, and every time it will make him feel like he is in hell.


Zhao An was in tears, hugging Zhao Yang, wanting to cry without tears.

“Don’t worry, Dad will definitely find a way to cure it~”

“Dad, avenge me, avenge me, I’m going to cramp his tendons, pull his skin, I want his life to be worse than death.”

Zhao Yang said with gnashing teeth, it was too painful, at this moment, life is better than death, his hatred for Xie Tian is deep in his bones.

“Don’t worry, Dad will avenge you.”

Zhao An said firmly, and then patted Zhao Yang’s shoulder and said, “Go eat something, You are so thin, keep going like this.”

“I have no appetite, I feel cold all over.”

Zhao Yang shook his head slightly, where does he have the appetite to eat now? The cold pain deep into bones and hatred for Xie Tian made him have no appetite at all.

“Eat a little more!”

“Have a good meal and a good cultivation, Dad has prepared everything for you.”

“If you If you can cultivate to Innate Realm, you may be able to eradicate this cold.”

Zhao An was comforted.

“Cultivation to Innate Realm?”

“You might as well just kill me.”

When Zhao Yang heard this, he couldn’t help it. shouted out.

Practicing martial arts is really hard and tiring, let alone Horse-Riding Stance alone is very tiring.


“Then you should have a good night’s sleep.”

Zhao An sighed then said, he is the Raising Cloud Grandmaster, why not Having given birth to such a waste-like son, he couldn’t bear the pain at all, but he was reluctant to beat and scold him.

Leaving Zhao Yang’s room, Zhao An came to his study, slumped on his chair, very tired, mentally and physically exhausted, for Zhao Yang, he is really too tired these days .

“What the hell is this?”

“It’s so overbearing and terrifying that even Raising Cloud Grandmaster’s Innate True Qi can’t get rid of it.”

“Compared with this palm technique, Xie Bing’s Cold Ice Palm is simply insignificant. The difference is too far.”

Zhao An fell into deep thought.

He has seen a lot of all kinds of powerful Absolute Art all his life, but it is the first time I have seen such a domineering terrifying palm technique as Cold Ice Palm.

If you use Innate True Qi to dispel the cold in Zhao Yang’s body, it can be done, and it can be dispelled almost quickly, but soon, the cold will emerge from the heart again.

It’s like a gangrene attached to the bone, it can’t be shaken off, it will always be eroded by the cold, and it will be piercingly cold.

Not only Zhao Yang, but also Wang Tao, who protects Zhao Yang, but at least they are all Martial Artists with strong Innate True Qi.

Although Xie Tian’s Cold Ice Palm is also hit, it is not as serious as Zhao Yang, and can be suppressed by his own strong Innate True Qi.

But if the coldness is not eliminated, they can’t even think of saving any more. Innate True Qi, who has worked so hard every day, will be completely wiped out by the coldness.


At this time someone knocked on the door, Zhao An looked at the person who came in and asked, “How is the investigation?”

“Master Hui~”

“We checked all kinds of classics, including the classics information obtained from the major relics on Earth, and it is not Cold that the Young Master has Ice Palm, but a more terrifying Ice Palm!”

The person here is Li Siyuan, the housekeeper of Zhao An’s family and his confidant.

“Bing Xin Palm?”

When Zhao An heard this, he was slightly nodded after thinking about it. The cold air was condensed in his heart and could not be dispelled no matter what. Bing Xin Palm also deserved its name. .

“This Bing Heart Palm is an Absolute Art of the Supreme Purity Sect, one of the seven Kunlun Sects. It is very domineering and terrifying. It is the one with the Bing Heart Palm. The cold air erodes, the cold penetrates the bone marrow, and the pain is unbearable.”

Li Siyuan solemnly nodded, after thinking about it, he said: “There are only two ways to cure the injury of Cold Ice Palm, one is cultivation Cold Ice Palm The Martial Artist of the Fire Spirit Mushroom will take action to dissipate the cold air.”

“Another way is to look for the Fire Spirit Mushroom, and use the Spiritual Qi of the purest and the most yang contained in the Fire Spirit Mushroom to dissolve, apart from this, we For the time being, there is no Third Type method that can be cured.”

“There is also a method using modern science, which is to replace the heart, which may be cured by replacing the heart, but this is only a theory I’m not sure if the cold air from Bingxin’s palm will re-condense in the new heart.”

“There are only these three ways?”

When Zhao An heard this, he immediately I couldn’t help frowning.

I want Xie Tian to rescue Zhao Yang, it is obviously impossible, now they are all enemies of life and death, and the second person who can understand the palm of the heart has not appeared, obviously this one will not work .

As for what Fire Spirit Mushroom is, this is the first time he has heard it, and the ghost knows where to look for it.

Heart transplantation is a good method. In terms of modern medical technology, this technology is also very mature, but as Li Siyuan said, no one knows whether the cold will condense again.

“Can it be cured with magic?”

Zhao An thought about it and asked again, he is the Raising Cloud Grandmaster, he knows a lot of things, and magic can cure diseases Of course, he also knows about things, but there are very few Arcanists in China.

Although Arcanists are rare, the key is that they have very few spells, and there is not a single person who can heal them. Only in other base cities around the world, there are a few Arcanists who can heal spells. .

“Master, you can take Young Master to the Europa base city for a try, maybe it’s really possible.”

Li Siyuan thought for a while and said.


Zhao An was slightly nodded, then thought about it and said, “Just in time, I’m going to go to Europa Base City.”

” Send me someone to keep an eye on that Xie Tian, as soon as he leaves Hongdu Base City, notify me immediately.”

“Unless he hides in Hongdu Base City for the rest of his life, I must kill him. “

Zhao An’s eyes flashed with cold light, thinking of his son Zhao Yang suffering such pain, he could not wait to make Xie Tian cramp and peel.

“Master, last time you made a move in Hongdu base city, this Xie Tian should have obtained some life-saving treasure from the Kunlun ruins.”

“Yi master I’m afraid it’s hard to kill him with your current strength.”

Li Siyuan thought for a while and said.

“I know that he is indeed a very evildoer. Because of this, I have to deal with him as soon as possible. If he becomes the Raising Cloud Grandmaster, then when the time comes, I am afraid he will come. Kill me.”

Zhao An nodded, with a grave expression on his face.

This Xie Tian is really too enchanting, he studied Xie Tian’s information carefully, since he became a Martial Artist, in just a few months, he already has enough to be able to bear it. Than the battle strength of Raising Cloud Grandmaster.

It’s too terrifying.

I couldn’t kill him with all my strength. With his cultivation speed, I’m afraid it won’t take long for him to reach the height of his cultivation, and he might be able to break through to the Raising Cloud Grandmaster in a few years.

When the time comes, can you still kill him?

I’m afraid I have to be powerless to defend himself.

“In this case, passive waiting is definitely not the way to go.”

“You must take the initiative to attack, it is best to plan to be foolproof. Must kill this Xie Tian.”

Li Siyuan pondered for a while and was also suggested.

“Well, I went to Europa Base City this time to find someone to join forces to kill this Xie Tian.”

Zhao An said lightly.

“Master, it’s best to ask Carl to do it himself, he is the Arcanist in the Raising Cloud Grandmaster realm.”

“This Xie Tian may have a treasure Battle Armor that can dissolve in the surface of the skin. And so on, but there should be no defense for the attack of spirit strength. If Karl shoots, just casting Spirit Attack is enough to kill him, when the time comes, maybe he can get what he got from the Kunlun Ruins treasure.”

“He stayed in the Kunlun ruins for a long time, at least he was the Outer Sect Disciple of the Kunlun Sect, and perhaps most likely the Official Disciple of the Kunlun Sect.”

“And judging from the latest photos, he has a storage ring on his hand, which looks similar to the storage rings of Xia Longhu, Liu Zhen, and Ouyang Zhan. It should be obtained from Kunlun Sect.”

Li Siyuan pondered for a long time and was suggested after thinking about it.

No matter how evil Xie Tian is, he is just an Innate Martial Artist. As Raising Cloud Grandmaster Zhao Anli shot, he couldn’t kill Xie Tian unexpectedly, this must be protected by treasure, otherwise Absolutely impossible.

Zhao An is not an ordinary Raising Cloud Grandmaster. He is also an upper-middle existence in the Raising Cloud Grandmaster. Otherwise, it is impossible to become the General of an oversee a area.

“storage ring, treasure?”

When Zhao An heard this, her eyes turned slightly red.

He knows the preciousness of the storage ring. There are more than 100 Raising Cloud Grandmasters in the world, but there are only a dozen people who own the storage ring. He, Zhao An, is obviously not here. in the column.

He is also very jealous of the treasures brought out in the Kunlun Sect. If he can get these treasures, his strength will definitely be stronger.

When the time comes, maybe there is no need to be afraid of Xia Longhu and Liu Zhen.

“Kill this Xie Tian and get his storage ring, which not only contains treasure, but also the cultivation secrets of this Bingxin Palm, when the time comes to let people cultivate this Bing Xin Palm, it can also be eradicated Get rid of the chill of Young Master.”

Li Siyuan’s solemn nodded, Xie Tian is now a mobile treasure in the eyes of many people.

The storage ring of Kunlun Sect, and Xie Tian is most likely Official Disciple, how much treasure he can get from it, I am afraid no one can know.

“If you ask Carl to do it, when the time comes, it may not be my turn to do anything good.”

Zhao An thought for a while and said.

Carl is the second-ranked Raising Cloud Grandmaster in the world, and he is also a member of Arcanist. He is extremely powerful and has endless means. To be honest, many people would rather face Xia Longhu than Carl. superior.

Arcanist’s various spells emerge in an endless stream. Many times, you have lost without even touching the corner of his shirt. Carl, as an Arcanist in the Raising Cloud realm, is a well-deserved global first. An Arcanist.

If Xie Tian was killed and the two of them robbed the treasure left by Xie Tian, Zhao Anke would not be able to beat Carl, and in the end it might be cheaper for Carl, and he would not be able to get anything.

“That’s right, Carl looks just and honorable, but he’s actually an extremely insidious person. Several Raising Cloud Grandmasters’ deaths are inextricably linked to him.”

When Li Siyuan heard it, he thought about it and said nodded.

“Actually, Carl doesn’t necessarily need to take action. Find an Arcanist from Innate Realm Peak to perform Spirit Attack. As long as Xie Tian is in a trance at the moment of the attack, and his consciousness is blurred, he can also easily kill him. “

“If it’s just an Arcanist in the Innate Realm Peak, it’s not difficult to find someone.”

Hearing Li Siyuan’s words, Zhao An suddenly pondered, and something came to his mind. Several people.

“The key now is this Xie Tian, how to get him out of the base city of Hongdu, and then perfectly ambushed him.”

“It’s definitely impossible to shoot in the base city of Hongdu. , but as long as you leave Hongdu Base City, even if you kill Xie Tian, Xia Longhu and Liu Zhen have nothing to say.”

“Master, you can rest assured, I have a solution. You can let this Xie Tian go out of Hongdu base city, you can go to the contact, when the time comes to avenge Young Master.”

PS: There is another chapter in the evening~

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