Cosma Empire

Chapter 924

After Durin urged twice and told him that he had lost a lot of money during the time he hesitated, Merlin smiled and said a number – two million.

Two million is not a small amount, even if people’s income has increased a lot now, two million is also an astronomical number, which may require a middle-class family to survive after maintaining the necessary expenses for more than 100 years. Rich. To say a lot, for those entrepreneurs, this may be a year’s profit, of course, the western mine owners expressed disdain for this, and they have so much money for half a year.

Durin didn’t immediately agree, he waved at Dinessa in the distance, and the little girl ran over. Since they became Patriarch, the Hill’s power to kill and kill is in the hands of their sisters, and there is a feeling of exultation. Although Durin felt that the practice was a bit too much, after mastering the family power, Dinessa gradually began to adapt to become ruthless in some way. After all, the ass decides the head, when she needs to be responsible for every member of the family, when she needs to face the family glory for hundreds of years.

What is the little bit of personal gains and losses?

She finally understands why every family always needs some people to sacrifice for the family. It is not that the family gave up them, they gave up the family!


“Merlin wants to buy a machinery factory to make agricultural machinery. During this time, you will help him build the company here.” Durin arranged, although Dinessa has been working in the bank, it is because of this job that she and her All walks of life have a certain relationship and have sufficient understanding. Merlin didn’t do business, and rushing to open a company is not necessarily… No, it will definitely face a lot of trouble. He doesn’t have time to help Merlin solve these problems every day. It’s better to give it to Dinessa.

Although the best way to do this is to let Merlin wrestle on his own, go to arduous training or hard work and mature to become a qualified businessman – this is the practice of ordinary people. With Durin’s current powers and wealth, you can’t care about this, and the mature team will solve all the troubles for Merlin. Even if he fails, it is not a problem. The problem of having money is never a problem. Durin’s current financial resources are fully supportive. Merlin made a mistake while doing it. He didn’t want to come back. Anyway, he has money.

For these brothers and sisters of their own, Durin was able to help them where they were, and to help them as much as possible. But the help is definitely not forever, nor is it all-round. After all, they are brother sisters. He is not their father. He can’t manage them for a lifetime. Being able to do well, then it’s best, not doing well, maybe being a good idler is also a good choice, of course Durin wants them to develop independently. This seems very contradictory, but there is no way to do it.

These people are glorified by him, and they may be bleak because of him.

Durin then told him that he would transfer the money to his bank account later.

After pass the Dinessa Durin quiet Mimi Merlin warned a few, since it has been decided to get married, then do not sudden, too difficult to see things, otherwise Mr. Cosma will come to beat him. Mr. Cosma has complained to Merlin about the last time he should get married, and he is very dissatisfied with Mr. Cosma.

After sending Merlin again, Brian finally got the chance. The two walked into a small room behind the church. The priest left very satisfied after receiving a donation of two hundred dollars from Durin. He also said that he would take the lost lamb. Grateful to the Lord, telling God that he will not come within at least an hour. This is a very interesting priest.

The two sat in a chair and Brian spoke about some more intimate topics. “You know, Harry is finished.”

Durin suddenly saw a glimpse. He really didn’t know about it. Said curiously. “What happened to him? I heard that he had a chance some time ago. How can he get finished now?”

Brian laughed, gave Durin a cigarette and ordered one. “The cabinet decided to dismiss Harry’s current position. At the committee meeting, the chairman was very annoyed at Harry’s acceptance of bribes and duty crimes. He thought he had smeared the new party. The positive image decided to give him a certain punishment. He was downgraded and did not give a new transfer plan.”

As far as the current empire is concerned, Marcus is the first person in the empire, the Prime Minister of the Cabinet, who holds the fate of the entire country, then the second is the chairman of the New Party Committee, and the third is the Bower. Now Marcus didn’t make a statement. The chairman of the New Party Committee and Bower agreed to deal with Harry. In fact, it has already explained Marcus’s attitude towards silence. He also agreed with the committee to do so. Otherwise he would definitely hold Harry in the current situation, but he didn’t do it, apparently intending to give up Harry.

Harry’s business is really big. As a bystander, Durin completely forgot that this was actually a good show for his director. He is now an audience when no one knows. At the same time he was expelled from public office, he was also dismissed as a member of the New Party because of Bower’s strong request. Marcus didn’t talk at the time. Is there some dirty dark curtains that are not known? Durin is too lazy to guess, obviously there is.

Now Harry was given up and he had the same glimpse, saying that Marcus didn’t play any role, and that killing Durin wouldn’t believe it. If this is not the case, Marcus’s opinion is just a change to a person to perform, deep into the depths, on the surface, the discord between Marcus and Bower, is it also an illusion? If Marcus really is as hot as this old fogey, he will inevitably die to ensure that his position in the new party will not be shaken, but he does not do that, which is worth remembering.

There are a lot of problems inside the New Party. Durin hasn’t been involved for a long time. He can feel that there are certain problems from top to bottom. It is definitely not a case for Harry to be abandoned. It is not an isolated incident. There must be a deeper reason behind this. .

Durin picked up his eyebrows and didn’t talk. Brian laughed didn’t care. He continued. “I have a less mature idea. From the next general election, there are still… 18 months. Do you think I can compete? Low-level province long position?”

Brian Ken had never considered this problem when Durin didn’t leave, because Durin was Harry’s shackles and Marcus’s shackles, no matter how they chose, they couldn’t choose Brian’s head. But now that Durin is gone, Harry is finished, and the new mayor of Otis City, Novo, has so far had no eye-catching results. On the contrary, he, when Namelins began to go downhill, pulling strong against a crazy tide, directly changed the urban economic structure, let the city shine new rays of light, in the state to discuss personal ability, he Definitely the best.

If someone can support him, then taking a low-level province for a long position may not be possible. Once you can take the low-level province position, it means that he really entered the center of the political arena. The seats in the new party will also be moved to the table, and will not sit against the wall every day.

The whole family is beginning to consider whether this is possible or not. In the dark, a campaign team has been hired to start the campaign strategy.

Durin’s look was awkward. He always thought that there would be another two years to change the general election, but today Brian’s words awakened him, leaving only 18 months to leave the next general election.

Suddenly time became tight, as if someone had pinched his egg and gave him a slight tingling swelling.

He came back to his senses and pouted for a moment and said, “This is perfectly fine. There is no conflict with my interests, but I have an idea…”

The two had been talking in the church for a long time. After the wedding was over, the people were all gone. At the end of the afternoon, two talents came out of the church. They went back to the city center to eat something, and Durin returned to Otis. In the course of discussions with Brian, he has already felt that his Early Stage plan is a success, at least it is right to pull the Hill sisters into his own circle.

He can clearly feel that Brian’s attitude towards himself has changed. It is a sense of identity, an attitude of reciprocity. In the past, this was impossible. Even though Brian followed the development of Otis in the back of his ass and learned how to build a city in the form of students, Durin could feel that although he was very modest, he still looked down on his bones. my own.

Now, this feeling is gone.

A conversation with Brian reminded him of the urgency before Earnst, and Durin realized that he had not reversed it in some respects, or that after all is the first time in life, many things have not been experienced. Fortunately, this conversation with Brian made him understand the urgency of time.

After returning to the room, Durin called Kevin. When the snoring sounded, Durin interrupted his nonsense directly. “Do you have a reliable campaign team you know?”

Political campaign is actually a commercial behavior. To put it simply, it is to spend money to buy a sense of identity. From politicians, ask workers to eat chicken, and spend money to ask some small children to go. Only adults can go to adults. In the night, in fact, this can be seen as a trading behavior.

Early Stage trading, as well as Late Stage trading.

Everything that involves transactions involves the law. Every campaign team has an excellent team of lawyers. Kevin is the biggest cancer in the judicial industry. He should know a reliable team.

Kevin was silent for a moment, and the sound of closing the door came from the receiver. After a moment he asked, “Are you going to stand for election?”

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