Cosma Empire

Chapter 922

The major filmmakers really took a lot of thought to hold Kinsale, and the reason they are willing to cut the meat is still in Durin. Not to mention the impact of cable TV on movies, some producers have now targeted the film in the direction of cable TV. Durin started out the “pay-on-demand” system, which made all the major players see a trend that is different from the current mainstream big screen. The current big screen is very unreasonable for filmmakers. A movie released earlier this year was released at 51 days, with a total of 400 70.

It seems that this box office seems to be very great. At least most ordinary people think so. Actually, the film makers probably have more than 1.5 million yuan. After removing the cost and issuing expenses, they earn a profit. A few hundred thousand are in place. The real big heads have taken the theater away. By the way, the largest theater in the empire is now in the hands of Nasha, and both the theater and the TV are family.

A movie sold millions of box-offices, and the last filmmaker earned a few hundred thousand. Although there is still tape and the surrounding area to play a little bit of heat, it is not too much income. This is also the reason why filmmakers have been crazy about new films. If they can’t build more revenues in quantity, the survival of the company will become a problem.

But now, something that might become another huge source of income was born, and that is paid on-demand. If there are one million home-paid on-demand per movie, the cost is about two dollars, which is two million. After paying taxes with the TV station on the 5th and 5th, the profits they earned can even be equal to the income from the cinema. The extra income of a movie is equal to revenue, and the net profit may be more than twice, or even three or four times. Because this part of the income does not need to eliminate various costs, this makes the filmmakers very excited.

Then naturally, Kinsale will be promoted. When Kinsale is used as a link, some things that are not very talkative can be discussed.

The girls are talking about Kinsale and some recent anecdotes in the film circle. Suddenly there was some commotion in the welcome room. The girls stopped talking and curiously looked at each and everyone stard wide-eyed. The girl wearing a visor looked incredibly look at Sully, and even the words became stuttered. “You…you invited Kinsale?”, said she licked the camera back to his senses and almost screamed. Get up, “God is on, I didn’t expect you to be such a Sully, how much did you spend and how much relationship you found? I heard that Sully rarely participates in such commercial activities…”

Participating in the wedding is also a way to generate income for the stars. Some big people often hold some cocktail parties or charity evenings, especially the latter, which requires a certain number of people to increase their influence for the party. Of course, there are still some people who are on birthdays, and will invite some big stars to come to the wedding when they get married, so they have to pay a lot of money. As for what is worth not worth, it is another matter. In fact, this is the distress of the poor. For the rich, it is just spending money.

Sully smiled very sadly. In fact, her mind was a little confused. She stroked a few girlfriends and walked up to Merlin, who was talking to Kinsale. She naturally took Merlin’s arm and was very ladylike. Etiquette, “Hello, Miss Kinsale, I am very honored to invite you to my wedding.” She didn’t look at Merlin, but she was shocked by Merlin’s social circle.

To know that she was looking at Merlin’s current circle of communication from nothing to nothing, when he met someone who knew it, but she had never heard of Merlin actually knowing Kinsale. A faint sense of crisis has come to mind, and the rumors of the female stars in the past seem to be vivid.

Kinsale glanced at Sully, couldn’t help but pinch Merlin’s chin and look left and right. The move was a bit sloppy, making Sully’s expression a bit less good. The next two people’s conversations made all the hidden dissatisfaction on her face a sincere smile.

“Your boy is lucky…”

Merlin took a step and was a little embarrassed to avoid the curious eyes of the people around him. “Well, elder sister, don’t make trouble, I am married today!”

It is his elder sister!

The smile on Sully’s face is even more real. She wants to take her heart out to Kinsale and tell her, hey, all my smiles are sincere, not a little fake. She can even imagine that she will also have access to a day in the film circle. Maybe there is still a chance to make a small character in some movies, appear on the big screen, and maybe even become popular. Famous star.

Let those little girls envy them!

Thinking of this, Sully let go of Merlin’s arm, took the initiative to take on Kinsale’s arm, and kindly shouted an elder sister. “You must be tired all the way, there is a prepared lounge here, do you want to take a break?”

Kinsale glanced at the watch and shook his head. “Wait a minute, Durin said he is coming soon.”

“Durin…Sir!”, Sully’s eyes sparkled with some kind of light, and it was Durin that made the wedding today. She is not sure that this is a good thing for her life, or a bad thing, but it has enabled her to realize the dream of a dream of a high society. It is almost every girl’s dream to join the giants. Especially at this moment, when she was standing in Kinsale, she had already begun to learn what the real high society life was like.

Merlin rubbed his head and sighed. “I told him, if you are too busy, you don’t need to come over…” He didn’t tell the truth, he didn’t know why, a little scared of Durin. This was not the case at home in the past. He and Mason often teased Durin. The relationship between the three brothers is very good. Perhaps this is related to their older age than the younger brother younger sister. This may be the legendary generation gap, and the generation gap makes their relationship better.

Just talking about Durin, there were two commercial vehicles outside the church. This is also the “farmer model” that started to sell in the second half of last year. For a long time in the past, the business car did not have a separate name. People prefer to say that it is a mini-box truck, which can accommodate more things than a car. This is very suitable for those “farmers”. But last year, the accident was that the business car became inexplicably popular in the first round of hype. Every car company started to launch its own business car, which also made the business car appear more and more frequently in the city.

There were nine people in the car. The nine men were wearing black formal attire and sunglasses. They left four people at the door, and others went into the church and searched. Many friends and relatives who came to see the ceremony did not understand what happened. A car that was not eye-catching slowly stopped at the door. The door opened and people made a slight exclamation. The mayor of Namelins smiled and got out of the car. He sorted out his dress and took the initiative to Merlin. “Hello, Merlin.”

Merlin was a little surprised and took the initiative to reach out and Brian gripped. “Hello, Lord Mayor.”

Brian looked at the crowds in the church, nodded to pay tribute, just standing next to Merlin, he glanced at the watch and then looked towards Kinsale, “If I didn’t guess wrong, Miss Kinsale?”

“It’s nice to meet you!” Kinsale reached out and shook Brian, and she was surprised that Brian actually came to Merlin’s wedding in person, which was incredible. But from the side also reflects the influence of Durin, far beyond their estimates.

Brian and Kinsale’s hands were at the touch of a finger, and his smile looked forward to Sully. “So this is the heroine of today, Ms. Sully?”

Sully resisted the excitement, restrained the trembling hand, and tried her best to keep her own restraint. She bent her knees slightly. “Yes, Lord Mayor.”

The secretary standing behind Brian took the initiative and took out a gift. Brian glanced at him. “I’m in a hurry. I don’t know if I like the gift you like. If you don’t like it… then I have no choice.” He smiled and asked the secretary to send the gift. This guy is actually a very educated and very interesting person. He was born into a noble family and received a good elite education. He had never had a chance to be a party before. Later, Durin killed Namelin. After the former mayor Todd, Brian’s family found a place to settle things through Harry before others.

He learned the lessons of Todd’s bad luck. After he took office, he often ran to Otis City. He had a good relationship with Durin, and his performance was stupid. But if you really think of him as a fool, that is the real fool. After ruling Namelins, Brian knew that the city had lost its former glory. If it was almost impossible to catch up with the city of Otis, the only way was to change the existing socio-economic structure and focus on light entertainment. Reversing the main attack on industrial structure. With the help of Durin’s advice and Harry’s help, the current development of Namelins is OK, and it is already one of the industrial cities in the middle of the empire.

This time he heard that Durin’s big brother was getting married, and Durin was coming to the wedding. He immediately canceled today’s itinerary and came to see Durin.

Now whether it is the New Party or the Old Party, whether it is Durin’s friend or the enemy, there is a consensus that the jerk of Durin is very rich now, and the money is like love, it is about to overflow.

If you can dig one or two projects from Durin, at least half of this year’s development goals can be completed. For political achievements, it is nothing to take time out.

In the expectation of many people, a luxury car fleet slowly passed through the church door until the car in the middle of the team stopped at the church door.

Inexplicable, everyone is straightforward, just like what I am looking forward to.

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