Cosma Empire

Chapter 914

At this time in the territory of Confederation, in the lost urban refugee camp, each and everyone refugees watched the 12-meter-high sentinel patrols passing by, and his face showed an unspeakable expression. Once upon a time, the impression left by the mighty empire in their eyes collapsed overnight, and Confederation suddenly launched a war against the empire and almost hit the Imperial Capital with an unstoppable momentum. The powerful empire has always turned into a weak empire, although the last empire forced Confederation to the negotiating table, and the despicable shameless used the life of the soldiers to force Confederation to conduct peace talks.

At that moment, even if Confederation decided to end the war very passively, the cheers on all the land in Confederation resounded. A war has laid the hearts of the Confederation people’s pride and confidence. Even a powerful empire can’t resist the strength of Confederation. In this world, Confederation is already a top-ranking country.

But at this moment, they realized everything that the imperial people had suffered.

Uneasy, panic, why is the powerful and invincible Confederation turned into this look overnight?

The official propaganda, like the wall of the wall, was broken for a week without persisting. The unbeaten Legion also suffered heavy casualties in the first place. Faced with the cover-up artillery attack of hiding the sky and covering the earth, countless civilians were killed under gunfire. Even if you survived, you live in fear as you do now.

The ground trembled slightly and two whistle patrols were bypassed from the camp. It is a 12-meter-high, huge mechanical armor with six legs. It is centered on a cabin that can accommodate a combatant, like a octopus floating in the sea. A searchlight from the abdomen of the cabin illuminates the entire camp, and four black-painted machine guns are occasionally aligned with possible commotion on the ground.

Someone once wanted to challenge these seemingly stupid whistle patrols. The end was very miserable, and there was no complete place to find. These robots have a very good view, and the reaction is much more flexible than what people see, and can even make climbs and jumps. In the past, Confederation people could not imagine that the military equipment of the empire had advanced to this point. In some street fighting, there were similar micro-war mechanical forces, which caused the Confederation defense line to be greatly destroyed and threatened.

When the two sentinel patrols left, the glaring searchlights turned from the lampposts everywhere, and there was no privacy here. From time to time, someone will search every camp, and everything except clothes is a contraband and will be confiscated. If someone is hiding, it is whipped, but it is directly shot in public. This also makes people who live here temporarily understand the ruthlessness of the imperial people, as well as cruelty and brutality.

Link is just a very ordinary Confederation person. He is just an ordinary carpenter part-time coward. He often goes to the forest around the city to cut down some trees that are allowed to be felled, and then process it into various woodwork products for sale. Because of his good craftsmanship and real wood, he is also a small celebrity. Many people order some woodworking products, furniture or something from him.

He shrank his head and just got ready to go back to sleep. Suddenly a group of soldiers moved toward this side and he came up. He immediately stood up with his chest and stood next to his camp with other refugees. His chest was hung with his own insurance card with a work insurance number and his own photo. The soldier came to his front and stopped. This made his heartbeat start to accelerate and his breathing became rushed.

The soldier glanced at the chest and asked, “Are you Mr. Link? The woodworker?”

Link phary swallowed, nodded, “Yes, sir.”

The soldier coldly looked at Link’s work insurance number again, read the side of the notebook in his hand, and then nodded. “Go with me, there are things that you need to cooperate with.”

There is a kind of sympathetic expression in the eyes of the surrounding refugees. This is definitely not a good thing. Poor Link may never come back again.

They didn’t guess at all. After Link left, he never returned. The space left by him was quickly arranged for other people. Every day, some ordinary people were captured on the front line and then sent to various refugee camps in the back for temporary resettlement. No one knows what happened to Link, and even soon forgot that there is such a person.

Lin Kewei and the soldiers crossed the majority of the refugee camp and went to the temporarily built house in the administrative area. He saw an Imperial officer. The young officer looked like he was only 30 years old and handsome.

“Hello, Mr. Link, I am Major Eric. Maybe this is not the most suitable occasion, but it is definitely the most suitable time!”, the major officer named Eric is a good friend of Durin, he I got what I wanted, Durin, and they became good friends. After the Freedom Front was annihilated, the Eric eunuch who provided important information was quickly promoted to the school magistrate, and at the time of the Confederation, his boss named him to participate in the war.

War in peacetime is an invaluable resource, and it is a precious resource. The advancement of the army is not only a step-by-step hybrid, but also a war. Only war can bring more benefits and faster promotion. Eric’s boss is very optimistic about him, and the Security Council also has war missions, so he came to Confederation with the army.

Now he has been assigned a task. The General Command and the General Staff have drawn up a plan to surprise Saint-Louis, the financial town of Confederation. Saint-Louis has always been the economic center of Confederation and the home of Confederation Bank’s head office, which has gathered a lot of wealth. If you can capture Saint-Louis, it is definitely a heavy blow for those who are already in the Confederation.

After the plan is drawn up, it will reach the front line, and the Security Committee will also participate in it. Of course, there are people in the military department.

Link didn’t know this, he just looked down and looked at the toes.

Eric poured two glasses of wine, a cup of his own, a cup for Link, “drink a little, so you will be more comfortable.” He said that regardless of whether Lin drink or drink, he put the glass into him In my hand, “I heard that the wood you used to make things is going to your own forest to cut down?”

Linker subconsciously nodded, this is something everyone knows, and then he realized that it was not unusual, and some nervous sip a drink. When the wine was sucked into the mouth, it seemed to be in the mouth, and then the flame turned into a fire snake and got into his stomach. Soon the flames softened, dispelling the chill, and some fear, which made He took the initiative to start talking, “Yes, sir, that’s it.”

Eric was very satisfied with the nodded, a huge map hung in the room, he stood in front of the map for a moment, then asked, “I heard that there is a road in the forest, leading to Saint-Louis, and you Very familiar with this forest, is it?”

Saint-Louis is about two hundred and thirty kilometers away from here, and there is an almost primitive forest between the two places. Confederation may be the first country to begin to claim an ecological balance. None of them, after the earliest excessive deforestation, the Confederation government banned excessive deforestation. Almost all the wood needed for factory production is imported from other countries and is not produced locally. This allowed Confederation to keep several large virgin forests intact, and Eric said one of them.

Although there are maps, although there is a compass, everyone knows that marching in the virgin forest, even with compasses and maps, may not be able to accurately find the road, and the terrain in the forest is not familiar with them, swamps, lakes, rivers. There are many things in the class, and the ecological environment of the original forest is also full of dangers, such as poisonous plants and animals, including some insects or something.

This requires a local person who knows the forest very well as a guide to help them get through the route, and then the Confederation people have not responded before, the attack is completely unguarded Saint-Louis, destroying the financial center of Confederation and letting Confederation The economy is completely collapsed.

Link didn’t know what to answer. He actually knew that the Eric school official had a road in the forest, but that road has been abandoned for a long time, and there is no difference between it and no. In the past, many smugglers used that way to smuggle goods. Later, after the outbreak of the Civil War, the trade rules in Confederation changed dramatically. Many things were no longer afraid of being inspected. Naturally, some smuggling routes were abandoned. As for being familiar with this forest, it is absolutely certain. In order to pick the better wood to make the best furniture to sell the most expensive price, Link often goes deep into the forest.

Eric turned back and glanced at Link, laughed. “I will be your default, then the new question, will you help us through this forest and then appear on the periphery of Saint-Louis?”, Link keeps Silence, Eric said, “Very good, I will do it as you promised.”

Upon hearing this, Link immediately retorted, “No, I don’t…”

Eric turned and waved his hand, stopped him from going on, and asked an irrelevant question, “Do you know why I will choose you?”

Link shook his head.

“Because you have parents, you have wives, children, and many relatives and friends. They want you to survive safely. I also believe that you also hope that they can be safe, right?”

“Besides, this is not a bad thing. We all hope that the war will return to a state of peace as soon as possible. What you are doing now is precisely to let the war end as soon as possible. You have not betrayed, and will not betray. This country, you are helping it and helping the war end this morning.”

“Mr. Link, are you willing to be our guide?” Eric smiled and walked over to Link, reaching out his hand.

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