Cosma Empire

Chapter 910

“Have you heard that the great hero Durin is coming back!”

In the bars or cafes in the streets, there are always people who say this in a busy place. At first, many people didn’t know what this sentence meant. They even vaguely felt that they had heard of the name Durin. When they couldn’t help but curious to ask questions, there would always be some enthusiastic and patient encyclopedias for their science. Let’s see who Durin is, why Durin is a great hero, and he has valuable knowledge from where he came back.

Gradually, some people have realized that this may be a kind… um, alternative propaganda, don’t take these words as one thing, but some people who are more enthusiastic, began to care about this matter. In any case, Durin did what all the imperial people wanted to do. He used another way to let Confederation know the great power from the empire and had a disastrous consequences. In addition to the current situation and the trend of public opinion, many people have begun to pay attention to Durin’s whereabouts and his news outside.

Of course, it is still some enthusiastic and patient people who often sit together to discuss how dangerous Durin has gone through, destroying the vicious conspiracy, the plot climaxes, fascinating, and recently joined the plot of the adventure, he “experienced” These things can almost be combined to write a series of books.

In some people’s eyes, this is a very naive move, but don’t forget that in this society, 99% of people are growing up in so-called childishness, especially now that the Empire and Confederation are still in war, whether it is the state or society. So personally, some special models are needed to appear in front of the people. This will set a good example and be inspiring and inspiring. Throughout history, whenever an important turning point occurs in a country, heroism will begin to blaze, and all kinds of industries, all walks of life will have an endless stream of heroes, leading everyone to victory.

Durin just played one of the roles.

On the weekend, in mid-February, it was less than four months outside, and Durin, who visited 13 countries, finally returned home. When he came down from the naval warship he was riding, the harbor was crowded with people who came to watch. The cheering cheers and the colorful ribbons are like grand festivals. People who don’t know think that they are going to have a holiday today.

Looking at the girls holding flowers and the passionate people, Durin waved with them. Dufo stood behind Durin and whispered, “How much did you spend asking so many people?”

Standing on the side, Nadia couldn’t help but smile, then quickly closed her mouth.

Durin squinted at him sideways, his lips moving slightly. “I didn’t do that at all. I am a hero. Do you understand? An Yingying, Xiyiongxiong, hero. People love my love from the heart, but also need Do I spend money?” After a moment, he suddenly said, “Probably 200,000, this money is worth it!”

Durin smiled and took the bouquet from a girl who was only 13 or four years old. She shook hands with the little girl very seriously. The little girl screamed with red face and then fell backwards.

“This is about to deduct money, and acting is too exaggerated.”

Nadia quickly took out the small book and put this record up. In short, she is now the most important secretary around Durin, helping Durin handle a lot of things.

In fact, 200,000 can’t be replaced by so many people, and the cost of real expenses is not limited to 200,000. The public opinion propaganda in the whole society is definitely not a small number. There are not millions of people who can’t do everything well. This money is so valuable that it appears like this. The entire port is probably only 10% or less. Durin paid for it, and the rest were spontaneously coming to see the curious people of Durin’s heroes. But under the group’s herd effect, once the fanatical atmosphere began to spread, like a man who stood in front of the urinal and pulled the zipper, the stop could not stop.

There is also a podium on the port, which was specially arranged by Durin. Of course, he could not say so. This podium was spontaneously arranged by a corporate Boss. He was also one of Durin’s fanatics and wanted Durin to say a few words. In the absence of resignation, Durin stood on the stage with a hard time. He smiled with a smile and began to calm down and spread out.

The arrangement of the horn is very good and very numerous, ensuring that the entire port can hear his voice and can see his figure in the distance.

He always kept a special smile, licked his mouth and smiled twice. There is no language, it is two laughs, but it has also caused people in the port to watch the crowds have fun, laughter is like a happy ocean full of erosion ability, although many people do not understand what is happy, But I also laughed inexplicably.

He raised his hand again and the port was quiet again. After a moment of discretion, he said, “I am very glad that this time I didn’t lose my face to the empire…” He waved his fist and his voice improved slightly. “Yes, Guys, I won!”, he waved his finger to the direction of Confederation. “I let them wear even their trousers. They plundered our twenty years of wealth. I let them in a month, The economy has gone backwards for 20 years! They owe us, I let them back, and put them under their feet.”

“I heard that the church is going to give me a medal?” He suddenly throws a question. Some people are very vocal. He smiled and said, “I think it should be issued by the cabinet. I read it when I was outside.” A newspaper, it is said that Confederation had thousands of people or more people jumping off the building because of bankruptcy. Is this a feat? I killed them?” He gestured a shot, and some people think it is such a thing. .

After a little bit of noise, Durin continued. “I came back with victory. I will see another victory. To be honest, I made a little money, but I don’t think it’s great. Because I It’s an imperial man. I love this country and love all the empires like me. I heard that Confederation, the man named Theo, donated a lot of money to the country. I am not as great as him, but I am like him. I am full of love for my country. I donate 10 million to the Ministry of Defense and congratulate the war victory in advance!”

“We will win, the empire will win!”

As the port boiled for a moment, Durin waved his hand and walked down the podium, shaking hands and talking with the enthusiastic masses and spontaneous enthusiasts on both sides, while walking towards the roadside team. He can feel that this effort is valuable. In the past, even if people knew who he was and what he did, there would be no inexplicable fanaticism like this. Durin has not been accepted by the mainstream group for two reasons.

The first is because of his ethnic problems and the trend of ethnic integration. Today, the mainstream society still has some inexplicable superiority to ethnic minorities. They will not recognize your success and will only regard the success of others as a success. It is the performance of luck. This is one of the reasons why Durin has never been able to recruit real top talents. Those who are really capable and proud, and who want to pursue progress, don’t look at him, even if he is rich now, very powerful, very Status, but these people are more or less unwilling to serve him.

The second reason is that he has been packaging himself into a small number of representatives in public opinion. This has advantages and disadvantages. The good thing is to protect him in the early stages of his development. People are always full of pity for the weak, because they put themselves in the position of the powerhouse, which will pay attention to him or care about his infringement. But the bad side is that his minority is clearly separated from the whole society, which is not conducive to subsequent development. What he is doing now is also making up for this.

This time with a victory back, coupled with his day and night publicity propaganda, finally filled in the last short board – this is only the public mass, in fact, he is still not accepted at the top of the social tower, because he is always The farmer of the mud henchman, even if there is a nobleman to serve him, is not enough to make up for these things.

After a round of return, Durin can start thinking about his lifelong major event and sell himself for a good price.

Last time… Marcus said that the royal family still has Princess?

This is a good choice. The royal family has been hiding behind the scenes. There is not much power in the hands. The cabinet is also very wary of the expansion of royal power and will not give them the possibility of restoration. This is a good thing. Don’t worry too much about becoming a royal nourishment, and at the same time, taking care of yourself on the basis of society, it is not a big problem. Of course, this is not the most important thing. What is important is that he has to pursue the victory and maximize the use of the current advantage.

The news of Durin’s return soon spread throughout the empire. People who didn’t care much about Durin before now have a little interest in him. Especially after Durin boarded the TV show, he said in detail about Confederation. After the actions of the empire, an accomplished hero of the Empire, a hero who subverted the national economy with personal strength, even the Royal Academy sent an invitation to invite him to the students of the Economic Academy. For class, talk about some issues in the modern economy.

This is a bit too much, even if it is a very glorious thing.

A few days later, an unexpected person contacted Durin.

“I have to say congratulations. Recently, your limelight is too big. Someone is talking about you.” The other end of the phone is Harry. The bastard and Durin haven’t been in contact for a while, and Harry got into trouble before leaving the empire. Among them, it can be attributed to the field of duty crimes, and several agents are chasing him, which makes him a big headache.

It’s been a while now, and Durin doesn’t know the specific situation. He has to deal with one sentence, “It’s all people’s love.”, talking paused, asked, “How is your business?”

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