Cosma Empire

Chapter 897

Watching the smuggler disappear into the night, the head of the village standing on the pier was laughed, and he stepped back and forth in the house with his hands on the Guartian tradition. He packed up the things on the table, then took a bottle of wine from the inside of the cabinet, took the salted fish hanging under the house roof, steamed it in the pot for a while, and spread it with the dry sauce. The leaves of celery, while drinking spirits, eat fish.

A sip of spirits, his body quickly became warm, and when he thought that these guests had already boarded the ship, they couldn’t help but have a hint of embarrassment. Of course, they were more happy.

He knows the Boss and he has to talk about it three years ago.

Three years ago, his wife gave birth to a serious illness. He urgently needed money. He found a lot of people in the local compatriots to borrow money. In the end, he did not have enough money for surgery. When he was almost desperate to give up in despair, a gentleman appeared in front of him, not only helping him pay for his wife’s medical expenses, but also sponsoring an extra fee for him to buy a fishing boat to go out to sea. He is very grateful to this gentleman. Although he has never met, he is grateful that it is definitely not false. This gentleman saved the desperate man at that time and gave him the courage and hope to continue living.

Later, his wife was still dead. Even if there were enough medical expenses, it would not help. After half a year after the operation, he died in the hospital bed. The doctor told him that although the operation was very successful, the cancer cells spread too fast, and a series of complicated reasons such as old age and body failure eventually failed to survive and died of organ failure.

After his wife died, he had been depressed for a while, but fortunately they had a child, child became the sustenance and motivation of his next life, and everything he did was to give children better living conditions. In the past few years, the entire Confederation society has been thriving, business has been particularly prosperous, and all walks of life have greatly improved. Although he does not make a fortune by relying on fishing, it is enough to support the operation of this family, and there is still some spare cash.

When his child completed his studies last year and didn’t know how to choose a job at the time, he found the middleman who helped the gentleman to talk to him, asking if he could let his child work for the gentleman. After waiting a few days, the other party refused the request, but gave him a new choice, that is, let his child join the Atlantic group company. That is the Atlantic group company, the entire Confederation who does not know that the Atlantic group company is the emerging big consortium, even the head Mr. Albert has become a member of Parliament, which shows that the future of the Atlantic group company is limitless.

Child has successfully become a member of the Atlantic group of companies, the success of the work is not mentioned, but also harvested love, everything seems to have moved towards the best aspects of development, his life has become more leisurely, of course, still lonely .

If there is no accident, he may continue to live a dull life, sell everything when he is not moving, move to live with the child, and then watch his child marry and have fun. I will be quiet and old in the years until I face death, let dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth. This life may not have done anything remarkable, vigorous, but this is not the life of an ordinary person? No need to be wonderful, please be satisfied!

The financial market that suddenly broke out during this time brought too much change to the society of Confederation. Even a fisherman living by the sea knows that if he puts money into the financial market, he will definitely make money. Of course, he is just a fisherman. Even if someone tells him that this is 100%, he does not necessarily know how to do it. Until one day his son suggested that he also invest in financial commodities, he only learned about this.

His son works at the Atlantic Group Company. That is the most promising conium in the current development. With more than a year of hard work, it has entered the middle management perspective more and less, and has been reused to a certain extent. Naturally, some foreigners are not known. Clear “internal message.” After catching the two rounds of the market, the kid decided to share the secret with the lonely father, so that he could spend the scenery when he was old, instead of going fishing all day.

The old man has worked hard all his life and should enjoy the next life.

Under the son’s persuasion, he put all his savings into the financial market, and with the help of his son, he also mortgaged his fishing boat to the bank. The unprecedentedly prosperous financial market has brought quite a good return. Looking at the obvious increase in the money in his account every day, his happy mouth is not close. He never knows that this world is so easy to be able to The work that earned money.

Just as he planned to move out of the area, the financial tsunami broke out. All his and his son’s savings were overwhelmed by the tide. What’s more troublesome is that his son not only mortgaged all his assets to the bank, but also used some of his company’s funds. In fact, this kind of thing has not been seen before. Big companies have a lot of names in terms of capital flow. At the same time, they have the same settlement date as banks. Only when they reach the settlement date will they find some problems. The settlement period of the Atlantic consortium is calculated quarterly and is settled every three months. As long as you fill in the gap before the settlement date, there will be no problem.

The madness of the financial market in the past, enough for them to safely use this money to make more money for themselves.

In other words, their father and son are now penniless, and they are also suspected of embezzling public funds, which is a crime!

If it was in the past, a small amount of misappropriation would not be seen at all, and there would be plenty of time for them to raise money. The problem was that the Atlantic consortium was suddenly exposed as a scam. The Confederation Investigation Bureau and the Financial Regulatory Council began a comprehensive investigation of the Atlantic consortium, which was quite troublesome because his son had to investigate the money he had misappropriated. Before, fill in all the gaps. In addition to this, there are still many problems to be solved.

In such a desperate time, the gentleman who had contacted him hoped that he could find a boat carrying an important friend to leave here, as long as he went to the high seas. For that reason, the gentleman was willing to pay 10,000 Confederation shields as his help to match the bridge. Xie Jin.

People who eat by the sea by the sea have more or less contact with people who eat another bowl of rice at sea. Many times, the smuggling boat will send those people to the place where there is no patrol, according to the customer’s request. The fishing village is one of them.

He contacted the smuggling ship and said something about it. The 10,000 Confederation Shield is just a drop in the bucket for his current situation. Even so, 10,000 yuan is better than 10,000 yuan. It’s just that he doesn’t know that the appeal of the financial enthusiasm of the whole people is definitely not an ordinary thing to compare. The captain of the smuggling ship also owes a sum of money, and he also needs money. After asking about the matter, the captain suddenly had an idea that he could not imagine – kidnapping.

Since this gentleman is very rich, it is not too difficult to solve their current difficulties. Why not let this rich gentleman continue to play his generous nature and help them end financial troubles?

They don’t need much. They just want a lot of money enough for them to enjoy life. They don’t want to hurt this gentleman, as long as he cooperates.

At first he disagreed. He felt that this was contrary to his own conscience, but under the captain’s persuasion, he gradually had some vacillation in the face of his son’s predicament. Yes, it’s just a little money, and it won’t be much. With the wealth and generosity of this gentleman, he would not mind. Perhaps the methods they use are not so bright, but is there no way? Without this money, his next life will be very dark, he will become one of the street tramps, and his child may go to jail for embezzling the company’s money.

On the one hand, it was the second half of the dark, and on the other hand, it was condemned by conscience, but it was able to settle down in his later years. After considering one night, he agreed with the captain’s thoughts and formulated a very simple but effective plan.

They intend to pull these people to the place near the high seas, and then there will be a “pirate ship” appearing, they will all become prisoners. The captain and the others will be “killed” by the cruel pirates because they have no money to redeem. The wealthy gentleman will definitely take the money out for his own life. When they get the money, they leave immediately. As for the gentleman and his entourage, they can be handed over to the patrol. They will take care of this rich gentleman. After all, in Confederation, money is the only time!

Looking up at the time, I don’t know how things are going. He frowns and took another drink. According to the time, it’s almost time to meet the pirate ship.

At first thought of him, he felt a little embarrassed, others helped him, but he used this way to repay others, and indeed it was in conflict with his beliefs and his inner morality.

If it is not this world…, oh!

Durin couldn’t imagine such a thing happening by chance, but what he didn’t even think about was that he escaped.

After his disappearance, Mr. Theo immediately asked the army and the navy to completely freeze the border. Now in the Sea Territory of Confederation, the patrol boat is almost patrolling uninterruptedly. If it is really hit, it can only hit the blood.

It was at this time that Durin suddenly understood what was wrong. He looked up and looked at the light bulb on the top of the cockpit – light!

Savi can see the people on board without boarding the ship, and turn all the lights on at night. Besides telling others that there is a boat here, there is no second meaning. It is impossible for any smuggling boat to turn on the lights at night, and even turn off the engine to keep silent when necessary.

Who are they sending signals to?

Durin’s gaze fell back on the captain, and there was a smile on his face. “Mr. Captain, can you tell me who are you waiting for?”

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