Cosma Empire

Chapter 894

Some members of the national group headed by Theo may not know that the empire will join the financial attack on Confederation. With their understanding of the empire and the Civil War many years ago, the empire will never let go of any revenge seeking revenge. opportunity. Many people think that Marcus is a stable person. He has been working hard to resolve contradictions and differences within the empire. Although it is sometimes very intense, it is generally moderate. There is not much ambition outside, and even international diplomatic affairs are mostly passive. Anyone who really knows Marcus will know that this is just the image he shows in front of people, or that many people have almost forgotten how his prime minister came from.

The real Marcus was when he stared at the imperial emperor with contempt and with contemptuous eyes, and let him transfer power to the cabinet. An aggressive, offensive power.

This world People admire the theory of revenge, Marcus is not surprised that Confederation is now experiencing a financial tsunami. The reason why Theo said this may be a boring high-level habit. They habitually look for excuses for certain things. They habitually look for an argument that supports all of their behavior and then occupy a higher position in public opinion. Status makes all actions acceptable, even if it is just a self-deception.

I want to beat you not because I want to hit you, I want to tell you because I have to look at me more and I will hit you.

You violated our previous agreement, so don’t blame me for starting to do it for you now.

Of course, this is only part of it. Another part of Mr. Theo does not necessarily explain to other people to listen to it. When such a big thing happens, someone must stand up and find a definitive answer. There is no doubt that the Confederation government played a less glamorous role in this financial tsunami. It is particularly worth mentioning that it was not some participants who unveiled the cover, but “Early Morning News”.

The Confederation Bank and the Confederation government officials participated in the collusion of foreign forces to create this financial tsunami. Behind the financial tsunami, a round of political movements began to quietly brew!

Who is it, colluding with outsiders to sell national interests?

There are many speculations among civilians, but other members of the national group will target the highest level of the society, that is, the companions of the same nationality, or senior members of the Confederation government. If it is the former, this means that there will be a series of changes between the countries of the Confederation, which may be good or bad. If it is the top government of the Confederation government, is this group of people like the consortium, want to provoke the establishment of the national family to gain more political interests?

Mr. Theo is faced with the same level of companions, he can not bear so many responsibilities, this time highlights the important role of Durin. He is both a scapegoat and a “conspirator”. Mr. Theo and his friends are just a victim. They are also deceived and even seriously hurt.

In the current situation, these people will not be tempted by Mr. Theo’s deception. They will choose to believe Mr. Theo, because the split between the nationals at this time is not the right choice, it will only bring more serious. Disaster, then I have to push everything to Durin’s head.

For this, Durin did not consider what to deny, the benefits he has already fished, and the next step is to look at their respective capabilities. A lot of short selling in the foreign exchange market has doubled his assets, and he believes that the Empire has also benefited a lot. Confederation’s financial economy has shown signs of a regressive decline. More and more social problems have begun to emerge. Whether he denies anything or not, he will become the culprit in the eyes of the people. Why then deny it? The more these people accuse him now, the more applause he will return to the empire.

Silenced for a long time on the phone, Mr. Theo said the last sentence, “You are a sinner, Mr. Durin, if you have a conscience, I hope that you can surrender as soon as possible and end this farce.”

Durin restored Mr. Theo’s words with “I will consider it” and then hung up.

He looked at the scenery as usual, took a cigarette, and nodded. “You can retreat.”

Outside the manor’s garden walls, a large number of Confederation soldiers began to gather here, people around Durin began to move some of the things away, and some less important ones burned on the spot.

When Durin left the underground tunnel, the battle on the ground had already started. It wasn’t that he had to leave at this time. If he disappeared in people’s sight ahead of time, the next escape would be more troublesome. He must always stand in a place where people can see him, and only then can the plan be carried out smoothly. If he is missing, there is no qualified scapegoat, and the nationality is not necessarily willing to assume such responsibility.

Mr. Theo’s phone may even be a temptation to determine if Durin is still in the manor. After the phone call, the military personnel began to act. At the same time, Durin also needs to hide the orientation of the underground tunnel in a certain period of time. After all is in the land of Confederation, Confederation people react faster than Durin.

At the same time, in the editorial department of Early Morning News, the three high-level groups of the Confederation Investigation Bureau opened the door to the editorial office. They showed their documents, and then a large number of Confederation agents poured into the newspapers, each and everyone. Staff are taken away from here. They asked about the whereabouts of Margery and Early Morning News editors, but no one knew where the two went. The agent of the Confederation Investigation Bureau immediately shut down the Early Morning News newspaper and sent all staff to the regional police station for temporary custody.

In the evening, the crazy morning supplement’s “Early Morning News” once again detonated public opinion. The famous journalist Margery did not know where to get a lot of key evidence to prove that in the financial tsunami suffered by this Confederation, Confederation The government and Confederation Bank did not stand with the country, and they were likely to participate in the conspiracy against Confederation financial sniper. Margery provided a photo that was not too clear but was not vague enough. The photo clearly indicated that the Atlantic Group used all the shares to borrow the 10 billion Confederation shield from the Confederation Bank the day before the financial tsunami.

And in the article, it is explained that if the scale of 10 billion is not approved by the Ministry of Finance, Confederation Bank has no right to agree to sign. In other words, before the Atlantic Group got the loan, there were a lot of problems. The Atlantic Group’s reputation fell to the freezing point and it was able to get the money. The things behind it are worth pondering.

Among them, Margery also introduced the main handicapped person, Mr. Caldo, the bank’s first deputy governor. The current handicapped person has disappeared. Margery believes that if Mr. Caldo has not fled abroad, then he may have been smashed.

In Margery’s description, the new generation of consortium is truly standing in the perspective of this country, taking out the money in his pocket to actively save the world.

Finally, he accidentally exposed the weakness of Confederation’s current bailout, the serious shortage of foreign exchange reserves, and the newly issued S$100 million in new currency. Inflation was too fast in the financial tsunami, and a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises shut down factories to invest their money. The financial market has no return, the number of jobs is insufficient, the number of unemployed people has increased sharply, and a series of social problems have become sharp plans.

If the Confederation government does not have a reasonable and effective plan, the social order of Confederation will face collapse.

The newspaper was immediately sold out as soon as it was sent to the newspaper, which also attracted the attention of the Confederation Investigation Bureau. Because there is a large amount of data and evidence in this report that they do not know clearly, this means that the social moral model, Mr. Margery may be suspected of being involved in this financial sniper and the Century Scam…

Do you think this “century big scam” is very familiar, yes, very familiar, thinking that there has been such a scam in the empire in the past few years, some scams that are based on the contents of these newspapers, and whether there is What is the association?

Regardless of the public opinion, Margery has a major suspicion, and this issue of Early Morning News slantly points the current ruling class, arguing that some people in the ruling class collude with foreign forces, attacking domestic finances, and shaking the country.

Unfortunately, they came a little late, and Margery and the editor-in-chief who approved the supplement have disappeared.

In fact, at this time, Mr. Theo regretted it a bit, because the speed of the situation collapsed far beyond his expectations, not the loss of finance, but the intensification of social problems.

So far, almost all cities have fallen into chaos. When small and medium-sized enterprises shut down factories and put their money into the financial market, he still didn’t feel anything wrong, or he could not see the problems hidden deeper. The dismissed workers lost their work for a period of two months to three months, and the money was enough for them to cope with their current lives before the crisis broke out.

After the financial tsunami broke out, more factories closed down, more workers lost their jobs, and the problem of sharpening began to appear gradually, and it was a complex social problem with multiple situations.

When the Confederation Shield surged in the previous period, even if the country issued new SGD, it only offset some of the problems caused by the rapid growth of the Confederation Shield. The currency in the hands of people is as strong as in the past. But now Confederation financial collapse, the new currency that was added in the near future has become a deadly weight to accelerate inflation, and the money in people’s pockets is rapidly depreciating at a rate of 3% to five per day. Today, five yuan can still make a family live for one day. In two days, five yuan may only be able to cope with one or two meals. In a few days, it will cost five yuan for stopped meals.

There is no job, no new source of income, and it is difficult for a large number of people who have lost their jobs to live.

95% of the wealth of society is controlled by 5% people, and 95% of people only have 5% of wealth, and now this has only 5% of 95% wealth, is facing important eating problems. The skyrocketing prices have already begun to show signs. The collapse of a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises has led to some difficulties in the supply of goods. In the absence of meeting the needs of society, social contradictions and class contradictions have intensified, and law and order is on the brink of collapse.

Now when you go to the street and turn around, you can see many people aimless sitting on the side of the road, looking at each passerby with a look of their eyes, their eyes filled with a terrifying thing. There have been incidents of robbery incidents, and police sirens have become the final symphony on the verge of social collapse.

There is no doubt that the social order of Confederation is over!

As the culprit, Durin just got out of the city center and sat on the already prepared team. Just when they left the city center, there were some small accidents. A group of people who were marching protests stopped their way. These ragged guys hold a variety of placards to make the team’s package unblocked. They are unemployed and have not evolved into mobs yet, but not far away.

The fleet of luxury cars has always represented the travel of wealthy people. Now that the society is so turbulent, these people have nothing to dare to do. They surrounded the team. Some people talked about getting rid of these cars, or getting a little money. Of course, there are some moral models just to protest and declare their position and philosophy.

“Boss, what should I do?”

Looking at the protesters who slammed the window, Durin asked with a headache. “Do you bring money?”

Dufo took a suitcase from the car and loaded a lot of money. He patted the box, Durin sighed in relief. “Open the box, remove the seal, and throw the money out.”

In the distance, the police have already maintained law and order. However, at this moment, many problems have been sharpened. They clearly can do something, but they are not willing to do anything. Many people say that this financial tsunami is actually a new round of harvesting of wealth by the powerful class. These policemen are obviously among them. They looked at the jokes with a cold eye, and did not think that the person who caused all of this was sitting in a car in this team.

The protesters outside the car saw Dufo’s suitcases filled with banknotes suddenly becoming more excited. They began to shake the car hard and tried to overturn the car. But this is not meant to be meaningful. The bullet-proof car is not as easy to overturn as a regular car.

Dufo quickly disassembled all the seals, then opened the sunroof that didn’t hit, and sprinkled the money out. At the same time, Durin shouted and stepped on the gas pedal. The driver stepped on the gas pedal and after a bump, he changed again. It has to be smooth. Durin looked back and saw that most of the people were busy bowing their heads, or using their fists to take money from others, and didn’t care about the guys who had experienced high-pressure massage. At this time, money is more important than anything else.

This crazy society!

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