Cosma Empire

Chapter 890

Mr. Caldo opened the paper bag and took out a copy of the equity document. Every page was very carefully read. There is no doubt that these documents are true. He has his own way to verify the authenticity of these documents. There are always some unknown anti-counterfeiting methods in the financial field, such as seals or signatures. There is too much emphasis on it.

According to the current assessment of the Atlantic group of companies, the consortium has an industry market value between four 1 billion and six 1 billion Confederation shields. The reason for this large span is because the Atlantic Group has several important companies. The future prospects are very good, including Joint Construction Engineering and United Pharmaceuticals. Although United Pharmaceuticals has not been very prominent in the past few years, they have already had several very important patents in their hands. It is only a matter of time before they want to start large-scale profit.

With these things, plus the credibility of the Atlantic group of companies, they are able to borrow from the Confederation Bank to about eight 1 billion Confederation shields. If you do it again, 10illion is not a big problem.

But Caldo didn’t know where the money Durin would be used. Durin borrowed so many Confederation shields at this special time. If it was used to save the market, the risk of the money would not be too small, but it would not be too big. At the same time, the impact of such a move through the rescue of the market is enough to allow them to make more money after the sudden slamming storm.

The universal values ​​of society will remind people of the contribution of the Atlantic Group in order to counter the evil forces from the international community. People will pursue this new consortium and put their money into the pockets of these consortium companies to let them live. Better.

However, if Durin spends the money on the short Confederation shield, it is definitely a serious test for the current situation, and it is likely to trigger a series of accidents. Even Caldo can imagine many more serious and serious. The problem will break out.

He subconsciously raised his hand and rubbed the cold sweat. It is now twenty days in November, and the temperature on the Confederation has dropped to around zero, but he still feels hot and sweaty.

“Mr. Durin…”, he organized the language and refused his request as much as possible without angering Durin. “Although I host the daily work of Confederation Bank, it is like the financial business of great talent, i Am unable to help Lord.”, his tone is very sincere. “This requires the Ministry of Finance and the President to sign the approval in person.”

Durin laughed, “I know very well, but someone needs to submit this application, isn’t it? I am not suitable for this job, and you are the most suitable person. Whether they are willing to approve this request, your job It’s all done.”

Caldo had no chance to refuse. He thought about it, nodded, and then glanced at Durin. “Mr. Durin, I have had some problems with my investment recently. I don’t know if I can…”

“Of course, we are friends, I am always very generous to my friends!”, although this request is a bit strange, Durin still satisfied him.

He returned to Confederation Bank and immediately reported the matter to the bank’s president. As for the Treasury, he would like to say hello. He felt that he should let the president decide. After doing all this, he waited quietly in the office and shoved away all the work.

He was able to do the vice president of Confederation Bank and preside over the daily work. He was not the kind of innocent person. He was very upset at this time. He was not sure whether he guessed it was true or not, but he I have made the worst plan.

After about an hour or so, the secretary knocked on the door and sent the approval document from the president, along with the seal of the Ministry of Finance. Such a large amount of money borrowing must be to alarm the Ministry of Finance. This money is enough to cause a certain degree of turmoil, and the Confederation government is not allowed to know that Confederation Bank can not get the money.

After seeing the documents, Caldo arranged the next process, the loan program, to clean up the valuable items in the office, including some private things, which were packed in his suitcase. By the way, all the money on hand was transferred. Go to the account of an overseas bank. When he sat on the sofa after doing everything, he was a little frustrated with his face, but he quickly got up. He pretended to be nothing and like every day, smiling and saying goodbye to the staff, leaving the office building, driving slowly back home. At the moment he closed the door, even the shoes did not change, and rushed into the room.

His wife is making dinner for him, and now there are still seven days away from the New Year. Confederation’s “New Year” is not January 1st, but December 1st. This is related to religious beliefs and folklore. It is necessary to say clearly why Confederation’s beliefs may need to be said on December 1st. The history of a long period of time is not far from the New Year.

“You forgot to change your shoes, dear.” His wife stood in front of the kitchen stove and made a thick soup without looking back. The sound of the leather shoes on the floor and the soft bottom slippers are different on the floor, and only need to be heard with the ears.

Caldo didn’t tangled the problem. As he walked upstairs, he said, “Go clean up your stuff right away, then call and call the child back. We left Confederation overnight.”

The action in his wife’s hands was stopped, and his heart was tight. Caldo had already gone to the second floor when he turned back. She turned off the kitchen stove and chased it up, and ran and asked, “What happened? Why should I leave at night?”

Caldo, who has already ran into the study, has no time to explain clearly. He rarely has a roaring snarl. “I will do it as I requested!”

His wife snorted, then ran back to the bedroom in a panic, picked up the phone and dialed the phone number of their child school, and took a leave of absence from Teacher.

Caldo has come clear comprehension, this is a bureau, a terrifying bureau, Confederation Bank and even the Confederation government, which has been treasoned. They are betraying the national interest, and even more terrible is that he has inexplicably become one of the “hands-on”. After working in the bank for so many years, he is well aware that once the Confederation Shield crashes, the entire Confederation economy will be fatally hit. At that time, those who sell their national interests must throw out some people who attract firepower in order to quell the grievances.

One of the people who have enough status and power like him is obviously the best scapegoat.

If he doesn’t leave now, he may not be able to go after two days. If the situation has not completely deteriorated, he must leave Confederation immediately. He had more benefits in Durin because he had guessed the seriousness of the problem. Suddenly a lot of short selling in the foreign exchange market is only a sign. He guessed that after Durin got the 10 billion Confederation shield, he would start to sell wildly in the foreign exchange market.

10 billion is enough to shake the current situation of the Confederation Shield. As long as the Confederation Shield continues to decline, plus the increasing shorts, and other means he does not know, Confederation’s financial collapse is only a moment!

He thought that Durin’s request could not be passed, because even he could guess that Durin was one of the main forces of the short Confederation shield. How could the Confederation Bank and the Confederation government not know after learning about the loan demand? Since they know it, why do they agree with Durin’s request? This shows what? Explain that the Confederation government and the head of the government may also be involved in this financial tsunami, and may even be one of the behind-the-scenes hands. Coupled with the growing conflict between the old and new consortium, which has long been associated with Confederation, he is faintly aware of what.

His professional knowledge tells him that he doesn’t want to die, he must leave now!

Half an hour later, he took his family out of the nearest customs, and the target was…the empire. He believes that this crisis is a manifestation of a huge conspiracy. It is very likely that the empire is also involved. If so, why not stand on the side of the winner and even apply for political asylum in his current position. He believes that the imperial people will give him a high treatment, and they also need some people to stand up and accuse the Confederation of chaos to gain more political interests.

Durin didn’t know that their originally planned scapegoat actually ran one. Of course, this didn’t have much to do with him, because on the whole board, he was both a chess player and a chess piece. He was also preparing to run at any time. scapegoat.

At 9:30 am the next morning, the funds for Confederation Bank were in place. He immediately informed Mr. Jack and the Minister of Finance of the Imperial Cabinet that he could proceed to the next step.

At 10 o’clock in the morning, there was a sudden large amount of selling in the foreign exchange market, which caused the Confederation Shield to violently oscillate in the foreign exchange market. The new generation consortium in Confederation has already discovered what they have, and they immediately took a lot of money to pick up the disk. Request for urgent consultation with the Government of Confederation. The often very confusing Confederation government has suddenly become tempered, and some unknown changes have caused the demands of these consortiums to continually fall through. It was not the finance minister who left on vacation, that is, the president of Confederation Bank could not find anyone, and played these new consortium a completely unprepared.

At the same time, all financial evaluation agencies of the Empire Ritz Street began to attack Confederation’s financial policies for the last two years. They pointed out in detail that their financial achievements lacked a solid foundation and they were pessimistic about the economic performance of Confederation. The Imperial Central Bank and the Southern Commercial Bank have also released new risk assessments, arguing that the unprecedented increase in the Confederation Shield has a huge hidden danger and recommends that all customers reduce their Confederation Shield. At the same time, because the currency relations between the two countries ended, the Imperial Cabinet announced that it would no longer maintain a large amount of Confederation Shield foreign exchange savings in order to stabilize the stability of the currency exchange rates between the two countries, and began to sell the Confederation Shield in the foreign exchange market.

At 11:25, the Confederation Shield has created the biggest one-day drop in recent years, 10%. Moreover, this is only a half-day market, and there is still a half day…

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