Cosma Empire

Chapter 864

“The photo was taken very well, and the article was written very well!” Durin was very satisfied with the newspaper in his hand. “Remember the name of this reporter, we will need him!”

Durin’s “Early Morning News” front page headline is the photo of the two construction sites of Joint Construction Engineering. The huge engineering machinery is terrible. Now Confederation has begun to import the empire’s AT-1 construction machinery, possibly military enterprises. I have never thought about it. They used to sell well. Later, they were verified to be not suitable for weapons-borne platforms for large-scale wars. They actually revived the second spring in other fields. Now everyone knows that this military factory, Gobstone, has become a famous “case” in military companies.

Some people ridiculed that the military machinery they made can only be used for civilian use, but others think this is a good case, and it can be said that it is an important milestone in the transformation of military enterprises.

The reduction of World war means that military enterprises will enter the cold winter period. Except for a small number of military enterprises that can obtain government support and orders, other small and medium-sized military enterprises have to face an embarrassing situation.

Either transform or close down.

Gobstone’s AT-1 has been added to the engineering accessories interface, and it can be sold at home and abroad. It is an exciting miracle! These small and medium-sized military enterprises have also begun to experiment with transformation and carry out new research and development in the direction of engineering or agricultural machinery.

In these two photos, the scene of the vast crowd plus a working construction machine, supplemented by passionate articles, is enough to mobilize the emotions of many people and make people realize the power of Joint Construction Engineering. The evaluation agencies at Ritz Street and Confederation have taken another step toward the evaluation of the Atlantic group of companies. Many of them have focused on the history of Joint Construction Engineering and the recent crazy earnings performance, all of which give an overweight or even The final evaluation of the full warehouse.

According to the news, once the “World Railway” is completed, it will bring a new round of changes to the whole world. Joint Construction Engineering will become the new model, and this company will get better. Develop and grow. According to internal sources, some shareholders at the top of Joint Construction Engineering are said to have acquired the Atlantic Group in turn after considering the completion of the World Rail, leaving more profits in Joint Construction Engineering.

This is an amazing idea. So far, in the World Financial Market, there have been no cases of subsidiaries acquiring parent companies. In any case, if Joint Construction Engineering has such plans, it will give everyone a lesson and let People clearly recognize the profitability of Joint Construction Engineering.

Although the top executives of Joint Construction Engineering, including the chairman, stood up and accused the people who posted the news of being unscrupulous and socially ethical, and blaming the idea of ​​wanting to acquire a parent company, the public thought they were trying to cover it. To cover up the most real thoughts in your heart.

Once Joint Construction Engineering reverses the acquisition of the parent company, the shares of Joint Construction Engineering will inevitably rise!

The stock market, which has just cooled a little bit, has once again caused the Industrial sector to lead the Confederation to a breakthrough because of news from Joint Construction Engineering. Even stocks with other sections have increased in varying degrees.

In the second edition of Early Morning News, there is another news. The Atlantic Group’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Atlantic Chemical, applied for new patents to the Confederation government and other governments. The lab found an unprecedented synthetic fiber. It is likely to trigger a comprehensive reshuffle of raw materials and production systems in multiple industries. Although Atlantic Chemical did not give more detailed patent content, some insiders revealed that it took no more than one year, and after they solved the mass production problem, people will find how terrifying this thing has on World.

In addition, the newspapers are almost always good news. A certain heavy industry has finally broken through, and designed a new engine of the next era, which will increase the current theoretical speed of the engine system to 80 hours per hour to 100 hours per hour. . Although it is an improvement in theoretical speed, the new design has great potential. The current prototype can reach the super speed of 65 hours per hour without further refinement. Confederation Many racing organizations have purchased new engines and licenses, and several events in the second half of the year have made people look forward to it.

In addition to this, there are many good news. Among them, the Confederation Ministry of Foreign Affairs has negotiated economic assistance with two countries. Confederation will output cash of not less than eight 1 billion Confederation shields, and The basic industrial materials with a total value not less than 10 billion Confederation Shield support these two countries that have just ended the war, helping them rebuild their homes, and helping them rebuild their national economic markets and financial order.

A series of good news has made all citizens of Confederation feel like an unprecedented excitement. A superpower and a strong country will stand on all countries and become World’s super-superpower! This kind of national strength is enhanced, and the excitement brought about by the promotion of international status far exceeds the stupidity that the Confederation government tells people that they should be happy every year. The strong belief and self-confidence from the inside and the self-esteem make every Confederation person Feel the heartfelt happiness.

Even the street-wandering street friends will write the words “Long live the Confederation” on the begging sign, which is enough to witness the rapid changes in the spirit and temperament of the Confederation!

Durin put the newspaper back on the table and shook his head. In fact, many people can see that Confederation’s current economy has some problems, and the crazy increase is very dangerous. But this increase is completely uncontrolled, and even if Confederation’s Financial Regulatory Council intervenes, it can’t suppress people’s fanaticism.

When the expected value is much higher than the actual value, after a lot of times, only one needle is needed to make all the giants collapse and collapse. The rising price in the stock is not the actual price of a company. It is an expectation. I think the company’s final market value can reach 10 billion, so I bought the stock and the transaction price is rising, but this one The company’s current real market value will not increase as the expected value in the stock rises.

To put it simply, a company has only one piece of land, which is worth one million. Then the company went public, and some people think that with the development of the city, the price will continue to rise, and finally it may be worth 100 million, which is the expected value. They buy stocks. Some people who think that the land may only have a value of 10.5 million have already satisfied their expectations and sold the stocks. The stocks pulled by those with higher expectations have continued to rise.

When the market value of this company breaks through 10 million, is that land really worth 10 million?

When the market value of this company breaks through 50 million or even 100 million, can the land now sell 50 million or one billion?

Obviously, it can’t be. The frenzied market atmosphere makes more people blindly believe that the land can last worth 100 million yuan, or under the psychology of the herd, or by some stock brokers or simply the market atmosphere, brainstorming, unwavering conviction This land will definitely sell a billion in the end.

But what if the company sold the land at a price of 1.05 million at this time?

Two words – crash!

All expectations are shrunk in an instant, and then the assessment agency will tell the public that there is a billion evaporating, no more. So is it really a billion to be evaporated? Of course it is impossible. Money is an entity. Although the price of a stock is a form of expectation, but the stock price is constantly rising, the transactions used are all real money, then where did the evaporated money go?

In the hands of the “intermediary”, in the process of drumming and spreading flowers, bad luck is always the last one, and everyone else will not lose, and will also make a profit.

In fact, this trick has long been smashed by some bookmakers in the art trade. They spurred each and everyone, the so-called art master, to buy the artwork of the art master with one million, and then sell it for two million. To the peers, and then buy back with the price of three million, constantly raising the price so that people really believe that this art master is the real art master, his artwork is really a valuable art. Then they will meet a fool who bids with them and buy the art from the speculation at a higher price.

This process is also like drumming, the bad luck is always the last one. In fact, many industries have similar means and methods of operation. The drummers are always “self”.

Of course, the “needle” that punctures this false prosperity is not something that anyone can find. Even if it is found, it does not necessarily have the power to take this needle and then poke it.

In the big financial markets, the Financial Regulatory Council, the Confederation Bank, and the National Treasury are all a path of firewalls. The FSC can prevent the rapid and rapid deterioration of finance by directly interfering with transactions and even suspending for a long time. Confederation The Bank can provide sufficient funds to stabilize the volatility of the financial market, while the regulation of the Ministry of Finance can stabilize the order of the financial market. The three parties worked together, and even if someone found the needle, they could pick up the needle and they would not be able to puncture this false prosperity.

So whether the Confederation government knows these issues, of course, knows that whether it is the joint council or the government itself, these high-level people are basically businessmen or business backgrounds, even those who are pure politicians, there are many consortiums behind them to support them.

So why do they have to indulge their risks to become bigger and bigger?

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