Cosma Empire

Chapter 845

At the reception, it was not the chairman of the board that was introduced to the black pot. It was the Minister of Justice, and Durin was already mentally prepared.

These directors of the imperial central bank have been very good at each and everyone. How can they stand up and apologize to Durin as if they were a fool? If someone does this, it means that this guy will be joined by other directors. Kick out the council.

The Minister of the Ministry of Justice of the Central Bank seems to have recognized his mistakes and expressed his ignorance of the law to Durin. He expressed his apologies for violating Durin’s interests and took the initiative to bow for a long time. Get up and ask Durin to forgive him.

Nadia, standing behind Durin, always had a proper smile, but her eyes were full of shock.

Star Empire The head of the legal department of the Central Bank, if the central bank is brought into the political system, the Minister of Law is said to be a second-time leader. If it is purely from the perspective of the central bank and the financial sector, he is also a cough. A big man who can make some companies tremble.

It is not the most trusted person of the board of directors. Without a strong personal ability and without a broad network of social relationships, it is impossible to become the head of the central bank’s legal department. His minister is much better than a senior partner, the top partner is much more powerful, and his power is much greater.

But it was such a person that Nadia had to look up in the past, but now he bent over and stood in front of Durin and begged him for forgiveness.

She glanced at Durin, Durin holding a glass of wine in one hand, holding a cigarette in one hand, like a smile yet not a smile, looking at the Minister of Justice, probably lasting for ten or twenty seconds before he licked his mouth. Some sounds came out.

“I think this must be a misunderstanding!”, Durin said, the people around him were sighed in relief, and even some people began applauding.

The crowd constantly rumors that the two sides have resolved the misunderstanding and screaming good voices. Some people are boasting that the imperial central bank can correct the mistakes. It is a model of the industry. Some people praise Durin for their broad minds. They don’t care about those small things. In short, this is a happy time. A small-scale reception, everyone witnessed the great friendship and their minds of both sides, so everyone did a cup.

After that, the Minister of Justice straightened up and walked into Durin’s hands and held Durin’s hand in both hands. He shook with force and gratefully. “This time is a very good lesson for us, this tells We must do the Early Stage investigation before any action, otherwise we are likely to infringe on the interests of others. This is exactly what we least want to see, I need to apologize to you again, Mr. Durin, sorry!” He said the words very beautifully, ignoring some of the facts, making this thing seem less serious.

“Your broad mind and kindness made me very moved, thank you for forgiveness, this is very important to me!”

Durin took the cigarette handle and pulled it out of his opponent’s hands and patted the other’s arm. “I think we all got the revelation and harvest from here. This is the most important thing, isn’t it?”

The Minister of Justice has nodded force, “This is indeed the case!”

Then the Minister of Justice quickly left the reception. The old fogeys finally appeared in people’s sights. Although he had a black pot, he actually got a lot of things. As Durin said, both of them have gained, and the harvest is not too small.

As a lawyer who once stood out in the judicial industry, now the Minister of Justice of the Imperial Bank, after this confession, he may lose the position of the Minister of Justice because he “made a big mistake” and led to the image of the central bank. The damage. Although this kind of thing happens many times a year, it is particularly serious because they have encountered an opponent with an inherent advantage. But he can get compensation from other aspects, for example, he will successfully get rid of the image of the Minister of Justice and senior partners, and enter the board as a central bank shareholder.

This is definitely a huge opportunity, even if he can only attend the last position, this is a huge improvement!

The rotating executive director took the wine cup and laughed and walked to Durin. The two did not speak. They touched the wine glass first and took a sip. Old fogey said, “I have experienced many things in my life. I have served two generations of emperors. Also, I have done a lot of work for the ‘New Emperor’…”, here is Marcus. For these old people, Marcus is the new emperor. There is a very dazzling pride on his face. Of course, this is indeed his very great experience. . Not everyone has the opportunity to serve two emperors in the feudal society, and they have been able to contribute to the cabinet in the new era.

His gaze soon fell on Durin’s face, with sighs, experience, and relief. “In my long life, I have seen very many geniuses, they all have great side, ordinary people have no The way to compare with them. You are one of them, but you are a little different from those people. Do you know what it is?”

Durin laughed, greeted one sentence, “Hey? What?”

The old man is very satisfied with Durin’s cooperation. Of course, he knows that Durin doesn’t want to know at all, but he still cooperates. This shows that there is no contradiction between the people that can’t be resolved. You can still do business together in the future. “The genius has a lot, but there is courage. The genius, you are the first one!”, the old man took a drink and took another drink. “I have never seen you so daring young people, not only dare to think, can think of, dare to turn their imagination into reality, This is very amazing. Please keep it, I really want to know which step you can take.”

Durin also took a sip of the glass and raised his arm slightly to raise the glass in his hand. “That must be a place you can’t imagine!”

Durin is talking easily with the most powerful old man in the empire. He is not afraid of the other’s power, but he is so fascinating, and even gives him a feeling of faintly pressing the old man.

Yes, it is.

A suffocating sun is like the sun that is about to fall, but one is full of vitality and is like a new life. No need to compare anything else, Durin has actually won.

Always followed Durin’s Nadia, looking at the laughter of Durin, her heart was full of misery, she remembered her husband, remembered herself, and remembered a lot of things, these people, these things, were covered by Durin’s rays of light.

The pulse of the times is in his hands!

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