Cosma Empire

Chapter 843

The lawsuit between Durin and the imperial central bank has touched many people’s hearts. Some people hope that the imperial central bank can win, and some hope that the imperialist central bank will be bad luck. No matter what people think, this lawsuit is difficult to solve. At the same time, it is obvious that Durin seems to have an advantage. As long as a lawyer can be seen by a lawyer, the average person will certainly not have this feeling. They do not have the professional qualities of a lawyer to find this kind of partiality.

In court, such non-criminal cases with certain influence and involving the imperial central bank are also jury. Although the judge cannot decide who is guilty and who is not guilty, they can influence the trend of the argument in their own way.

Durin’s lawyer, on behalf of Adams, can say that the defendant’s lawyer’s protest is always ineffective, which would give the jury a feeling of being one of the defendants’ one person’s head out of fear. At the same time, the defense of the defendant’s lawyer did not say a few words that Adams objected to the protest. The judge also agreed with the protest and made the jury feel that the defendant’s party was always speechless. This effect may be silent, but it does exist, and most people’s positions are beginning to favor the plaintiff Durin.

After four consecutive court sessions, someone could not sit still.

The interests of the imperial central bank are not only on behalf of the interests of the central bank itself, but also the interests of investors and shareholders, shareholders, and more silk lines connecting the interests of more vested interests. Once the imperial central bank lost in this lawsuit, in addition to the need to compensate Durin for a large loss, it also publicly apologized. This will damage the credibility of the imperial central bank and cause many people to face losses, so some people stand up.

The first person to stand out was actually a member of the Ministry of Finance. He came to be a deputy minister, called Carol, who served as the first deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance, second only to the imperial finance minister. His main job is to manage the issuance of currency and to detect and regulate Star Coin’s exchange rate in the international foreign exchange market. It is a very powerful position.

The two met in the manor of Durin, which is relatively remote, not subject to too much outside interference, but also concealed enough to be a good place to talk about things.

The two met and sat down and sat down. Carol looked at Durin’s study and praised a few words.

The study had not been changed since taking over from Durin, and it still had its original appearance. The huge bookcase was full of books. These books are not like new books that some people deliberately purchase in order to show their cultural connotations. There is no reactionary trace. The books here have been read and read by generations of masters, and have become somewhat obsolete. There are also many manuscripts and wire-bound books.

For those who like to collect books and like to read, this is a huge treasure. In the past many years, the nobility has always monopolized the popularity of knowledge, and the civilian class cannot enjoy high-level education. The idea of ​​monopolizing the lower layers with monopolistic knowledge is often a common means of aristocracy and feudal rule. The less the civilians understand the knowledge, the more the old and the stupid thoughts are, and the greater the convenience of the nobles to ensure that there will be no Who is suddenly have a thought, shouting out bold statements such as “The Marquis of the Prime Minister is not born.”

Whether the heritage of a nobleman is deep, you can understand it in the study of their Patriarch.

“Mr. Durin loves reading!”, Carol’s second complimented Durin. Now, how many people in Durin’s message can’t know? It is no accident that a farmer-born guy can walk this step. Every successful person will have the hard work and effort that others can’t see. The so-called luck is nothing more than a sophistry of the leader and the stupid person who can’t succeed. Carol’s second time didn’t dare to smash Durin, it would only make him lose his face. “I saw the book when I came in…” Durin looked back at the wire-bound book on the desk, “Reading It is a good habit, and I also like to read.”

Durin laughed, “You know, I didn’t go to school, so I need to add knowledge from other sources. Reading is not only growing my knowledge, but also interesting.”

“This is indeed the case…”, Carol’s second minister did not continue to deepen on this topic. As he understands, going deeper will not only make him jealous, but also provoke Durin to be angry. He changed the topic in time.” Mr. Durin, I noticed that you have many industries in the empire. As a businessman investor, what do you think about the current economic development of the empire?”

Durin has been slightly indulged for a moment, saying, “The current economic development of the empire is very good, and all walks of life are booming. I have heard that there is a very serious shortage of labor in the South. This is the best performance.”

Carol agreed with a long head and agreed. “You are right. After more than 20 years of rest, the empire is running again on the right path. We can say that we have achieved brilliant economic achievements in recent years. “All of this has the efforts of each of our citizens, and the empire has the merits of maintaining a stable financial order. What do you think?” Durin nodded acknowledged this statement. Carol’s face had a lot of smiles on his face. He said, “The economy. The stability of order is the foundation of a country’s economic take-off. In this respect, we are not doing well enough. There are always some reasons and changes that we cannot control.”

“Of course, we have been working on moving towards this. From the beginning of the new era, the Ministry of Finance has been working hard to develop an economic and financial order within the empire. Of course, there is also help from the central bank. We provide policies and services, and the central bank provides Stable capital guarantees have driven the rapid development of today’s economy.”

“Mr. Durin, I noticed some recent unhappiness between your personal and central bank. The central bank has done a very good job in this area. Similar things have happened several times. We have already met at the internal communication meeting and the chairman of the central bank. After negotiations, they are willing to pay you a fee and privately apologize for their reckless behavior.”

This is true. Carol’s second president and the chief executives of the central bank’s board of directors have talked about this matter and cannot allow the three lawsuits to affect the economic development of the empire. Once the credibility of the central bank is damaged, it is likely that a financial turm will follow. In the current financial market of the empire, most of the capital operation itself is based on the credibility of the central bank. Once there is a problem in this area, it will lead to a series of huge losses, and even the economic achievements of the empire in recent years have been hit hard.

After several discussions, the Ministry of Finance finally decided to actively resolve the current differences and contradictions between Durin and the imperial central bank to ensure that the credibility of the central bank will not be impaired. This is not selfish, and it is entirely based on the consideration of the state.

Durin looked at Carol’s second, like a smile yet not a smile, and it seemed that Mr. Vick’s mouth was tighter than Durin imagined. He thought that Vick would get angry with the old fogey of the central bank. Didn’t he think that he didn’t even say anything, so that he still thought that Durin didn’t let go? But this is not too okay, so why haven’t they contacted themselves so far, but let Carol’s second-generation convey the idea of ​​trying to solve the problem privately?

In fact, this is not a strange thing. There are certain differences and contradictions in places where people are there. The Board of Directors and the Board of Directors are not one heart. There are people who are not keen on power like Vick, but more are keen on power. In the unknown meeting of the chairman of the board of directors, people have begun to impeach the current two executive directors, thinking that they are not capable of the current situation. Continue to control the direction of the imperial central bank, let their rotation end early.

The internal struggle is not limited. The current executive director is on the one hand fighting with the old friends who have worked together for 20 or 30 years. On the other hand, he has entrusted this matter to the Ministry of Finance, hoping to use the Ministry of Finance. The name of the head pressed Durin, maybe this thing would be said.

After understanding the situation, the Ministry of Finance felt that this was also a solution. Carol’s second time took the matter down. He himself did not have any selfishness. He simply wanted to do it and ended the current Durin and The conflict between the central banks.

Durin glanced at the smiling Carol, and decided to sell it. “As a citizen of the empire, I have the responsibility to contribute to the peace of the empire. Since things have caused such a big impact, maybe I I think the Treasury should take the lead and find a suitable opportunity to do this. I mean they need to show enough sincerity to apologize in the absence of a small spread, what do you think?”

Carol is sighed in relief. “This is perfectly fine. Your request is reasonable. I will convey this request to the central bank.”

Durin laughed a clap, “Okay, solve one thing, in fact, I also have a question to ask Karel, and the Ministry of Finance.”

Carol did what he was supposed to do. He was in a very good mood. His face was also very sincere. The look of Durin was also softer. “It doesn’t matter, let’s talk about it.”

“There is no national stock in the imperial central bank. I believe that no matter whether the bank is an alliance or a central bank or any other name, there is no difference between banker and capitalist. They are always seeking more profits. Is there such a possibility that when one day they face more profits than they are loyal to the empire, are they likely to damage the interests of the empire to meet their own needs?”

Carol’s second wrinkled his brow. “I don’t understand what you mean, Mr. Durin.”

“I mean very simple. Is the Ministry of Finance interested in forming a real ‘central bank’?”

“A state-controlled, real imperial central bank?”

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