Cosma Empire

Chapter 838

Nadia sat sideways and looked up towards her husband. “Why? Are you worried about your business?”

Walter snorted and then walked around the sofa and sat down. “You know, my business is just getting started. Now I have some customers and friends. It is a good time to expand my business. And we are Early. Stage puts that many money into it, and it’s a pity to end it now.” He said that when he said these lies, he was a bit arrogant, yes, these are lies.

There is no business at all, no company, he cheated his wife.

This lie was born out of the high-end villa area where their family moved from the city to the upper city. The house here is very expensive, tens of thousands or even hundred. The house is so expensive to sell, there are still many people to buy. On the one hand, the environment here is indeed very good, much better than other living areas, and the security environment is also very good. Every day at the beginning of the evening, security patrols patrol the entire living area without interruption. They even have dedicated vehicles and prepare two 24-hour doctors to ensure the safety of any household.

In addition, another reason for the rising price here is that the whole richest and most powerful person in the whole of Sterley lived here. This is a good channel. It is very helpful to broaden the network of contacts and improve the grades of the people. In addition, Nadia is a senior partner of the South Trading Company. Moving here can also increase the image of himself and the bank. So Nadia finally bought the house on this side with her teeth.

As mentioned above, the people living here are not rich and expensive. They are no longer the kind of high-end residential areas in the city. They are all big entrepreneurs or government officials. When the neighbors start moving around, Walter will inevitably I have encountered some embarrassing questions, such as “Which line do you want to work with?” or “Do you have a business card? I want to visit you.” Such a set of words, of course, may not have the truth.

In this society, an invisible network of invisible people lives in everyone, and no one can easily break free. If you want to be detached from it, you must have the ability, execution ability and sufficient contacts. The formation of the network is constantly formed in the process of accommodating the relationship.

If Walter opened his mouth and said that he was just an ordinary full-time family husband, when he was fine, he was fiddling with flowers and plants at home, picking up daughters to go to school, cooking vegetables for his family, and he was afraid that others would laugh at him. The fragile and sensitive self-esteem made him unable to bear the strange eyes of others, so when he came to visit for the second time, he lied. He said that he is running a small company and doing trade circulation. It is still insignificant at the beginning. In addition, if you find some more polite and courteous words and plugged others into further temptations, he can easily get rid of this embarrassing situation.

Until one day, a visitor came to visit and invited him to play two. He thought about going to enjoy. Anyway, he has nothing at home. There are many familiar neighbors and friends in the place where he used to live. You can still have nothing to do with the time together. After he came here, he didn’t know anyone. His wife also told him that it is a good choice to expand his relationship properly. Since then, he has gotten into it.

At first he didn’t play much, winning or losing was around tens of dollars. Nadia would give him 300 yuan of pocket money every month, except for the purchase of ingredients. At that time, although I was a little obsessed with gambling, but playing small, the number of times is small, the money is enough for him to spend. But as he played more and more, the frequency became higher and higher, and finally he found that his money was not enough. So he lied, why not turn the lies he said into truth?

He told his wife that he wanted to be a small business. He was the trade circulation company he said. He had known some friends before. He also met many new friends recently and should be able to make money. Nadia did not suspect that her husband would deceive herself. After listening carefully to Mr. Walter’s analysis, she felt why she was not allowed to try. Even if he fails and loses, this is also a precious attempt, indicating that he has the courage to take a crucial step. Adding to Nadia’s inner guilt about something that she had done in the past, she took out 10,000 yuan from the bank’s deposit to Walter and asked him to take a look.

The money quickly became a victim of the gaming table. Of course, Mr. Walter also registered a trading company, rented an office in the business district, and visited Nadia once. He may have had the idea of ​​running a good business, but the money eventually disappeared at the table.

The next big gap and the increasingly uncontrollable gambling desires made him take money from Nadia over and over again with various excuses. For various reasons and various excuses, Nadia has doubts. Some things have been asked, and he has been subtly perfunctory.

Until these months, he began to infrequently take money from himself. Nadia’s suspicion finally disappeared. She thought that Walter’s company was on the right track and began to make a profit. It was also very happy.

Even if every woman does not say anything, even if the feminist movement outside is in full swing, they all hope that a successful and strong man behind him can rely on it. In fact, she knows that Walter is not asking her for money so often. It is not that his “company” has started to make a profit, but that the group plan has entered another stage and directly borrowed money from him.

Now Walter resists moving because he knows very well that once they have to leave this place, those people will definitely go to the door to ask for his debt before he leaves.

In fact, Nadia has forgotten it. Angelo said that Walter owes gambling debts. First, Nadia did not think that her husband could owe a huge amount of gambling debts. On the other hand, he was later shocked by a series of dramatic changes. This is the case.

Nadia continued to pack up the things on the table and said, “It doesn’t matter. The place I went to work this time is not like the South Trading Company. There are many rules and regulations, and… the business environment over there is better than this. There are more originals and more opportunities. As long as you are willing to continue doing business, I can give you more help.” This is not wrong, the South Trading Company, including the Imperial Central Bank, has its own rules, or Say the guidelines.

People working in the bank can’t act for their family members for any reason, and every step must follow the rules and regulations, which eliminates some people’s cheapness in the bank. For example, Nadia can’t get some low-interest unsecured loans for Walter through the relationship, nor can she directly introduce the bank’s customers to Walter, which violates the bank’s rules. But it was not the same at Durin, she believed that Durin was a better talking young people.

As long as it doesn’t violate the “Durin Law”, nothing can’t be done – she came back to collect more information about Durin’s details these days, so she knows the Otis city’s unique semi-official vocabulary – “Durin’s Law.”

Walter frowned and even more irritated and even violent. What would happen if Nadia knew that he had been cheating on her? He was so hard to establish a new family image that would be ruined. He didn’t want to, and he didn’t want the group to pick him up with a handwritten “bill” to make him embarrassed.

He took a deep breath, pressed his heart, and said with patience, “Listen to me, dear, stay here, you are envious of the work, senior partner of South Trading Company, hey, how Why do you want to go to the backward places in the north?”

“My job has been handed over. I am no longer a senior partner of the South Trading Company.” Nadia has lost her status as a senior partner since she left the job, and she is sensitive to herself. The husband is so disgusted to leave here, there must be other reasons. Suddenly a little flash of light flashed in her mind, her manual movement stopped, stopped, turned to look at her husband, and Walter looked a little hairy, and asked, “Mr. Angelo told me that you owe a gambling debt. Is there such a thing, how much do you owe?”

When a person’s objection against you is not established, and there is no reason to oppose you, it shows that he hides the real reason. Nadia is not a fool, but she does not want to believe that her husband will deceive himself. If even the most trusted and closest person can’t believe it, he needs to question every word he says, and speculate that he has such a purpose. Then this is not a husband and wife. Not alive.

Walter suddenly fell into silence, which swelled Nadia’s uneasiness quickly.

“I…”, he suddenly felt a trace of fear, but then it was anger…

In another room, the young people said something in the ear of the organizer’s ear. Just after the phone rang, he looked back at the surprised people with amazement, then used the apologetic tone and the cards. The game player said aloud, went to another aspect and dialed a call. After confirming that Nadia had lost the senior partner of the South Trading Company, he walked over to a painting hanging in the room and pushed the painting out to reveal the safe inside. After opening the safe, he took out a ledger and flipped it to Walter’s page.

A thick glimpse of Walter’s signature, hand-printed debits were put together in a very neat chronological code. He glanced at the books. For the past six months, Walter had owed a total of 77,600 blocks to him, excluding interest. He raised his eyebrows. This is not a small amount. Now Mr. Walter should pay his past debts and interest.

Nadia quit his job and lost the identity of a senior partner, which means he has no use value and the garbage should be swept into the garbage.

He took the page out separately, including the calculation of the promises note and interest, and stuffed it into his pocket.

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